various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Apolitical )
Every black person you pass on the street is 50 times more likely to be a violent criminal than every White person.
bUt DiD yOu kNoW tHeRe aRe BaD pEoPlE iN eVeRy rAcE???
Only conservatives can pretend to be this retarded.
Oh and Adam Schiff is a jew. But these cowardly faggots know better than to talk badly about jews. Much safer to shit on White people
Pencil neck is the poster poop for POS!!
I do not care what race
or gender you are... If you are a
piece of shit, you are a piece of
Example, Adam Schiff is a White
male... He is a POS.
( @GSauce111 )
@Apolitical Dumbass White cuckservatives always whine “it’s not about race,” while literally every other race makes their race central to their identity 🤡
( @VictoryUs )
@GSauce111 @Apolitical
More importantly demonize Whites to protect jews.
( @Biking4Love )
Imagine, if you will, a race of people so backwards that they get themselves killed trying to kill a race people think they are. Why are you killing us Jews? You are white? Nuh uh. Oh shit, we fucked up.
( @VictoryUs )
@Biking4Love @Apolitical Or blame Whites for jewish behavior? Like Sere or Eagleman is doing.
( @Nthman )
@Apolitical Gunther‘s gone way out on a limb confusing a known jew degenerate, with a white pos, isn’t he? Seems people become anti-White trying to prove they’re not racist, to the jews that invented it, they’re the best in the world at being racist.
( @tchrspet47 )
@Apolitical I avoid niggers like a REAL plague. TBH, I have some good friends that don't understand why I rail about them. Hey, I tried.
( @Gravewalkers )
@Apolitical Q: How to you make a jew into a White?
A: You arrest the jew for a felony.
( @nnwfp )
I hate you @Sere56 and your ilk more than the judeo-communists. Always worshiping niggers to show you are not "racists". Degenerates, cowards and traitors. You deserve everything that is coming for you. I prefer the next steal to be as blatant and as humiliating as possible, else I would vote for Biden.