
Reever #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger lightforcenetwork.com

The Inter-Dimensional Hypothesis

One possibility is that aliens are not from another planet, but instead represent “evidence for other dimensions beyond spacetime” – extradimensional entities hailing from an uncanny world which overlaps but only occasionally intrudes upon our own, beings from the future (or a perhaps a ghostly copy of our own earth) using “four-dimensional wormholes for space and even time travel”8 through the “multiverse which is all around us.”

This “multiverse” could consist of parallel worlds existing alongside each other in different dimensions of space, alternate past and future worlds following one another in time, or even computer-generated “virtual worlds” stored in some vast cosmic database (as in the film ‘The Matrix’); if this latter instance is true, hints Vallee, then the seemingly stable and predictable world in which we find ourselves could be a much more magical (or even whimsical) place than we normally realise:

If there is no time dimension as we usually assume there is, [then] the human brain may be traversing events by association… If we live in the associative universe of the software scientists rather than the sequential universe of the spacetime physicist, then miracles are no longer irrational events… [and the] illusion of time and space would be merely a side effect of consciousness as it traverses associations. In such a theory, apparently paranormal phenomena like remote viewing and precognition would be expected, even common, and UFOs would lose much of their bizarre quality…

“Unknown Scientist”/BLUE PLANET PROJECT #ufo #dunning-kruger #conspiracy #crackpot lightforcenetwork.com


This plan called for a public announcement that a terrorist group had entered the United States with an Atomic weapon. It would be announced that the terrorists planned to detonate the weapon in a major city. Martial Law would be declared and all persons with implants would be activated by the Aliens. That person, in this specific case, would be rounded up by MAJIC along with all dissidents and would be placed into concentration camps. The PRESS, the Radio and TV would be nationalized and controlled. Anyone attempting to resist would be arrested or killed.

MAJIC’s SECRET WEAPONS AGAINST THE ALIENS – Although better weapons are being developed every day, the following are a few of the originals created.

GABRIEL is a project to develop a High Frequency pulsed sound generating weapon. It was said that this weapon would be effective against the Alien crafts and their Beam weapons. Specifications about the GABRIEL project shows high frequency microwave projections included.

EXCAUBUR is a weapon to destroy the alien underground bases. It is to be a missile capable of penetrating 1,000 meters of Tufa/Hard packed soil, such as that found in New Mexico with no operational damage. Missile apogee not to exceed 30,000 feet Above Ground Level (AGL) and impact must not deviate in excess of SO meters from designated target The device will carry a one (1) to ten (10) Megaton Nuclear Warhead. The secret for a self contained missile “drill” a vertical shaft over 1,000 meters deep consists in a energosintetizer macrowave deflector in the “Missile Warhead”.

Krishna #fundie #magick #dunning-kruger lightforcenetwork.com

A good example is the fact that we are unaware of the huge amounts of “information” that surrounds us. There are hundreds and thousands of radio and television signals in a major city. We cannot see or hear any of those programs (i.e., we are unaware of their existence) without having a radio or a television “tuned” to the correct frequency.

In the same way, we are unaware of the existence of 29 of the 31 realms centered around the Earth. Living beings in some of those realms live side-by-side by us, but we are unaware of them. Most of these beings have bodies “more like energy forms” than solid bodies.

With better detection technologies, we may be able to communicate with some of these living beings with subtle bodies in the future. Of course, those who develop abhiññā powers can also see some of them. We will get back to this issue below, but let us first discuss the relative locations of the 31 realms.
That is why the realities out there are much more different than what we perceive with our very crude sense faculties. All the atoms and molecules in our bodies are in constant motion, not to mention the spins and rotations of uncountable suddhāṭṭhaka that constitute them.
Now we know that there are billions of living beings in the body of a human being. See, “There are as many creatures on your body as there are people on Earth!“.

Hopefully, new technologies will enable us to “see” many living beings belonging to the preta, asura, and deva realms — as well as gandhabbā — in the future.

Shaman Nakida #magick #conspiracy #wingnut lightforcenetwork.com

Black Magic is based on a manichean view of the world, where the black magicians assume the role of Good, White, etc., whereas anything that stands up against their aims is considered as Evil, Black, etc. In this manichean cosmic struggle, everyone is forced to take one of two sides. This is the quintessence of political polarization. Of course, among black magicians themselves, factions that compete for power will each claim to be White, whereas the opposite faction is Black, or at least manipulated by evil forces, or allied to them, or at best "objectively allied" to them. In democracies, this competition for the claim of being good against evil takes paradoxal form, as the political life is polarized into two poles (left and right), each identified by its radicals, but at the same time, each competing for the marginal voters around the median opinion, far from the professed radical ideals used for intellectual justification of the parties. People in democracies are thus led to constantly choose between the "Lesser of two evils," away from either of the two main branches of Black Magic ideals. Democrats are both aware of this limitation of democracy as the means to advance their Black Magic ideals, and at the same time, fanatically attached to democracy as part of the consensual doctrine accepted by the two main branches of democratic Black Magic.

Damos Kniat #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #magick lightforcenetwork.com

In the video below by Reverend Mark Rhochar (background as a priest in the Church of Satan), "our entire society Is one big satanic ritual. Satanism is an ancient Occult Religion comprised of a diverse world-wide network of adherants."

The video addresses the following:

Satanists as highly advanced ancient psychologists
Psychological manipulation of the human race
Dark Occultists maintain their power differential through occulted knowledge
Satan as the Adversary or Opposer of Natural Law, the Ego-driven Self is the “God” of modern Satanism,
Christain devil-worship is NOT what modern Satanism is
Moral Relativism, Social Darwinism, Eugenics and Epi-Eugenics
Mind-Controlled Selective Breeding, True Evolution vs. Involution
Involution as the Adversarial dynamic in nature
Genius-level individuals in the world-wide Satanic Network, the Satanic rulers of the world as “The Order of Death” or “The Cult of the Black Sun”
De Facto Satanism (Satanism In Deed), Mini-Me Satanism, the “Money” of the Satanic Ruling Class is children
Earth is a Prison and a Zoo
Evolution/Syntropy as the Ordering Force within Creation
Involution/Entropy as the force of Decay and Chaos
“Sects” of Modern Satanism
Over-arching goal of Satanism is to destroy Human Freedom
Organized Crime Syndicates are directly controlled by the Dark Occult
Left-Wing and Right-Wing Politics as the two major “Sects” of Satanism
Corporatism, Socialism, Fascism Communism, and Totalitarianism all stem from Satanism
Methods and Social Manifestations of Satanism, the Natural World vs. Artificial Constructs
Master-Slave Society and its true structure
Human Slavery continues due to Ignorance
Our Entire Society Is One Big Satanic Ritual.

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