The knowledge of Nine is the knowledge of divinity, of mystery, of truth. It is truly a divine mystery, you could say. The unraveling of it is the grandest pursuit and the most rewarding. It is the knowledge which begins and ends understanding and which takes understanding beyond itself so that it becomes something else altogether. Nine is consciousness; it is the basis of manifest form as an expression of Self. Nine is itself without form in manifestation, yet is within the essence of all form. Speaking of Nine, it would be a good idea to review the way the communication works. OM is the source of everything. From there originate all universes. You are aware of one out of an infinitude of universes, yet each universe is holographically related to all others. In fact, you also exist in all other universes at once. This is what is called, by many, being multidimensional beings existing simultaneously in alternate realities, yet it is more than that. Not only do you exist in alternate realities simultaneously, you also exist in realities outside of time, unbound by location, and incomprehensible in terms of either time or space. That is the aspect of existence in which you are awareness of OM. There is nothing so otherworldly about that, as it is your natural state of being as an emanation of OM. All of your experiences of multidimensionality, trans-dimensionality, hyperdimensionality, et cetera, are merely impressions of awareness into the definitions of reality you create as OM. None of it is ever wrong; all of it is fed back to the source of beingness in a loop of never-ending, ever-changing intelligence. Bringing your attention now to your experience in the now you know as you life on Earth today, you are always in contact with OM through this arrangement of intelligence-gathering being. Every molecule of your being is. The collective of individuals also experiencing this now are. You as you exist in all other realities also are in direct connection with the intelligent beingness of OM.
What is the nature of that connection? Here is where we get into the territory of Nine. The harmonic structure of the fabric of all reality, whether it is 3-D on Earth in the 21st century or of another planet, galaxy or universe altogether is in accord with the essential truths of OM, which are simple, elegant, and marked by the frequency of Nine. That is, they have at their core a common understanding of being as expressed in the simplest of terms as a numerical knowledge base upon which can be built any system of reality-construct imaginable. Nine as is commonly understood on the basis of arithmetic has some peculiar properties. Numerologically, too, it is of interest for its particular meanings. As an integer, it is the highest of singular expressions, and as the code of divinity it is full of elegance and sublime mystery. These are the commonly known aspects of Nine.
OM does not rely on a pocket calculator to determine the nature of Nature, but creates according to the knowingness of I AM. All that is is because I AM exists in everything and is in the essence of everything as divinity itself. I AM is what makes water wet, what makes joy happy, what makes home. I AM is how OM is known. I AM my self alone is a statement of the function of One. A statement of the function of Two would be I AM someone in relation to other than my self. A statement of the function of Three would be I AM of a derivative. Of Four, I AM part of. Of Five, I AM engaged with reality in a particular form. Of Six, I AM in search of Source. Of Seven, I AM within framework of understanding. Of Eight, I AM united with other. Of Nine, I AM.
Beyond the I AM of Nine, there are only permutations and complications of the core base of creation of OM. Beyond OM cannot be. Are there other multiversal creations which source from other than OM, you ask? All multiversal creation is of OM and no other. Is there any other creation besides OM’s creative emanance? Does OM have a source? These are questions worthy of exploration. They are not questions to be taken lightly, that is sure. First, let us explore the back yard. Venturing down the street is premature, at the moment. You may understand more by staying close to home until you have a map of the neighborhood and learn the basics of celestial navigation.
The knowledge of Nine is the knowledge of divinity, of mystery, of truth.
Nearly all of the energy you see as matter has been brought into being by thought. You have a thought, it coalesces. What exactly happens in the process of thinking? Let us explore from the point of view of a person in touch with Nine.
First, you must understand what we, who live as beings in constant awareness of Nine, do to stay in that awareness. There is only one slight difference between seeking the constant awareness of Nine and maintaining it, and it is simply a matter of making the intention into a reality. Thus it is in all things. Before a thing was a thing, it was a consideration, an intention, a thought. The shift from the state of thought to the state of mass-measurable thing is no less than a shift in the thinker of the thought from a being which considers itself to be merely the construct of some other being’s thinking to the awareness of self divine. Since divinity has for a long time been misunderstood from the personal experience of self, the art of making reality has been left to artists. The dreamers of dreams either had to work very hard or have a natural magic at work for them. Large amounts of money also helped. Times have changed and so has the ability of mere mortals to taste of the divine. It is a nectar that awaits discovery within every molecule of your being. Recognize it as such and you will experience transfiguration. It is your knowledge of self as divinely created that leads you to the experience of religious ecstasy and spiritual bliss. Knowledge of your self as the embodiment of the thought of the divine I AM leads beyond bliss, past ecstasy, to the very threshold of the divine source itself. This is living in awareness of Nine.
When a being in the state of awareness of Nine thinks a thought, the cycle of creation begins anew. From the awareness of the thought through the voicing of it to another, through the process of taking form and learning how to express its essence, how to be, how to say, “I AM” — a thought becomes manifest. Before you know it, you have for good or for ill created something. There are countless ways such thinking can end up, and what determines the outcome most directly is your awareness as the originating thinker.