various commenters #transphobia

RE: The Left trying to push all fetuses female line to get around EO text

( Itzpapalotl )
Whatever happened to "NO means NO"?

Why can't TRA's and TIM's hear women saying "NO" to their endless tirade of misogyny and colonization? NO! Males are NOT women, of any kind, they are men. NO! You are NOT welcome in female spaces.

"NO." Is a full sentence.

( babygrandpiano )
The fact that they don't understand that no means no just proves that they are very much male and always will be.

( kitkat )
What an embarrassing load of tripe. It still shocks me that the left has adopted this ridiculous anti-women and child damaging cult. It may go down in history as one of the most harmful and illogical things they have ever championed.

( hontrapoints )
TIPs: TERFs ignore trans men! They're transphobic and think trans men are just confused and abused girls and women! We need to destroy those bigots!

Also TIPs: "So, according to this definition, all Americans are female."


( notapatsy )
They have a history of twisting biology to fit their ideology, so this is just the latest twist. However, I doubt they will successfully argue their way into anywhere the EO bans them from by the strength of their standing at the door and arguing over the "meaning" of the text of the EO.

( ArtemisCitrine )
Let's say it's true that all fetuses start out female. What on earth is their point? The fetus would then develop into male and female by the time they're born. It's like when TRAs bring up intersex. How does it change anything if some people are born with birth defects on their reproductive systems?

( istara )
It doesn't really matter what a morula, blast, embryo or foetus looks like or what genitals it does or doesn't have.

By the time it emerges from the uterus, except in the case of a few rare DSDs, it will be absolutely, undeniably clear what sex it is and what its chromosomes are.

If it helps, I'm perfectly happy sharing a bathroom with a male morula if it wants to pop out for a visit. Just as most women are fine with young male children who are typically permitted in female facilities up to a certain age.

It's adult males that we prefer not to have in our intimate spaces.



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