@DeanWWG1WGA1776 & @desertpete #conspiracy gettr.com


spoilerNow you know why Obama and Merkel are so close.
Obama is Merkel's nephew.
Merkel's father was Hitler, so that means Obama is
Hitler's grandson.
BTW, Hitler's mother was Clara Peltzlf who was a maid of
the Rothschild family (Baroness Zalomon Maier von
Rothschild) in Austria. Clara gave birth to a Rothschild
child there, so Hitler is a member of Rothschild.
This means that Obama is also a Rothschild.
Also, since he was born in Kenya, he didn't meet the
requirements to become the president of the US.
Such a lair person served as the President of the US for 8
years and dropped 50,000 bombs all over the world!
This is Kiara Polzl (Klara Hitler).

THE SYSTEM… Who, in these days, when so much truth is being revealed… Who still believes in ”fair” elections/Democracy 🤔🤔🤔



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