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SpaceGeneral #pratt

The Right is suffering from a particularly dangerous delusion. In this fantasy, they are finally given the opportunity to be on a massive stage in front of the whole country if not world, with hundreds of millions of rational, decent, intelligent, calm, pragmatic, moral, and long thinking audience members. The Right finally gets a chance to bring all their charts and graphs and facts and proof and is able to put on such a show that is so compelling, so moving, so utterly convincing, while their leftist opponent just stands there and sputters with rage, that a new era of traditional conservatism sweeps the land and reigns for generations. The Right is constantly looking for this stage like Cortez and El Dorado. Every time their arguments are totally ignored, ever time the left laughs in their face, every time their accurate date is immediately drowns out like a fart in a hurricane by millions of screaming college kids on tiktok, they tell themselves something was missing. They didn't have the right stage or right audience, they didn't have the time or chance fully explain.

Imagine an old white guy in a Tweed suit standing at the lectern in a college lecture hall pointing at a chalkboard. The entire lecture hall is empty except for three or four people listening raptly. Outside the lecture hall a riot is taking place and thousands of rioters are pouring gasoline on the lecture hall getting ready to burn it down.

That is the real position the Right is in. They'll be spluttering about rules and decorum and how it's not fair to the very end. You want a picture of the future, imagine the stolen Nike clad foot of a sassy overweight black angry lesbian stomping on your face, forever. You will never, ever, when these people over with arguments, data, or facts. Anyone who even tries is a fool who deserves to be defeated. They need to be destroyed, not convinced. The vast majority of the right will never actually do it though, because they're still waiting for that rhetorical victory to end all victories. Like all the leftists are going to throw down their signs and bricks, take a shower, cut their hair, and then lift the right leaning speaker up on their shoulders with cheers of "now we finally understand!". It's never going to happen.