The Millennium Report #wingnut #conspiracy #racist

Make no mistake about it, Kamala Harris was born and bred, socially engineered and mind-control programmed to function as a Manchurian Candidate and female Obama.

In point of fact, just like Barack Hussein Obama, she is not even a U.S. citizen.

Just like Obama, Kamala Harris is not a U.S. citizen
As a matter of historical fact, Kamala Harris was not even eligible to run for POTUS as she did during the 2020 election cycle since she is clearly does not meet the criteria of the U.S. Constitution’s “natural-born-citizen clause”.

Sen. Kamala Harris was not constitutionally eligible to run for POTUS, nor eligible to run for VPOTUS.
Biden’s VP will become POTUS if he wins

Democrat POTUS nominee Joe Biden has spent months floating one black woman after another as his VP pick knowing all along his choice was ORDERED by his hidden masters to be Sen. Kamala Harris of California.

The strategy was to put off any official announcement as long as possible in order to subject Harris to as little vetting as possible. This scheme was quite similar to the total lack of vetting of Obama in 2008 who never even presented a valid birth certificate.
Citizenship and Birth Certificate Psyop
Every investigators and analysts really understood that the Obama birth certificate (BC) controversy was fabricated with extremely purposeful design. The DNC knew exactly that Obama’s birth certificate and citizenship documents were not legit. The Democrats colluded with Deep State to intentionally implemented this psychological operation as a means of cynically mocking the Right every single day for 8 long years. In fact, every conservative who reasonably questions Obama’s BC is pejoratively labelled a “birther”.

By efficiently carrying out this psyop, the perps were able to keep the GOP on the defensive. Rather than confront the BC issue head on with the transparent truth, Republicans everywhere were silenced. Collectively, they were cowed and then corralled into a pen of compliance which did not question Obama’s authenticity. The perps even gave Obama a fake Social Security Number to add insult to injury.

What’s the critical point?

The Democrat strategy of forcing the Republicans to never investigate Obama (with the exception of the ever-courageous Sheriff Joe Arpaio) allowed him to get away with bloody murder and worse over his two catastrophic terms.

The crucial point here is that the highly deceitful Democrats will attempt to use the exact same stratagem with a Kamala Harris presidency if Biden wins. Her background is every bit as clouded and confusing for the very same reasons as Obama’s was. Because of the serious problems with her citizenship, she could never withstand the opposition research that would be conducted in the Trump era. Hence, the scheme to install her as POTUS by first electing Biden.

By the way, that’s just one piece of the “Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Criminal Conspiracy”. Willfully subverting the U.S. Constitution in this manner is a capital crime. When the ultimate objective is to dissolve the American Republic in order to transfer sovereignty to the United Nations, that’s a far more serious transgression.



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