
Stefano Pino #conspiracy petitiononline.com

To: Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon




We are asking U.N. military forces to prepare a mission to shoot down a UFO that will violate our air space without the necessary diplomatic clearance!

mission details on


The Undersigned

Jeff Gal #fundie petitiononline.com

To: POTUS, US Congress, and leaders of the world
For more than a thousand years, the religion of Islam has brought humanity nothing but murder, barbarism, slavery, and oppression. It has looted great treasuries of the Byzantine Empire, burnt libraries, defaced churcher, enslaved millions in Europe and Africa. And now, the religion of Islam is responsible for the anti-semitic and anti-Western terror that plagues the world. Clearly, the destruction of this barbarous heresy will benefit the people of the whole world. As such, we humbly petition the President and Congress of the United States of America, as well as leaders of all freedom-loving countries to do anything and everything possible to ensure the destruction of the heart of the Muslim religion: the so-called "Holy" city of Mecca.


The Undersigned

Molly Hunter #fundie petitiononline.com

To: Christian Coalition of America/Christian Broadcasting Network

I am a teacher in Florida and I want to tell you how bad of an influence collegehumor.com is to the christian children of America. In my 6th hour swimming class last week, two young males offered money to two female students for switching bathing suits in the schools pool (as was done on this evil web page). When the attempt was unsuccessful, one of the female students ended up exposing herself to the class. After I asked the male students where they learned of such an immoral idea, they referred me to www.collegehumor.com. I have told several parents that this web page is responsible for the misbehavior of students. I think a petition to ban this web page will help several christian organizations put this immoral page away forever and stop them from negatively influencing our fragile children. If you have any social conscious or moral dignity, then you should sign this petition. The people who sign this petition would like you to use your power, and the power of god to eliminate www.collegehumor.com.

Teacher of Gods Children,
Molly Hunter and the Undersigned


Tom Welps #fundie petitiononline.com

To: school board

Wicca should not be allowed in schools, I have heard of sceances and strange rituals performed in schools. With all it's lies and misconceptions this devil worshipping garbage that is sucking the minds of our children shouldn't be allowed anywhere, but especially not in our schools!


The Undersigned

Denis Fuller #fundie petitiononline.com

Here in America, we live in a climate of moral decay. What is the cause of this? It is called "anime". Anime is a perverse, evil, insiduous form of animation from the dark land of Japan, and is corrupting America's youth at unprecedented rates. Here are a few examples of anime which are circulating on the Internet and may very well be in your home:

1) Ah My Goddess: A sick and disgusting show which causes children under the age of 18 to think they are capable of love. [Emphasis Added] The main female character is clearly under 18, and is forced into a romantic relationship by an older man who "wishes" for her to be his girlfriend forever. He even KISSES her, and she appears NAKED. That poor girl must be so confused.

2) Love Hina: I'm not even going to mention the unspeakable, disgusting, pedophilic, pornograhpic events which transpire during this show, but suffice it to say, groups of young men on Love Hina-fueled rampages are raping children at a level unheard of since the 60s.

If you are a parent or a decent human being, I urge you to sign this petition to ban all forms of anime in the United States. Anyone who is found in possesion of anime should be arrested and jailed for an exhorbant period of time. Anime is a dark scourge upon our beautiful nation, and we don't need this Japanese filth corrupting the hearts of the children.

As a resonsible Christian, I demand to see this garbage removed from our nation. Please sign this petition and send it to George Bush, your Congressman, and the makers/distributors of anime filth and depravity.

brad #fundie petitiononline.com

I have a question, "if this is a petition to get prayer put back in public school, why are so many non believers putting in thier two cents like it matters anyway?" I am a christian, and I want to know what harm can come of putting God back in public schools. And what do you atheists believe happens to us when we die? If there was no God, why would we have a purpose? Atheism isn't even a REAL religion! It's the laziest thing you ever be and you only claim to be atheist to sound smart in front of all your little atheist buddies so it seems like "you've got it all figured out" but you never stop to realize how blind you are and how ridiculous The Big Bang Theory is. Seriouly, whats up with that? It states that "nothing exploded and created everything." Isn't it just a little more believeable that THERE ACTUALLY IS a higher power and He created you? We need God now more than ever and whether you believe in Him or not, He is real and He is coming back. I will be ready for Him.

TheJagerBombs #fundie petitiononline.com

To: US Citizenship and Immigration Services

We, the Christians of Americans, demand that you grant the US Citizenship to Jesus Christ, the son of God.

We, the good Christians of America know that our Lord and Savior will return to earth and we want to make sure he has a legal status in the USA.


The Undersigned

Erik K. Klafshenkel #fundie petitiononline.com

To: The President and The US Congress

Tell the President and Congress that the United States should adopt as it's motto "IN CHRIST WE TRUST"

The President has kept his promise to Christians voters by nominating SAMUEL A. ALITO. Now he needs your encouragement to restore America to it's Constitutional Christian roots by changing the official US motto to "In Christ We Trust".

Of course, we anticipate fierce opposition from every leftwing, Athiest, homosexual, pro-abortion organization in the country against this Godly campaign. They will not be satisfied until our judgment, intellect and integrity are severely attacked and this just, patriotic campaign is defeated.

Please follow the link below to the petition to tell the President that you appreciate him keeping his campaign promise and encourage him to stay the course. Tell him he can count on your support when the time comes.

Please sign the petition today. We would like for the President to receive one million 'thank yous'. With your help, we can. Please forward this to others on your email list.

This petition will be sent directly to President Bush in the White House and to every member of the United States Congress.


The Undersigned

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