Judy Byington/White Hat Intel #conspiracy #wingnut #racist #crackpot operationdisclosureofficial.com

Watch out for the water: this week the streets of Washington DC were inundated with floods without it raining, which was an odd occurrence. Trump literally appeared to be draining the swamp by blasting the DUMB tunnels buried two miles under Capitol Hill. These tunnels were connected to a network of underground tunnels in the United States and around the world.
“Drain the Swamp” by Trump wasn’t just a slogan …. He determined it! … DUMB’s, Tunnels, Underground Cities, Bio-laboratories, Torture Chambers, Clone facilities, Foreign occupation troops.
TRUTH: Explosion at the Beirut Port months ago was aimed at DUMB Bio-Anlage / ARMS
Every leader in the world President, Prime Minister, King or Queen must STAND DOWN. This includes President Trump. Don’t worry, he will be back.
Once he makes it official (His big decision coming) then we have to have elections within 120 days. It is here where we elect governments 10% the size of what we have now. We will never have Democrat vs Republican or Liberal vs Labour again. Under GESARA we get scrubbed back to original constitutions and sitting leaders will be in power for as long as they want, til death or they do wrong. If they do wrong by the people they get removed by Military.
Draw a line from the Vatican to the Rothschilds Banking System (Central Banks & Federal Reserve) The Rothschilds own the Vatican and it’s bank.
We have a massive Operation in Europe called Operation Defender Europe. This started on March 17 2020.
This is taking control of the Vatican, it’s Mafia’s and seizing all of the Rothschilds Central Banks.
So you can write down three dates here: Mid 2019 or the dates of Vatican raids; November 2019 Royal Assets Stripped; Feb 2020 Brexit.
The Royal Family controls the Intel agencies. This includes Israeli Mossad and Saudi Arabia.
It was these guys and the German Bush/Scherff Family that created 9/11 attack on the USA to stop NESARA/GESARA and created another depopulating/Opium and Oil controlling war.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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