
The Millennium Report #racist #wingnut #conspiracy themillenniumreport.com

How many times do we need to watch these transparent false flags attacks executed by Israel, the United States and United Kingdom before they are exposed as juvenile attempts to start unprovoked wars of naked aggression?

Who doesn’t know by now that the Neocon Zionists are determined to start a war with Iran come hell or high water? And, that they will use any false flag operation necessary to start that war. That includes blowing up half of Saudi Arabia’s oil refining capacity.

This tribe of Neocon Zionist warmongers is totally insane—a cabal of criminally insane psychopaths to the extreme! And false accuser and frontman Mike Pompeo does not even hold a candle to most of those Neocon warmongers.

This incorrigible tribe of Ashkenazi banksters will do whatever it takes to spike the price of oil as well—ANYTHING! After all, it was their same Khazarian Mafia that pulled off the 9/11 false flag attacks in broad daylight.

Now watch what happens today — Monday, September 16, 2019 — to the price of oil as well as in the Mideast.
The very fact that this false flag attack was carried out right after hardcore Zionist and Israel Firster John Bolton was fired as NSA speaks volume about its true source and intent. This series of bombings, whether they were conducted by way of drones, missiles, warplanes or planted bombs, was so sophisticated that it could only have been carried out by the US-Israel war machine.

It’s as though the unceremonious dumping of Bolton triggered the crazies in Tel Aviv, who then got to the Christian Zionists in Trump’s war cabinet, who then ordered the CIA-Mossad black ops department to get busy blowing up oil refineries.

Preston James, Ph.D #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #ufo themillenniumreport.com

And the Moneychangers are now being threatened as never before by the new alternative economic and financial systems such as BRICs, Silk Road (China’s Belt and Road development), the new Russian alternative to the Swift money wire system, oil sales outside of the US Petro Dollar, and the certain impending displacement of the US Petro dollar system as the world’s reserve currency set up by Heinz Kissinger and Nixon.

These wireless (frequency) weapons have the capacity to degrade the overall health of the population (especially children). Remote inductive psychotronic weapons and their remarkable ability to exert mass-mind-kontrol are one of the most closely held secrets of the Secret Shadow Government, secondary only to the secret treaties they have with a couple of Alien ET groups. More and more of the public are now finding out that JFK was assassinated by the CIA and the Joint Chiefs, that Murrah and 9-11-01 were preplanned false-flag “inside job” attacks coordinated between high USG Officials and the Pentagon, PNACers and Top NeoCon dual citizens and the Mossad, and that almost all mass-shootings in gun free zones are pre-planned, engineered, most all the latest ones fake with no dead using crisis actors (some of the early ones have used MK-Ultra mind-kontrolled patsies that no major mass media dares discuss).

The Millennium Report #wingnut #conspiracy #racist themillenniumreport.com

Make no mistake about it, Kamala Harris was born and bred, socially engineered and mind-control programmed to function as a Manchurian Candidate and female Obama.

In point of fact, just like Barack Hussein Obama, she is not even a U.S. citizen.

Just like Obama, Kamala Harris is not a U.S. citizen
As a matter of historical fact, Kamala Harris was not even eligible to run for POTUS as she did during the 2020 election cycle since she is clearly does not meet the criteria of the U.S. Constitution’s “natural-born-citizen clause”.

Sen. Kamala Harris was not constitutionally eligible to run for POTUS, nor eligible to run for VPOTUS.
Biden’s VP will become POTUS if he wins

Democrat POTUS nominee Joe Biden has spent months floating one black woman after another as his VP pick knowing all along his choice was ORDERED by his hidden masters to be Sen. Kamala Harris of California.

The strategy was to put off any official announcement as long as possible in order to subject Harris to as little vetting as possible. This scheme was quite similar to the total lack of vetting of Obama in 2008 who never even presented a valid birth certificate.
Citizenship and Birth Certificate Psyop
Every investigators and analysts really understood that the Obama birth certificate (BC) controversy was fabricated with extremely purposeful design. The DNC knew exactly that Obama’s birth certificate and citizenship documents were not legit. The Democrats colluded with Deep State to intentionally implemented this psychological operation as a means of cynically mocking the Right every single day for 8 long years. In fact, every conservative who reasonably questions Obama’s BC is pejoratively labelled a “birther”.

By efficiently carrying out this psyop, the perps were able to keep the GOP on the defensive. Rather than confront the BC issue head on with the transparent truth, Republicans everywhere were silenced. Collectively, they were cowed and then corralled into a pen of compliance which did not question Obama’s authenticity. The perps even gave Obama a fake Social Security Number to add insult to injury.

What’s the critical point?

The Democrat strategy of forcing the Republicans to never investigate Obama (with the exception of the ever-courageous Sheriff Joe Arpaio) allowed him to get away with bloody murder and worse over his two catastrophic terms.

The crucial point here is that the highly deceitful Democrats will attempt to use the exact same stratagem with a Kamala Harris presidency if Biden wins. Her background is every bit as clouded and confusing for the very same reasons as Obama’s was. Because of the serious problems with her citizenship, she could never withstand the opposition research that would be conducted in the Trump era. Hence, the scheme to install her as POTUS by first electing Biden.

By the way, that’s just one piece of the “Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Criminal Conspiracy”. Willfully subverting the U.S. Constitution in this manner is a capital crime. When the ultimate objective is to dissolve the American Republic in order to transfer sovereignty to the United Nations, that’s a far more serious transgression.

Coronavirus Coach #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger themillenniumreport.com

Chemical Off-gassing
Those who are manifesting COVID-19 symptoms have a greater need for fresh clean air. Because of the various respiratory illnesses associated with Coronavirus syndrome they require prana-filled air more than anything. So do folks who want to prevent catching the coronavirus.

However, when wearing a synthetic mask the person is filtering their air through a synthetic material that outgases the petrochemically derived constituents that most are made of. The masked individual is then breathing in those aerosolized toxic chemicals.

Many of the sickest COVID patients already have various respiratory illnesses and/or chemical sensitivities, so putting a mask on them is the worst thing that can be done. The same applies to people who are relatively healthy but have E.I. syndrome or MCS.*

*E.I. Syndrome = Environmental Illness Syndrome; MCS = Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Brand new products just taken out of a box are notorious for outgassing various chemical toxins. Many of the highest rated masks even off-gas noxious VOCs (volatile organic compounds) because the optimal filtration structure requires such a matrix of chemical compounds. In the case of a new mask, which is placed right over the mouth and nose, these vaporized chemicals go right into both airways.

Therefore, patients stricken with the novel coronavirus ought to be spared from such a misguided practice. A chemical overwhelm can even trigger a respiratory condition that compels the attending physician to put the patient on a ventilator which ought to be strictly avoided for COVID-19 patients.

CAVEAT from the Coach: The olfactory nerve lacks a true blood-brain barrier which is acknowledged to be 8 cells thick. There are only 4 to 6 cells surrounding the olfactory nerve making it a much more vulnerable area for vaporized chemicals to enter the brain. Hence, when a COVID-19 patient is breathing all their air through a toxic mask for weeks or months, they are inevitably experiencing an influx of harmful toxins into their brain tissue. Depending on the age, overall health and sensitivity of the individual, this predicament can produce its own set of concerning neurological symptoms.

Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide
With each and every in-breath, the sick individual is also intaking some of the carbon dioxide they just exhaled.

Instead of breathing in fresh clean air full of oxygen, the mask is diminishing their oxygen intake and replacing it with the respiratory waste product—carbon dioxide.

By subtly decreasing their oxygen levels in this manner they are being deprived of the most powerful healing agent for respiratory diseases—Molecular oxygen (O2).

Furthermore, even a slight increase of the carbon dioxide levels in their bloodstream can contribute to anxiety and feelings of nervousness as well as cause headaches, dizziness and fatigue.

The flip side of the very same problem is that prolonged mask wearing can lead to oxygen deprivation also known as hypoxia. See: Physician Warns About Prolonged Mask Wearing and Hypoxia

For these reasons especially, both the healthy and the ill should avoid wearing a mask like the plague … … … otherwise you may end up getting this coronavirus plague.

Unhygienic and Unsanitary
Even after wearing a mask for a short period of time it becomes filthy. The more polluted the indoor and/or outdoor ambient air is, the quicker the mask will become contaminated.

Not only is the mask capturing particulate and chemical pollution from the ambient air, the accumulation of these throughout the course of a day further obstructs the necessary breathing process.

Hence, the longer a mask is worn in a polluted environment, the dirtier and more contaminated it will become. Just take a close look at the return air filter in your home or garage if you want to see what’s happening with a well-worn mask; albeit, on a much smaller scale.

Now let’s add into the mix the constant coughing and sneezing and spitting up phlegm and mucus. What will inevitably develop regarding the mask is a worst-case scenario that can push the patient onto a ventilator. This is only one reason so many hospital inpatients are being vented; the inappropriate treatment plans also include specific pharmaceutical drugs that are strongly contraindicated for Coronavirus syndrome.

KEY POINT: Venting COVID-19 patients has proven to be injurious to the lungs and often deadly, as several doctors and nurses have testified. Five medical school professors in Italy have also correctly pointed out the extreme risks of ventilators in this scientific research paper: Covid-19 Does Not Lead to a “Typical” Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Damage the Immune System
The following excerpt was taken from this article published by the Alachua Chronicle in Gainesville, Florida: Face masks can damage the immune system.

Stress can lower Your immunity. A face-covering or mask that interferes with respiration can add to stress. Cortisol is a hormone closely linked with stress. It works as a key player in the body’s stress response and is often measured in research as an indicator of stress.

Cortisol plays a vital role in the body’s functioning; it’s secreted by the kidney’s adrenal glands. But high and sustained blood levels of cortisone in individuals stressed by the fear of COVID-19 can trigger serious and emergent health issues.

Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (such as those associated with chronic stress) have been shown to have negative effects, such as:

Impaired cognitive performance
Suppressed thyroid function
Blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia
Decreased bone density
Decrease in muscle tissue
Higher blood pressure
Lowered immunity and inflammatory responses in the body, slowed wound healing, and other health consequences
Increased abdominal fat, which is associated with a greater amount of health problems than fat deposited in other areas of the body. Some of the health problems associated with increased stomach fat are heart attacks, strokes, developing metabolic syndrome, higher levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and lower levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL), which can lead to other health problems.

The Millennium Report #conspiracy #racist #wingnut themillenniumreport.com

American Empire Exposed

Whereas the painful lesson from the Franklin scandal graphically demonstrates how pedophiles at the top can bury their most heinous crimes from any real consequence, the Jeffrey Epstein story reveals how agents from a foreign government can hijack and control the US government. What will be presented here is the anatomy of a sexual blackmail operation orchestrated by Israel’s Mossad as a means of gaining and maintaining control over America’s foreign policy and top leaders so that the US Empire ultimately fights Israel’s wars for the Greater Israel Project. Through AIPAC bribery and Mossad blackmail, virtually every US politician in Congress including the president is and has been a puppet of the Zionist Jewish State.[ii] The evil international cabal made up of Zionists and various Illuminati elements including the Vatican, all worship the same anti-God Lucifer, and have been misusing and abusing our children as blackmail bait for centuries. Again, back in the 18th century, the credited founder of the Illuminati Adam Weishaupt knew that infiltrating high places and sexually compromising VIP puppets through blackmail would be a central strategy in expanding its power and control over the devil’s earthly dominion.[iii] And based on today’s power politics, Weishaupt more than attained his prophetic vision.

This chapter will focus on how Israel invested in a complete unknown, a Jewish American college dropout, overnight granting him the title of hedge fund mystery man as promoted in the Zionist controlled New York Magazine,[iv] owning multiple mansions for the covertly licensed purpose of pursuing both his own kinky perversions raping young underage girls while enticing notable puppet figures to indulge in their pedophilic fantasies as thoroughly compromised and subsequently owned tools for Israel and the Zionist Khazarian mafia.[v] The Rothschild’s central bankster system funding this Illuminati mafia scheme wouldn’t have it any other way.[vi]

This perfectly explains why Jeffrey Epstein was given a sweetheart’s slap on the hand after getting caught red-handed raping scores of female victims as young as 12 and 13 over a period of many years. It also goes far in explaining why the current White House occupant is a Zionist puppet wrecking ball himself[vii] currently being used to plunge humanity off the Armageddon doomsday cliff moving the Jewish State capital to Jerusalem.[viii] So sit back and take in this adulterated story of the cabal’s political blackmail machine and how one Jeffrey Epstein and his child sex slave trafficking ring has played such a significant role in the ruling elite’s global control apparatchik, unfortunately changing human history none for the better.

Anonymous #conspiracy themillenniumreport.com

GLADIO TERROR: Virginia Beach False Flag Mass Shooting Ordered by Deep State to Distract from SPYgate

False flag terrorist attacks have become the preferred means of distraction of the American people. Epic scandals like SPYgate require major distractions to change the national conversation—FAST! See ANOTHER MIND-CONTROLLED PATSY: Virginia Beach Mass Shooting frames a ‘disgruntled employee’ as the fall guy

Mass shootings in high-profile venues are particularly carried out to divert the attention of the body politic when Deep State is under a LOT of pressure. That pressure is coming from the necessity of covering up SPYgate.

In light of the radioactive revelations that are about to be made public by the DoJ after being authorized to declassify the Russiagate hoax documents, things are about to get very dicey. Truly, it doesn’t get more serious for the Democrat coup plotters than SPYgate.

Why Virginia?

KEY POINTS: The disastrous briefing recently given by former Special Counsel Robert Mueller was such a PR nightmare that that fiasco alone necessitated a major distraction. Not only was Mueller’s professional performance extremely poor, he raised more questions than he answered. This is why Virginia Beach — so close to Washington, D.C. — was purposely chosen as the site of the alleged terrorist attack. Much more significantly, however, was the ‘need’ for Deep State to stage a horrific mass shooting in the state of Virginia in order to justify the enactment of draconian gun control legislation. Just watch the new state laws restricting firearms in the weeks ahead. The treasonous U.S. Congress knows that We the People are on to their crime sprees (e.g. SPYgate) and therefore feel the need to swiftly disarm the citizenry…especially eliminating assault rifle ownership in the areas surrounding the highly vulnerable District of Columbia.

Society of Flat Earth Debunkers #conspiracy themillenniumreport.com

The Flat Earthers Are Being Sent Into Every Real Truth Movement To Disrupt And Destroy Them, Especially The Planet X Groups

by Society of Flat Earth Debunkers

If ever there was a PSYOP designed to distract, divert and misdirect, the thoroughly insane Flat Earth Theory (FET) is the one. Never in the history of black operations have the co-conspirators been so fierce and fanatical in their mission to deceive and dupe.

Just what is that covert mission? To effectively blow up every internet chat room, forum and blog that has many meaningful discussion about Planet X, formerly known as the 10th Planet. Planet X is the real megillah that everyone has been tying to hide for decades. Simply put, its profound ramifications are so far-reaching and highly consequential that TPTB cannot risk the people catching on. Hence, along comes the Flat Earth Theory to change the conversation into absolute and utter gibberish.

Anyone who knows how COINTELPRO really works will tell you that these Flat Earthers have been carefully cultivated in some serious mind-control programming experiments. Whenever they encounter any resistance to their utterly absurd FET hallucinations, they literally go ballistic. However, they do so with great purpose and calculation. Their studied responses are quite manipulative, just as their triggered reactions are practically inhuman.

Just go to one of the big chat rooms and hang out in one that has made the Flat Earth Theory the topic of discussion. Watch the intensity on the side of the Flat Earthers, especially the way that they deceptively advance their daft arguments. It’s almost as though these folks (probably droids) have been fabricated in some laboratory somewhere in Andromeda. Their thought process is not human, and the practiced sophistry that they routinely employ in downright otherworldly as in AI gone awry in an evil Grey lab in Area 51.

There is no good reason to confront a Flat Earther—Anywhere, Anytime or Anyway. They have proven themselves to be incapable of exercising their faculty of human reason. Likewise, they completely lack any common sense and the ability to utilize basic logic. The Flat Earthers were somehow brainwashed in such a way that they can spontaneously suspend the use of their intellect. Most of them lack the capacity to even discern between a simple right and wrong answer to a question which is obviously black and white. For real, these dunces can’t even answer “Yes” or “No” when asked if the sky — RIGHT NOW — is blue or green, when it is a perfectly deep blue sky. Yes, they have completely left the reservation of rationality and reason. They’re either permanently “Out To Lunch”, forever “AWOL”, and “There’s Nobody Home”. We’re talking the complete absence of even an iota of intellectual integrity. Do you now get the picture? (-: Actually, it ought to be )-:

The bottom line, then, is NOT to waste your time with the Flat Earthers. Their primary function is to waste your time — mightily! As well as to distract you from much more important things that are going on everywhere, all the time. During these times, when things are moving VERY fast, no one on the planet has a second to waste. So why spend a moment in debate with a veritable idiocracy of Flat Earth nonsense?!?!

If you really knew that this whole Flat Earth PSYOP was a full-blown DARPA-conceived, CIA-directed, NSA-monitored, DIA-driven black operation, would you continue to given them any energy whatsoever? Well, now you know. Perhaps some folks enjoy the journey into the realm of the extremely deranged; however, be aware that these Flat Earthers know exactly what they’re doing and that you may find yourself trapped off in a fictitious space-time continuum of puerile phantasmagoria and mentally challenged pseudo-entertainment. BEWARE, and be aware, of where they might be taking you.

The Society of Flat Earth Debunkers (SFED) perfectly understands that NASA does not tell the truth about anything ever, unless they must. The SFED also knows that there are many scientific laws and maxims, theories and hypotheses which are falling apart by the day. We put no stock in the many falsehoods and propagated by the scientific establishment. However, that doesn’t mean that doesn’t mean that everything that comes out of NASA is bunk. After all, they did know enough to launch a space shuttle every now and then. More importantly, the Russians would have given up the International Space Station years ago if all NASA science and technology was falsely concocted. Would you send up your cosmonauts if the math was all wrong?

TMR Editor #conspiracy themillenniumreport.com

There is perhaps no other internet hoax that is more ludicrous than the Flat Earth Theory. We’re talking about the most nonsensical and preposterous, laughable and foolish hoax in history! Yes, it is that zany and loony, wacky and silly.

However, what is really crazy is how many people are buying into it. That is where the silliness ends and the serious PSYOP begins. That is also where the Tavistock Institute intersects with the NSA, Facebook collaborates with the CIA, and YouTube and Google really drive some heavy traffic IN THE WRONG DIRECTION. The spooks are watching the evolution of this PSYOP very, very closely. After all, they started it.

All anyone has to do is read the following post by the Thunderbolts scientists and they will quickly understand the error and folly of the hysterical Flat Earth Theory hoax.

The Electric Universe

How’s that for an elegant and thoroughly scientific theory of astrophysics—an Electric, Plasma-filled Universe ?!

Here is one more enlightening piece for the all flat earthers: The Thunderbolts Project. Perhaps they can send these two links to their handlers at the Tavistock Institute.

The Millennium Report


The Central Intelligence Agency Will Do Just
About Anything It Feels It Can Get Away With

Cosmic Convergence Research Group

CCRG Editor’s Note:
If ever the CIA and/or Tavistock Institute wanted to test out a new mind-control program, the Flat Earth Theory would be the perfect theme for the program. As most know by now, the CIA has been running covert mind-control experiments on various segments of humanity for decades. With the internet being a global platform, the opportunities for the intelligence agencies to advance their mind-control agenda, as well as test their techniques and technologies, have increased and intensified considerably.


Facebook Proves Itself To Be Another CIA-Managed Media Experiment

There is no greater example on the internet today of inciting people of every ilk toward “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” than the utterly ludicrous phenomenon known as the Flat Earth Theory. What is truly shocking is the number of really smart and aware, well-intentioned and spiritually oriented individuals who are supporting this transparent pseudo-scientific sham. Truly, the CIA has outdone itself with this mind-scrambling endeavor.

Yes, scientific knowledge and applied technology have been egregiously abused and misused throughout the modern era, as this website has frequently pointed out. That is exactly the sentiment a “CIA” would like to exploit; however, true scientific paradigms based on common sense and human reason ought not to be whimsically replaced by pure fantasy and fiction — even if the Tavistock Institute provides every rhyme and reason to do so.

“When scientific knowledge and applied technology reach a critical level of advancement, without being informed by spiritual truths and guided by moral authority, the planetary civilization will relinquish its destiny to continue as it is.”
(Source: Cosmic Convergence Accelerates Epochal Planetary Transformation)

Quite incredibly, this ridiculous notion — that Planet Earth is really flat — has been enthusiastically embraced by thought leaders and light-workers everywhere. Their primary reason for entertaining such an absurd ‘hypothesis’ is because it takes such a strong anti-science establishment position; otherwise, there is simply no good rational reason for assuming such a sympathetic posture toward this very bad cyber-space joke.

Truly, if the dark side wanted to undermine the workings of the authentic New Age movements, deliberately disseminating a Flat Earth Theory would be a great way of doing so. They probably never imagined in their wildest dreams that so many would climb on board such a farcical disinfo initiative — — — did they?!

TMR Editor #conspiracy themillenniumreport.com

In the history of the commercial airline industry never has a jetliner been brought down under the bizarre and much publicized circumstances of a depressed pilot deliberately executing a “crash and burn” scenario. Given the number of mysterious airliner crashes and explosions over the past few years, there appears to be only one explanation for this purposeful takedown.

Germany is the pivotal nation of the European Union (EU). The NSA knows — without a doubt — that Prime Minister Merkel is wavering in her commitment to both the Anglo-American dominated NATO, as well as to the U.S.-directed sanction regime against Russia. Given such a perceived lack of loyalty on the part of Germany to the Anglo-American Axis (AAA), anything now goes. The CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD have already proven that they will do ANYTHING to enforce the dictates of the AAA tyrannical leadership.

Especially during the current shaky and very tenuous phase of the US and UK economies, will no departure from the party line be tolerated. That includes a firm commitment, by every EU nation, to uphold their end (imposed, of course) of the sanction regime against Russia. Only in this way can Russia be sufficiently softened up before the next phase of the planned World War III. The AAA knows that if Germany were to leave the reservation, whether conspicuously or secretly, their leverage against Russia would completely fall apart.

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