soulbiscit #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy

When in the Public, you have to be prepared to act as they expect. To me that means identify yourself if required. In most cases it is not required, and you cannot be made to, but you could then end up in jail for 72 hours until they identify you. They tried that on a Native woman here and jailed her as a “Jane Doe”, and while she was in jail they went through her stuff and found a drivers license and took it to her and said: Is this you? She said “Are you nuts do I look like a piece of plastic to you”? They finally let her go because she would not identify with the strawperson identity.

On another occasion she was jailed for digging clams; when she went to court she took a basket with a straw figure in it with the drivers license, registration and other papers and said: “I am here fot that matter and I have SHARON with me. Sharon is property of the state, and I have her here to turn over to you”- again they let her go. So it all comes down to Status and Who you are; knowing who you are, and if needed, defending who you are. Some can do that, others cannot. Also you have to be willing to go through the process while sticking to your guns, that almost always includes a brief stay in jail. Just the embarassment of being arrested is enough to deter most. Are you like most, or not?

You need your strawman to operate in commerce. Your strawman has a license to operate in commerce(i.e. drivers license, marraige license, handgun license, etc.) A license is as good as you want it to be, by your permission. When there is a fine or misuse of your license, you need to them switch the strawman to the living soul with the right to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness. Operating without a license in commerce is a commercial crime. We need to learn how to become the administrator or agent for the strawman and conduct his/her commercial affairs without getting personally involved.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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