[Deleted] #crackpot #sexist #transphobia ovarit.com

"Silicone Angel". Every time I think they can't come up with worse stripper names or delude themselves further... "I'll have tits when I'm dead" We don't fucking care, honey. We're secure enough with our bodies.

the things that they care about, and the things that they think we care about...it's insane.

and honestly, the way they go on about real women shows how profoundly not at peace they are. Being a woman, to them, is a fetish. Being a female human, to us, is our existence coupled with all the violation that trying to exist alongside males deranged by the last 10k years of animal herding has draped and smeared all over us.

One of my pet theories is domestication of animals dumbed down the human race because males began literally imitating the behaviors of lower order animals and bringing them into human relations. They began to act like the ungulates they herded (I believe it was the psychopathically cruel practices of culling, castrating etc that created toxic masculinity). Traumatizing infants into mental illness in early childhood has led to the almost certain doom of our species. Forcing children to witness cruelty to animals on a regular basis in animal husbandry doesn't help either. Also there is a documented period of brain shrinkage in humans over the last 10k years that coincides with the advent of animal husbandry and the cessation of gatherer/hunter cultures.

Also didn't help in terms of the land ownership required to own herds which meant the most psychopathic and dishonest males climbed to the top of society. I'm sure it was all probably inevitable due to human population explosion, but it truly has been hell on earth for females. The more I research the more I'm convinced that culture prior to animal herding cults was matrilineal, with some remnant cultures like the Basques, the Picts, and the Mosuo of Lugu Lake. Animal herding cults have made humanity irredeemably stupid and and with the proliferation of islam it's about to get a whole lot worse.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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