
State of the Nation #wingnut #quack #conspiracy netflix.com

Without any doubt whatsoever, the Biden Adminstration and U.S. Intelligence Community (all 17 alphabet agencies) are now on a very serious mission to irreversibly demonize the entire Covid Truth Movement.

The NWO perpetrators of OPERATION COVID-19 really have no choice at this point as the various Truth Movements have become so successful at disseminating life-saving information and data across the planet.

This stark reality for the CORONAhoax perps has made them desperate, reckless and brazen to the extreme. They are literally operating like cornered rats, which the truly are, and, therefore, they are quite likely to devastate the truth-seeking movements by any means necessary and every means possible. They don’t care how much collateral damage is done, or how many innocent people are killed in the process. Remember, these are the very same genocidal criminals behind the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks against the American people, so what won’t they do.
Along with revealing the criminal details of that HUGE election fraud that saw POTUS imposter unlawfully installed in the Oval Office, the same liberal perps are just as desperate to steal the 2022 midterm elections. This can only be accomplished by falsely perpetuating the ongoing COVIDcon farce right through the present election cycle. Hence, false flag terrorism will be employed by the perfidious perps at every turn necessary.

Given these harrowing developments for the Democrats traitors, Deep State enablers, NWO globalists manipulators, and treacherous Bidenites, they will resort to a series of false flag 9/11-level terrorist attacks in order to malign the good American people intent on exposing the Covid crime wave; what is actually an immense Covid crime tidal wave.

SyfyFreak #fundie netflix.com

The producers of South Park are confessed atheist progressives with an agenda towards anarchy and the destruction of morality and decency. It is a blasphemous program that only godless people with no spiritual connection to a God of Righteousness could find any humor in it. The destruction of the morality of society is the destruction of society and all those who love this program love death and destruction.

cig 1822864 #racist netflix.com

[Review of the Che Guevara biopic]

Ill admit right from scratch I didnt (and wont) see a flick that glamourises ruthless, mass murdering communists. We have Che and Fidel to thank for the cesspool that is now Latin America. Their recipe for totalitarian, iron fisted control and incarceration, torture and mental devastation of any who disagree is now spreading to Nicaragua, Venezuela, Bolivia, etc. As another reviewer wrote, never mind this flick if you really care about the truth. Just immerse yourself in the art? I love how the Jews who control (too) much of Hollywood have milked the crap out of the Holocaust with an endless stream of films like Schindlers List, Boy in Striped Pajamas, etc. And these are great films I applaud and have seen more than once. But these boys seem blind, deaf and dumb to communism and the body count its piled up worldwide, 20 times that of the Holocaust! I realize most actors are liberals and not too intelligent. So they admire Che, Mao and some other mass butchers. The current bunch in Obamas cabinet is chock full of these Marxists with Barry as the Marxist-In-Chief. It took Andy Garcia on his own dime to make The Lost City, depicting the collapse of Cuba and the Castro takeover. Most of Hollywood, especially the Hebes in charge, are not interested. A good Jewish colleague once told me why. He said, liberal Jews are liberal first, Jews second and Americans last. Keep all of this in mind as you get entertained by this film.

Father Westlin, from The Lambs of Christ #fundie netflix.com

From the abortion documentary "The Lake of Fire," about 1:20 in:

Bill Clinton, he says that she should have sex, and that she should have a condom. Who are these responsible people in our government telling this little child that that’s the way she should go through life? They’re laying a horrible trip on this little girl—Where has the mentality—they’ve been seduced by Satan into this mentality of killing our children first of all, then killing our old people, then telling young sparkling here that she’s supposed to go through life by having a viable lifestyle. In California in the sixth grade they have “Lift Up You Dress Week” where a young child is supposed to choose between homosexuality and heterosexuality, in the sixth grade. What chance does this little girl have?

rpi 1609132 #fundie netflix.com

{Reviewing Life in the Undergrowth, a documentary on bugs narrated by David Attenborough)

I find the narrator hard to understand. With his strong English accent, I have to listen very closely. Also, while the photography is great, this series is far too heavy on evolution. It treats evolution as if it were fact instead of a theory, which is more accurate. I feel as though I am being endoctrinated.

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