Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #conspiracy #magick

A highly advanced civilisation known today as Great Tartaria disappeared from our history books less than a century ago. Its remnants can still be seen everywhere. This civilisation mastered technologies more advanced than ours of today.

For example, their geopolymer concrete was eternal and grew stronger with time. Their gigantic iron and glass structures, topped by domes and metal needles, were found on every continent.

Combined with mercury, they distributed free wireless energy around the globe, even to the most remote areas. Their towers and stations are still in use today. Unfortunately, the cabal ‘locked up’ the free energy from the ether and replaced it with the very old technology of cables and wires in order to make handsome profits.

The story goes that Nikola Tesla ‘discovered’ the technology to connect to the ether and provide unlimited power to anyone, anywhere, at any time.
Tesla understood God’s limitless energy, the complex system of creation and the creation of man’s energy in relation to God.
Skyscrapers are modern powerhouses. When the plans for the Empire State Building were first drawn up, the aim was to capture enough energy to light up Lake Ontario, Vermont, Buffalo, Albany, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Connecticut. This goal is inscribed on the aluminium plaque in the hall of the building built by the Tartarian civilisation.

Buildings constructed by the Tartars around the world continue to draw energy from the atmosphere to this day.
The great civilisation of Tartaria was destroyed with the help and planning of inhuman shadow forces. The history taught in schools is a gigantic hoax, presented as a soap opera with phantom dynasties, time-shifted events and millennia-old creations that did not exist. The “Middle Ages” were actually the Golden Age of the Tartars, which ended only 100 years ago. Was the Colossus of Rhodes the Statue of Liberty? Everything we “know” is a big lie.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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