
Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #racist #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

An amazing future is real and already underway. Expect free energy, natural remedies for healing, interstellar travel, time travel, a gold-backed monetary system, the end of fraud and chronic disease, to name but a few.

Less than 500 years ago, Tartaria was the Goliath of technologically superior beings living on planet Earth. Before our generations deliberately simplified our souls by turning off all but two strands of our DNA.

The “Great Mudflow” was responsible for wiping out brilliant architectures of imposing structures on our planet to bury them under a gigantic layer of mud, of which only remnants remained visible here and there. The technological innovations used then are now phantoms on the horizon. Compare old buildings such as Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris or the Dom Tower in Utrecht with today’s glass, steel and concrete hulks. This is clear evidence of the decline of our present culture and civilisation!

The Khazars are purely evil in character. Originally descended from the Anunnaki, they came from the planet Nibiru and landed in summer, from where they migrated northwards. They have always been a strange race of thieves, cheats and murderers, characterised by extraordinary cruelty and sexual perversion.

They never obeyed laws or rules. They were masters of deception. Six non-existent centuries were added to history, by the German-Nordic Institute, which invented the whole fake history.

Soon after this institute was founded in the second half of the 19th century, the German-Nordic Institute had established over 700 colleges and universities in Europe alone, and another 100 all over the world, not only for the purpose of falsifying the entire history, but also for creating new languages, new quasi-sciences, and everything else in the curriculum of schools and universities.

This number of colleges and universities grew exponentially over the years, plus an unknown number of colleges in the world today, all run by the German-Nordic Institute in disguise.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #conspiracy #racist finalwakeupcall.info

What if the ‘Great Flood’ took place only 150 years ago, and the world of the past was far more advanced culturally and technologically than it is today?

The Deep State cabal created a cataclysm and used it and the resulting chaos to seize power. Apparently, between 1865 and 1876, our ancient civilisation was destroyed by waves over 300 metres high that swept across much of the planet, washing away the inhabitants of Australia and depopulating vast areas.
The Straits of Gibraltar, the Pillars of Hercules, the star fortress of Tartaria, is here to defend and control an important passage for merchant ships from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, v.v..

History and geology tell us nothing, but apparently there was a gradient between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, mechanically controlled by a system of locks to allow only one ship to pass at a time. The Deep State has dug secret tunnels. According to the official story, commissioned by the British admiralty.

Seawater entered the newly opened channels. The men in charge hid at the top of Mount Gibraltar, in a place called the Devil’s Tower. At the mouth of the strait they detonated bombs and broke the Rock of Gibraltar. The explosions were coordinated to create tsunamis in the North, Atlantic and Barents Seas.

This episode is known as the “Gibraltar Relief”. The tidal wave, 300 metres high, swept across Eurasia and especially the Americas. Billions of people, who had built the magnificent ancient civilisation of Tartaria, drowned.
The history of the most recent wars, which appears in more than five thousand Wikipedia pages, careful reading of biographies, examination of thousands of photographs and historical events, shows that these events certainly took place in the years 1860-1920, and that the Second World War served only as a cover for the final destruction of the Aryan-Tartar civilisation and the complete establishment of a new world power, the NWO, coordinated and led by a few corrupt Deep Staters.

Peter B. Meyer #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Lucifer’s rebellion, as described in older scriptures, took place long before the earth was created. EA in this sense is Lucifer, while ENLIL is Satan, who also rebelled against the forces of light, and both were cast out of ‘heaven’, read Orion, by ‘Archangel Michael’, who of course must have been an Aryan warrior, or perhaps the symbol of a whole Aryan elite force?

Lucifer was simply an advocate of “self-assertion and freedom”. His manifesto was to teach humanity that the Goddess did not exist, which became more prominent after the Flood as different religions took shape.

Eventually the religion of worship or devotion to the Mother Goddess was outlawed or ridiculed and spiritual darkness reigned on Earth.

If people who possessed the fire were free to practice their religion, it could clearly become a threat to authority. Therefore, the knowledge of the Women of Fire and the original purpose of the human experiment became extremely hidden, known only to a select few on a need-to-know basis.

At some point during the Atlantean era, EA left Earth and went back to the Pleiades to take some of his loyal officers back to Earth with him. In the Pleiades he showed them holograms of what life was like on Earth, and that he wanted to use the Lyran/Pleiadian DNA to further advance humanity.

When some of the Pleiadians saw how beautiful these Women of Fire were, and women in general, they said, “Let’s go down there and have sex!

So, instead of just contributing their DNA directly to EA while they were in the Pleiades, 199 Pleiadians followed EA back to Earth to have sex with human women, but also to help EA with his genetic experiments. These were the 200 Fallen Angels, including EA. They are the ‘Watchers’ mentioned in the ‘Book of Enoch’.

Fortunately, the 5D world will become the new earth, the 3D sleepers will move to another 3D planet.

Peter B. Meyer #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

You are one of your kind and far more capable than you think, aliens helped genetically engineer the human race, while the Anunnaki later crippled human genetics by severing 10 of our 12 DNA strands, making humanity their slaves.

The severed strands have been described by mainstream scientists as junk DNA. So, in effect, we lost almost all, or at least most, of our abilities and were genetically re-tuned to produce more slaves, functioning and existing only on our two remaining strands of DNA.

When all of our 12 strands of DNA are finally restored, we will have truly amazing abilities. We will once again be able to use 100% of our brains according to the original divine design.

In contrast, at present the majority of human beings are only able to access and use twelve percent of their brains.
When Jesus performed miracles he said “and you can do these things too”, suggesting that humanity could do these things before the Anunnaki enslaved us by cutting 10 of our 12 DNA strands.

This is why the cabal put fluoride in our drinking water to calcify the pineal gland in the brain to destroy our psychic abilities. We have been living a lie, forced into a ‘belief system’.
DNA activation has been proposed as a spontaneous process undergone by the entire planet, including animals. Our entire Solar System and the Milky Way Galaxy have now entered a highly charged part of the Universe. With periods of intense light, we are in the photon belt (menasic radiation).

We entered it in the late 1990s and will remain here for another 2,000 years. During this remarkable time, the energies of the Photon Belt are triggering a complete change in life on Earth.
As the process of rebuilding the bodies of light continues, we will slowly begin to notice that we are becoming more conscious and multidimensional. When all 12 strands of DNA are finally fully activated, we will experience life in a constant awareness of multidimensionality.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #conspiracy #magick finalwakeupcall.info

A highly advanced civilisation known today as Great Tartaria disappeared from our history books less than a century ago. Its remnants can still be seen everywhere. This civilisation mastered technologies more advanced than ours of today.

For example, their geopolymer concrete was eternal and grew stronger with time. Their gigantic iron and glass structures, topped by domes and metal needles, were found on every continent.

Combined with mercury, they distributed free wireless energy around the globe, even to the most remote areas. Their towers and stations are still in use today. Unfortunately, the cabal ‘locked up’ the free energy from the ether and replaced it with the very old technology of cables and wires in order to make handsome profits.

The story goes that Nikola Tesla ‘discovered’ the technology to connect to the ether and provide unlimited power to anyone, anywhere, at any time.
Tesla understood God’s limitless energy, the complex system of creation and the creation of man’s energy in relation to God.
Skyscrapers are modern powerhouses. When the plans for the Empire State Building were first drawn up, the aim was to capture enough energy to light up Lake Ontario, Vermont, Buffalo, Albany, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts and Connecticut. This goal is inscribed on the aluminium plaque in the hall of the building built by the Tartarian civilisation.

Buildings constructed by the Tartars around the world continue to draw energy from the atmosphere to this day.
The great civilisation of Tartaria was destroyed with the help and planning of inhuman shadow forces. The history taught in schools is a gigantic hoax, presented as a soap opera with phantom dynasties, time-shifted events and millennia-old creations that did not exist. The “Middle Ages” were actually the Golden Age of the Tartars, which ended only 100 years ago. Was the Colossus of Rhodes the Statue of Liberty? Everything we “know” is a big lie.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

When the great flood was over, millions upon millions of humans and many of the Nephilim giants who roamed Mu had died.
From the Bible is learnt, and even more from other ancient texts from which the Bible was developed. The Flood wiped out most of the world’s population. The conflicts that went on behind the scenes between the Sirians and the Pleiadians, which eventually led to the great Flood, are here not mentioned, as this article focuses on the Lemurian civilisation, while in a future article we’ll tell what happened in the rest of the world, and in particular on another huge landmass in the Atlantic Ocean, which was also wiped out by the Flood. This, of course, was Atlantis.

The misuse of energy, the misuse of technology and elitism eventually became dominant in Atlantis, which was the main reason why the Flood happened.
What exactly is meant by the misuse of energy? Well, in Atlantis, just like today, it’s done in many different ways, but mostly through advanced technology and the misuse of sexual energies.

Where Sirians are present, there is always a tendency for this to happen. It’s up to us humans to see through their manipulation, or we’ll end up in a much worse situation than the Atlanteans. At least they were stopped by the Flood, otherwise we probably wouldn’t be here today.

ENLIL manipulated events to create the Flood, which will not be forgiven here; be aware that the Sirians also had a finger in things that really got out of hand after a while. It always seems inevitable. This is why Sirians are not to be trusted, despite what others may say.

In Atlantis; technology was a little different from what we use today, but there are similarities. As already mentioned, computers, but they also had space technology, of course, and a wealth of knowledge about the stars and the universe in general, and they flew to the Moon and to Mars, and probably to other planets within the Solar System as well.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

No roads or airports, just plasma

Why were there no roads or airports in Tartaria and the Old World?

There are many Tartarian remains buried under the Mud Flood that are being discovered all over the world, but there is not a single concrete road or airport runway that could have been used to transport people and goods!

The reason there were no concrete roads, rail tracks and runways in the Old World was because people and goods were not transported by trains, cars or planes, but by a high-tech electric plasma portal.

Digging deeper down the rabbit hole, one might wonder what else we might stumble upon in terms of Old World high technology!

By the way, did you know that it is cheaper and easier to build a Plasma Portal machine than a car?

The good thing about travelling through Plasma Portal machines is that you get to your destination instantly, 100% safely and free of charge, instead of travelling by car, train, plane or otherwise!

Imagine how much environmental impact would have been avoided if we had Plasma Portal travel today.
On the other side of the ice wall of the North Pole, in the land of Hyperborea, people travel mainly by portals, among a few other high-tech means of transport, 100% safe and free.

Hyperborea beyond the Arctic Circle was the land of our great divine ancestors and is still on maps in the 16th century before it was invaded by the Deep State cabal.

The Church created a flawed theory of our solar system and blessed all wars and heinous crimes to kill the human spirit.
All this mentioned in this article and many others from the past is the true world. Whereas the world we live in today is superficial because it has been transformed into the most primitive way of life of the Stone Age

All aspects of life have been developed using advanced technology and manipulated to alter how we connect to our true Self through our DNA.

Peter B. Meyer #magick #wingnut #quack #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

“Why was I born and what am I doing on this planet?”

It all begins with the birth of a child, whose soul enters the foetus in the mother’s womb during the third month of pregnancy with the help of an energy code. This is how the game begins for each individual.
Immediately after birth, the defenceless child is attacked by a system called the “Matrix” with a terrible force that is supposed to block the child’s brain, especially the pineal gland and it’s intuition.

The child, originally born as a king and complete sovereign, is taught by its parents that it’s completely stupid, dependent, incapable of making its own decisions, so everything must be decided for it by others. This is a basic preparatory stage for further demoralisation of a little person, because in order to accept a complete programme from the Matrix.
Do you ask why?

Because they want you not to be able to escape slavery. The whole system is pyramidal. Down there are the ordinary people and up there are the people who control them. There are two pyramids in the system, the maternal and the secondary. Both pyramids have to be bypassed, otherwise you get lost in them.
The maternal pyramid is dominated by six fallen angels whose orders are received by the Vatican. The Vatican then passes them on to other levels, the secondary levels. The secondary levels are churches, governments, police, courts, schools, laws, offices, soldiers and all the authorities that control and limit humanity.
You are offered poisonous food and if you eat it, you get into a secondary pyramid. The secondary pyramid is supposed to catch all the people who never got caught in the clutches of money and credit and never allowed their time to be stolen.
The secondary pyramid is a gigantic pharmaceutical apparatus with all its stages in the form of doctors and poisonous pills. Each person is responsible for his own body and must never leave it in the hands of others.

Peter B. Meyer #ufo #magick #crackpot #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Planet Earth has entered an octave higher in the Galactic Spiral and this is changing its vibration and frequency. These frequencies will pierce the veils and release consciousness. A new age is dawning. Nothing will ever be the same again. All earthly souls who have not completed their learning process will have to move to other schools, to other third dimensional planets. This mutation point is also the beginning of our homecoming.
The heroics begin beyond the borders of this planet, originating in star kingdoms and alien civilisations such as Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and more recently the ancient civilisation of Tartaria.

Many people will be convinced once they have read and understood all the relevant FWC versions of our history. This will become popular and widespread in the not too distant future, and will eventually be studied and taught in schools, universities and scientific institutions.
With much more of their DNA active than the average human being today, the Lemurian people soon learned to become quite multidimensional. Free from stress and major outside influences, they developed quite extraordinary psychic abilities. Although the Sirians had set up the Grid and closed the Stargates, the Lemurian priesthood could still astral travel, at first only far enough to reach the outer limits of the Grid system, as they progressed over time.
For example: Less than 500 years ago, our world was culturally and technologically far more advanced than it is today! Unknown cabal agents caused a cataclysm and used the chaos to seize power.

Between 1865 and 1876, our last ancient civilisation, the Tartarians, were destroyed under the waves of more than 300 metres of mud, and today the first floors of these buildings are buried under metres of sand and mud, traces of which can still be seen in cities around the world.

Soon we will have back the free energy that the cabal did not want us to have. Prepare for many shocking realities to manifest.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Greed and Envy is life in the 3D world. Past, Present and Future are one in 5D. Wake up and realise that it is not the future that brings us wisdom, but rather the past. Our ancestors the Tartariens and Atlanteans were a thousand times wiser than humanity today! Focus your gaze not on the nonsense of today, but on the true history of the past to gain wisdom for the future you seek!

The world of Atlantis, the mythical sunken city that has fascinated and bewildered mankind for centuries.

The Law-of-One Atlanteans used crystals in many benign ways and means. The Return of Them will reopen the use of crystals. It is the oath of the Law-of-One that they will never again be duped into letting this Technology fall into the wrong hands. Keep in mind that each one of us participates in this perpetual oath!

A highly advanced Atlantean laboratory existed in the underground city in Arkansas to work with this and other applications of crystalline energies, including hyper-dimensional teleportation.

The primary grid points in the Golden Age of Atlantis and also in our future were reinforced by Pyramids. The Atla-Ra with the Syrian-Pleiadian Alliance fed these merged with crystal energy, into the energy grids.
What is not reported in most Atlantic theories in the current era is the use and nature of the ‘Second Moon’ of Atlantis. It was a Crystalline satellite a ‘control device’ for the overall system.

To this day, there are references to the ‘Second Moon’ in the pyramids of the Maya, and Ra-Ta did indeed refer to it, through Edgar Cayce. As one of the docking stations of the Crystal Satellite in Arkansas near Little Rock, in the area of what is now the Toltec Mount Pyramids State Park.

Depending on the tilt of the Earth’s axis at a certain time of year, a Crysto-Disc could function to intensify and broadcast energies to other discs, which would then act as receivers to disseminate energy where needed.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Atlantis is indeed the missing link of Pangea, located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It’s true history is detailed below. But please note, not all the great temple crystals of Atlantis were lost. Some of you were even involved in their rescue. These crystals were saved from destruction and now the why is offered for remembrance. It is time to remember who you were then, to become what you are in this Awakening Time, viz. your return to the Quantum Crystalline Domain.

Atlantis was a Golden Age, a wonderful era, which was hit by its untimely end. Why now the true history of that demise is being told. Atlantis existed for more than 200,000 years. The vast majority of the Atlantic eras were eras of Light! Only the last phase, the Period from 17,500 BC to 10,500 BC was a Dark Age in our terms, but instructive by wise lessons.

The Golden Period of Atlantis had the highest level of Light Consciousness ever achieved on planet Earth during any advanced civilisation; higher than Lemuria, Mu, Rama, or Ignacious.

It has become somewhat fashionable to consider Lemuria as being the utopian civilisation, and though they did achieve a relatively short lived phase of high consciousness, most in that era were not truly in physical bodies, rather in Devic-like etheric states, and did not face the difficulties required of the physical Earth stage. Indeed Lemuria never achieved the highly advanced level that existed in that Golden Phase of Atlantis from 40,000 BC to 18,000 BC.

Now, it is time to remember Atlantis, and do not only recollect it’s sad demise! It was, just a short period of this, magnificent antediluvian world. Which should not be forgotten. Much is to be gained by understanding the final phase.
Regardless of your roles in Atlantis, 70% of everyone now on Earth has experienced Atlantis physically. Indeed, many of you have really experienced lives, does that surprise you?

Peter B. Meyer #racist #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot finalwakeupcall.info

When Christianity arrived in Slavic lands, it was an ideology very different from what Christ preached. The dark forces that controlled the material world gradually corrupted, distorted and annexed its teachings, just as they have done with all other religions of the world, and in the message of compassionate loving co-existence, the dark Chthonic force planted the seedlings of greed, selfishness, mutual division, great social inequality and endless power struggles.
In support of this plan, an apocalyptic catastrophe took place in 1342, viz. the Great Flood. All indications are that this deluge was caused by a cosmic parasite using advanced technology.

Its aim was to use the elements, in order to weaken the cohesion of the original state, for the benefit of the first phase that was the conquest of Central Europe.
Many Slavic parents were murdered and the surviving children were given a new faith, the faith of the nation of Israel, which was planted in their heads. Reverence for our great Slavic ancestors became a serious crime and replaced by bowing to the idols of Israel, which became the great virtue.

To maximise people’s ignorance and oblivion, White became Black and Black was called White. Similarly, the Dark Forces gradually destroyed, burnt or hid all deeply rooted sources of the true information and higher sacred knowledge far underground.
They destroyed, burned, hid everything that might remind of the glorious history of the Slavs and their heritage. They succeeded in introducing the propaganda of soullessness and degrading the White Race by mixing their blood with other races, which was severely forbidden according to the Slavs’ beliefs.

Similarly, the dark forces in both the former Soviet Union and the US were controlled and led by the same parasitic power. In Slavic territory, Mixed marriages were encouraged with the aim of decimating the Slavic population, which is now also being pursued within the European Union.

Peter B. Meyer #wingnut #ufo #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th Dimension. You possess this key the moment your consciousness tells you; do! or, fail! At that moment, you will be alone! No one will judge you or reward you. But you will feel it when it actually happens. It is the end of an epoch! And the beginning of a new era.

Everything looks very normal; your neighbours are still living in their unaffordable big houses, driving the kids to and from school in brand new luxury cars, leaving no one thinking about an impending economic catastrophe.

The truth is that most of these houses and cars are largely financed with ‘debt money’, and that collapses the moment the economy hits the wall. All the figures are absolutely alarming, indicating that the global economy is well on track for global financial Armageddon.
Fortunately, new awakeners join us every day because they have had enough of the New World Order dictating how we should live our lives.

Planet Earth is now completely sealed off by our alien brothers and sisters, with their great armada of, for now, invisible spaceships. No creature can escape the Earth sphere without permission. Those who wanted to flee to Mars were sent back. All bases on the Moon and Mars are in the hands of the Galactic Federation and rendered inaccessible to Deep State Cabal Elites.

Soon, comes our liberation from debt bondage, which has been long and widely prepared behind the scenes. Trust the plan. Q keeps saying ‘We have all the information’- our Alliance has the luxury of waiting for the perfect moment of breakthrough to deliver the death blow to the Deep State.

No wonder the Deep State is completely panicking. The world is on the threshold of permanent peace. This is an achievement of super high calibre, organised by the Patriots with the help of our Extraterrestrial Brothers and Sisters.
It is now or never, so act accordingly!

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #racist #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

It is now well known that we live in a fake manipulated 3D world, where nothing is reality. Looking back into the true history of humanity on planet Earth, tells us more and shows clearly, how and where today’s humanity has landed. Assume that all history of today is deception and cast a glance into the past at what really happened.
Less than 500 years ago, Tartaria was the goliath of technologically superior beings living on planet Earth. Before our generations of deliberately simplified souls, by switching off all but two strands of our DNA.

The “Great Mudslide” was responsible for wiping out brilliant architectures of imposing structures on our planet to bury them under a gigantic layer of mud, only remnants of which remained visible here and there. The technological innovations used then are, for now, phantoms on the horizon for us. Compare old architectures like Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris or the Dom tower in Utrecht with the tacky block boxes made of glass, steel and concrete of today. Then, that clearly proves the decline of our current culture and civilisation!

The territory of today’s Ukraine partially overlapped the territory of Khazaria, the homeland of the Khazars or Khazarian -nep-Jews to which the Bauer branch, later called Rothschild also belonged.

The Khazars are purely evil in character. Originally descended from the Anunnaki, they came from planet Nibiru and landed in Summer, from where they migrated north. They have always been a curious race of thieves, swindlers and murderers characterised by extraordinary cruelty and sexual perversions.
The key to humanity’s evolutionary success lay in the unique characteristics of Earth and its surrounding space, which was further enhanced by the action of other measures implemented by the three installed moons, all of which were of artificial origin: the Moon, Lelya and Fatta. A special “psi generator” was also installed in the Earth’s interior, described as the major source of life.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #quack finalwakeupcall.info

Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroads in our civilisation. With the aim of enriching themselves, the globalists, with the help of the political establishment, have done great damage to our society, industry, culture, etc.. They are now panicking because all over the world their corruption is being recognised and confirmed.

Now is our last chance to save our interests and civilisation. It is now or never, by now the whole world knows that the world powers with their New World Order are bent on destroying humanity a.o. with Covid poison injections.
All octopus leaders of the Satanic Deep State have been eliminated worldwide. They are the physical top of the pyramid. They are the descendants of Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octogon who resided in Switzerland, under Lake Geneva, 6,000 metres below sea level, with one of the hidden entrances at CERN, the world’s largest and most advanced nuclear and physics particle laboratory. A second entrance is via submarine/earth tunnel which runs from Genoa in Italy under the Alps to their headquarters in Geneva.

Security at the top-secret CERN facility is the strictest in the world. So it is the perfect place to hide the top of the world octopus oppressors, the ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every corner of “our” society.

The Octopus sprang from the pharaonic Templar Bankers in Switzerland with their 5th Column Jesuits and Freemasons as followers. George Soros and the Nazis are an integral part of the Octogon, and are also somewhat at the top. They form the ruling Oligarchy around the world.
As a result of their Covid attack, billions of people are already condemned to a certain, prematurely irrevocable and agonising death. Every person who has received the Covid injection, undergone a PCR test, or worn a face mask for a long time is certain to die prematurely, while three years is a generous estimate for how long they can expect to stay alive.

Peter B. Meyer #ufo #magick #conspiracy #dunning-kruger finalwakeupcall.info

In the first few hours of this incredible Galactic operation, special delta security forces destroyed and removed a large artificial screen called the Dyson Sphere from Earth’s solar system that was literally blocking all access to the 5th Dimension!

Another special mission of the Light Forces, called Operation Masterpiece, involved deflecting large amounts of highly vibrating gamma light from the galactic core, of the Earth Sun, to the surface of planet Earth, for the purpose of activating strands 4 and 5 of Earth’s dormant Star Seed DNA.
Like clockwork, a massive dead star in the auroral cloud moves close by Earth’s solar system every 13,000 years, and because of its distance from this star and its distance from Earth, several massive planets in that solar system pass close by the Sun and Earth every 3654 years.

The most recent close orbital cycle of this twin solar system began just before the Earth year 2012, and currently, in 2023, it is in a very close perihelion relative to the Sun and Earth. In the first half of 2024, this orbital cycle will reach its maximum perihelion.

This criminal system contains its own brown dwarf sun, which is much larger than Earth’s yellow sun and emits blinding white plasma light. One of the eight planets in this twin solar system has many names, such as planet X, Nemesis, Hercobulus, and Nibiru.
Nibiru 3654’s orbit in the solar system is a cyclic reset event that has caused a major solar flare and extinction-level event at least five known times in prehistory, but it is also known that at this sixth time, no cataclysm is taking place, mainly due to advanced magnetic pole, stabilisation technology placed at Earth’s north and south poles.

Moreover, the exotic gamma light from the great solar flare is going to activate all the dormant DNA in this cosmos, and the beings of planet Earth will be elevated in consciousness on Earth to the next higher dimension!

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #wingnut #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Nikola Tesla’s genius is the roadmap what has been hidden from us by the Cabal and made into the reverse, to destroy God’s physics.

Their arrows are aimed at the destruction of the family unit, the mind of youth, education that serves a lowering of intellect, mass embargo on what exists, specifically abolition of creative thinking and expansion of intellect through learning to think outside the box of normal thinking patterns.

Indeed, opening this box becomes Pandora’s trap. For the opening exposes all the lies, deceit, thefts and evil manipulations to enslave humanity in the meanest and worst way ever remembered.

What can be done about this? Open the box that contains the deception wide and ample. Follow the money trail that leads to the evil cabal with their Utopian desires that can only persist if the box remains tightly closed.

Behind the complex technology of wireless power distribution is something very simple: the ability to charge electronic devices without the need for a power cable for each device.

Once the cabal is defeated, Tesla’s unfinished masterpiece is poised to become a reality. You must read Tesla’s work on increasing human energy, because this is the key to taking back our lives and our freedom!
On a large scale, this technology would have allowed ships to travel the seas without ever stopping to refuel. Planes could stay airborne indefinitely, constantly supplied with power from Tesla’s towers. When the cabal’s JP Morgan discovered Tesla’s hidden motive, his funding stopped.

Some 120 years ago, the world could have been enlightened for free by the pioneering innovations of the genius Nikola Tesla, had he not been thwarted by the Deep State cabal with his invention of free energy generated from the magnetic fields around planet Earth, there would have been no CO2 emissions tax or global warming hoax at all!

Vital Frosi #magick #ufo #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info


Within the Plan of Evolution of Worlds, Earth is leaving behind the frequency of the Third Dimension, a vibration that has always accompanied it since its earliest history. We are entering higher frequency bands, with the lowest frequency corresponding to that of the Fifth Dimension.

In fact, what exists are energetic vibrations corresponding to certain frequency ranges, known as dimensions.
In the 3D frequency, matter is predominant. Everything is coarser, heavier. Everything is based on carbon, because that makes all impermanent. Carbon decomposes and renews itself, as if it were reborn from itself. This partly explains the Wheel of Samsara, which is nothing but the ring of reincarnations.
Today, everything is expanding rapidly. The veils are being lifted one by one, and in not too long, human consciousness will no longer be the same. We are in the final decades of the planetary transition, which was estimated to last three centuries.
Let’s talk about the dissolution of the third dimension. Everything is declining now. The last 50 years are the most amazing within these 3 centuries. Back around 2001, Gesara was to be proclaimed in September that year. Gesara is a definition corresponding to the exchange of all existing 3D systems to adapt them to the new 5D reality.

The occult forces that have always ruled humanity through work and debt do not want to accept the end of 3D because they cannot resist the new higher frequencies. Even if it is a universal plan, some human actions may promote or delay these processes, since everything is energy. Why in September 2001 retaliation was instituted. You all know the (9/11) consequences.

Nevertheless, as a result of the expansion of collective consciousness, the Earth timeline was changed in 2010. With the exception of the Armageddon timeline, a new, softer and less painful timeline was introduced. This timeline is valid until the end of this transition.

By 2050, no remnants of Old Earth will remain.

Peter B. Meyer #crackpot #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

Vibrational frequencies via 5G, connect man’s consciousness with the Negative Extraterrestrial Agenda. It is the Anunnaki-Archon groups on planet Saturn that manipulate Consciousness energies to spread and preserve Satanic belief messages.

After the Luciferian Templars were created to covertly replace the original Christ Essence Templars and Maji Grail lines on Earth, they proclaimed their genetic elitism and divine right to rule. They systematically murdered anyone in the population who did not conform to their agenda.

A key timeline trigger event began with the Celtic invasions 9,500 years ago, when the Negative Alien Agenda and their Luciferian Templars made their first attempt to create a super-race of genetically pure elites for rule on planet Earth.

This process evolved until Freemasonry, Templars, Rosicrucians, Jesuits, and other secret societies had been created, which continue to this day. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Templars, and were ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanity’s true origins from the common people. In order to lead them into the stream of lies, ignorance and organised religion, especially the Church of Rome and Islam.

The Black Jesuit Pope is the Venerable Father Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal, who replaced his predecessor Adolfo Nicolás, and since 2016 has been the Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolic Plan for a New World Order, of the Roman Empire.
On the other hand, the CIA is the puppet of the Swiss Octogon Knights Templar. Among other things, they hide their money in Bitcoin, created by Alice at CERN’s LHC laboratories in Geneva.

The Jesuit-controlled Vatican, is the sole owner of all western corporate countries and, via their birth certificate, with surname in capital letters, of every individual on planet Earth: Satan rules, via the Freemasons, owns the Vatican, while the Pope is its slave.

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The power of the modern representative government is that it deceives the masses by making them believe that they too are insiders. They are encouraged to vote and believe that their vote really counts. Practice proves otherwise.

The time has come to let others – friends, spouse, children – move forward at their own pace, without feeling guilty for not being able to wake them up, for not making them realise that a different way of living and thinking is possible.
By trying to save the other person’s soul, you are entering the hellish triangle and once again becoming a victim of the responsibility that only you have imposed on yourself. You prevent others from living out their soul choice.

Release control over the souls of others, be it your children or the people around you. Every soul must go through a process, the chosen path of evolution, and if that does not match your desires, let them experience what is necessary for their soul. Drop control.
Free yourself, now, from all obligations of sacrifice, of submission, to regard others, by going forward alone if necessary, by accepting more of your individuality.

It is time to free yourself from the obligations your parents, society and you have imposed on yourself and made part of your life. You don’t have to live with people who are negative or toxic to you, nor do you have to sacrifice your life to save others. They are not your responsibility.
If we humans do not wake up soon; we will soon, before we realise it enter the New World Order!

It is expected that on or around 25 June next, the money system will collapse, making the cabal ‘knight on foot’ and eliminated. With simultaneous introduction of the new QFS money system, abundant prosperity will become available to all earthlings!

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #quack #wingnut finalwakeupcall.info

Covid vaccination programme is undoubtedly part of most dangerous attack on human health. There are other attackers to be warned about. These are the chemtrails, – ‘condensation’ trails behind aircraft – and radiation from mobile 5G phones, microwave ovens, smart meters for water and electricity, internet WIFI, among others, all these, like vaccines, are mass disease spreaders.

Once people become desperate they become driven by scare stories and accept intravenous drugs as so-called help to protect them. They voluntarily line up to even eagerly get their injections. At that point, the cabal has placed the perfect control system to direct, set and destroy humans.

Bombarded, with drugs, manipulated food, air and water supplies mixed with deadly chemicals, the population is administered harmful substances, amongst which Fluorine.
With the Covid epidemic promoted and launched on a global scale in the media, it has resulted in billions of fear followers of the free most toxic vaccinations of all time. This resulted in millions of casualties not publicised by the MSM.
In most cases, the human immune system appears to defend itself reasonably against these ultraveneous invasions. The cabal will not stop and introduce new mRNA vaccines with more toxic ingredients. Likewise against mind and perpetual consciousness.

It is amazing how the human body remains adaptive for self-healing, if at least normal and healthy food is consumed, mostly attackers can still be beaten back, temporarily.

Governments lie about the safety of vaccines and fluorine in drinking water. Their approach is purely aimed at destroying the immune system; which they try to weaken by all means. Heavily adulterated and genetically modified foods, fluoridated water, chemtrails with deadly substances in the air, radiation, with the most direct attack of all being vaccines laden with mercury and other toxins. Pharmaceutical and immunological agents in particular deliberately burden the immune system.

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They designed a secret step-by-step plan, to gradually achieve their long-awaited goal.

The roadmap

Change the monetary system to fiat paper money. This replaces wealth with fiat paper and transfers it to the Deep State via currency inflation and money devaluation.

Enslave all people with this euphemistically called fiat “reserve currency”.
Control the media, and use this medium to promote agenda 2030.

Use sophisticated propaganda, to influence the public in and on all issues.

Divide and rule by creating wars.

Maintain racial inequality through class warfare and hatred.

Destroy the family unit by putting mother, wife to work.

Humiliate women.

Promote homosexuality.

Glorify cohabitation with any variant such as unisex and/or transgenderism to promote all types of perversion.

Create government schools under the name of free public education.

Keep people stupid lest they think independently.

Indoctrinate the people through mind control.

Promote “brotherly love” according to the concept of altruism.

Maintain historically good-sounding names like constitution, privacy rights, private property, national flag, right to vote, democracy, elected representatives, free press, etc., to modify these institutions.

Keep the general public ignorant about gold and silver, which is real money, this should be erased from the notion.

Give them worthless crypto currency to distract from gold and silver ownership.

Control guns and pistols. To scare the public about guns by promoting the idea that guns are dangerous.

The end result justifies all means, from assassinations to lies, treachery, deception, e.g. talk of peace that is war.
Calling land ownership “private property” but levying perpetual and progressive property taxes.

Confuse terms like liberal, conservative, socialism, communism, fascism, democracy, republican, and promote anarchy – which actually means self-government – as dangerous to the public.

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The Greatest Mass Mind-Control Operation in World History

Tavistock Institute was officially established in 1921 by Luciferian Jesuit agents serving the Vatican Roman Catholic one world empire. The sole purpose of Tavistock then and now is to devise methods of mind control in order to socially engineer the masses into subservience and ultimately “slavery.”

This invisible agency has unlimited funding and works closely with other Jesuit agencies such as the CIA, FBI, MI6, media corporations, Hollywood and advertising agencies to ensure the implementation of cultural programs that distract and ultimately blind the minds of men everywhere.

Tavistock Manipulates the Mind of Mankind

The Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry that manipulates popular perception in order to shape society.

The Tavistock institute is a psychological warfare research centre, created in 1922. One of its remits was to develop ways to influence the ideologies of mass populations.

In particular, they gave us ‘The Beatles’ pop group, and many other popular mass music performers, like the Rolling Stones, and cults like Rock and Roll, etc.
Further, this institute developed the strategy of ‘crisis creation’ to manipulate mass populations, by sponsoring a number of ‘sensitivity’ and ‘diversity’ programs designed to erase a people’s individuality to make them ‘team players’.

Political correctness, is all about creating uniformity. Individuality is one of the biggest obstacles for the ‘ New World Order’. They want a public that is predictable and conditioned to comply without asking questions.

Another discovery they did was related to stress. Researchers found out that people under controlled stress became more infantile and gave up strongly held beliefs under group pressure to conform to popular opinion. That explains why the mass media insist so much on sex, violence, and fear-inducing messages, via digital videos. To turn the populace into scared, submissive offspring.

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The relationship with the invisible world is very complex, because the Gnostics consider the idea of the Son of God to be a delusion, insinuated into the human mind by an alien species of aberrant entities or mental parasites, called the Archons, under the concept of Good versus Bad for ordinary people.

The point here; is that the Anunnaki are not our creators, as the illuminates would have us believe. They only manipulated us so that they could use us as their slaves.
The invisible masters belong to an imperceptible extra-dimensional entity of immortal beings, proclaimed only in esoteric teachings to carefully chosen disciples in secret societies. – Jesus and also Buddha fulfilled this role model for them.

The real Hidden Masters contrary to what is said in popular culture are the benevolent aliens, not the ones from the dark side. The benevolent beings have no need to rule or control our lives. This goes against universal occult laws.

However, the dark elite try to rise above these laws, they act as the guardians of the material world, in other words, they are the Archons who are the most dangerous intrapsychic-mind parasites, like most of their Islamic counterparts, employed by occult Elites and intelligence agencies to deceive and manipulate us the people.

The birth of the New World Order is said to have already been fulfilled by the Invisible Master called Yahweh, also called the Evil God contrasting with the Good God, who can only be attained through “gnosis” as concluded by the Gnostic bloodline members present on Earth.

Disconnecting 10 of our 12 DNA strands has limited our potential. Some aliens helped genetically manipulate humanity, while the Anunnaki later crippled human genetics by disconnecting 10 of our 12 DNA strands, which enslaved humanity for the elite.

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It is high time to remove the Rothschild-Khazarian-Mafia including their controlled puppets within governments. – Once the masses begin to understand that every government official is mind-controlled – i.e. is a Monarch slave, warning of terrorists WHO actually are themselves. The masses should wake up to this!

When Monarch slaves fail, a coup or revolution is attempted with the help of the CIA and/or Mossad. If that does not work, an elite special unit carries out liquidations. And if that does not produce the desired result, then the head of government or dictator suffers a heart attack or other accident. If that does not work, the military arm of the Illuminati – NATO – is called in.
Remember; the Archon Khazar bloodline families want to take total control over the whole world population through your government. In order to take possession of all resources on earth. In order to take possession of all the resources on earth including Gold, Silver and Energy which is the main objective of the Jesuits and Illuminati.
Due to created compassion for the Jewish people as a result of WW2, Zionism took shape in 1948 through diplomatic terror by creating the state of Israel.

Rothschild family is in fact the fundamentalist leader of Zionism. The Israeli parliament, the Knesset, is financed by the Rothschilds. In Jerusalem, a street is named after them. They are considered to be the royal family of Judaism, with the addition of ‘King of the Jews’
These powerful satanic families, such as Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburgs, and their puppets; Kissinger, Bush, Netanyahu, Clinton, and lapdog Blair, are at the head of Satan’s hierarchy and form the ‘Kingdom of Satan’ on earth.

They are the vanguard of the anti-Christ movement, they demand absolute world domination, by overwhelming it with catastrophes, such as the 9/11 attack in New York, Paris on Friday the 13th, to be carried out under massive publicity.

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Exterrestrial beings live on Earth

For life to develop as we know it, water is a necessity. The Mesopotamian texts leave no doubt about the presence of water on the 12th planet Nibiru, the planet where the Anunnaki come from. Because of the water presence this planet is called the green planet of life.

To preserve the matrix, the exterrestrial rulers eventually enlisted the help of the Knights Templar, the Magi Priesthood of Melchizedek, as well a part of the Ancient Priesthood of Solomon, that directly connects the Order with the oldest civilisations, the ancient Pharaonic Egyptian priesthood.
The ones at the top of the hierarchical pyramid are known as the Luciferian Pharaonic rulers of Octogon established in Switzerland, which appears to be the core of the Global octopus of ruling elites with their tentacles reaching into every niche of “our” society.

Nowadays, the Octogon Templars are the ruling Oligarchy of the World, and are the top of the pyramidal hierarchy located in Switzerland, as the Swiss Octogon Templars, followed by the 2nd layer involving Soros and the Nazis. Actually, the Nazis are an integrated part of the Octogon, and somewhat belong to the top as well.

Octogon is the name of a highly secretive Nazi organisation, which by the end of WW2 acquired all of its fortune from looted Nazi Gold and goods deposited into Switzerland, to use it for future wars and illegal actions.
These Ruling Pharaohs, originate from Lucifer’s occult mystery religions, that came out of Babylon and Egypt, nowadays identified as the Global Elite or Global Mafia. Who see us people as their slaves and property, to do with us as they please. For this purpose, they have created energy fields,

Vibrational frequencies through 5G, connect the consciousness of the participants to the Negative Alien Agenda. It is the Archon groups on planet Saturn who manipulate the Consciousness energies that transmits Satanic belief messages around.

Antonella Renzullo and Werner Krcivoj #crackpot #magick #conspiracy finalwakeupcall.info

The element Ether is like a canvas for the creation of matter. The free atoms contained in ether cells correspond to each other in size and purpose. After attracting other atoms moving around them; together they form the crystal lattice, which creates matter…

It was created in the very earliest stages of creation. It is the basis of life, the glue and transmission substance.

The whole Universe is filled with Ether. This is why all entities are able to communicate with each other via brainwaves.

It is alive, it has a memory, it is capable of self-reproduction and self-regeneration. It is present everywhere, but above all it is present in the mind-matter, it is mobile and alive.

The ether is made by info-quants. To wit, the knowledge and use of mathematics and related subjects.

It is invisible to the human eye, it does not die, it penetrates everything without being shielded. The etheric environment is warm, viscous, it is capable of uniting particles. Ether is a matrix, or a canvas. Everything that exists or lives exists thanks to the properties of ether to unite; if these properties were suddenly no longer to exist, there would be a colossal explosion of unimaginable power. Without ether, nothing is complete, voluminous, or absolute. Practically nothing will exist.
It is known that in ancient times Tartarian people knew how to mentally manipulate ether to create matter… and it is also known that Tesla’s technologies were based on Ether concepts…

Nicola Tesla was a great inventor, his free energy concept was boycotted by the Deep State Cabal for the same reason as happened with Ether. Already 120 years ago the world could have been illuminated for free, by advances of genius Nikolai Tesla, if he had not been thwarted by the Deep State-cabal with his invention of free energy, generated from magnetic fields around planet Earth, then no carbon emission-tax or global warming hoax would have been possible at all!

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QFS ends corrupt Cabal central banking systems

The Quantum Financial System – QFS has no comparison to anything that has ever been presented to the world before. It has no opponent; it has no equivalent in advanced technology that any other system possessed before. It is brand new. It is supreme in applied technology so that it offers one hundred per cent financial security and transparency to all currency account holders. With the QFS, the world can easily be changed to gold-backed currencies that completely eliminate the transfer facility of the Cabal’s old central banking system.

There is no equivalent technology to explain and understand the advanced structure of QFS.

The QFS system is the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, already initiated in Russia, China, and the US to replace the centrally controlled Swift system.

This new Quantum Financial System QFS operates on a quantum computer, placed on an orbiting satellite, and is protected from hackers by a secret space programme. This quantum technology was provided by benevolent alien Galactics.

The purpose of the new financial system is to put an end to corruption, usury and manipulation by cabal criminals within the banking world. Its strength is its implemented restrictions that prevent corrupt bankers from making significant profits.
Moreover, after the Money Revaluation (RV), all sovereign currencies will be gold or asset-backed, which guarantees sustainable value, and makes the need for unbacked cryptos redundant. Remember; cryptos are nothing more than numbers in computer memories.
The little-known reality is that QFS has been running in parallel with the Central Banking System for months, if not over a year, and has repelled many attempts at hacking by the Cabal. As a result, many bankers have been caught red-handed with illegal money transfers and have been consistently arrested.

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Everything is coming together. DNA-science has torn back the curtains of time and revealed the Serpent in this people. For the record: real Jews are not Semites, and real Semites are not Jews. The ones today called “Jews” are the very disciples of the evil entity whom the Bible describes as, “that old serpent, the devil.” – From the early centuries of the first millennia, the Khazars of Eastern Europe were known as the money changers, the diabolical “Serpent People,” as the nation of Israel has admitted.

The Satanist have power over, corrupt politicians, and others in charge throughout the system, they are mind controlled to safeguard complete control of events. For the outside – the side the public sees – these Satanist are quite normal, but when switched, they are very different beings. The originator of this mind control process is the Nazi ‘Angel of Death’ Josef Mengele, who was helped to escape after WWII to the United States and South America by the Archon bloodline network that control American Intelligence (CIA) and the Roman Catholic Church. They wanted the ‘camp doctor’ at Auschwitz, to continue his sickening genetic and mind control research that he had conducted on Jewish children in the concentration camps. National Borders don’t matter to the Archon Crime Cabal members; they are one ‘global family’.

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We live in a time that is not in sync with reality; societies are run without vision and confidence, nothing has been learned from the past, about what governing really means.

Government itself is fake, phony and false, everything is a lie. The fabric of society and its culture is a hologram, not real nor true. WAKEUP; and let’s start by ridding ourselves of the liars and pretenders.

Our lives and that of our children and future generations depend on us by making the right move now. Abolish the Central Banks all over the world, they are the main culprits of our today’s misère, they are going to loose out on this current financial crisis they have designed themselves. A return to sound money is the first thing necessary to do. Even governments have to be abolished and strongly reduced to 10% of its today’s size and influence. The world will function much better in a free market environment without regulations.
Since, 1871 the USA Inc. was owned by the British, Vatican and Rothschilds. They have fooled Americans into wars for profit in a scheme to accomplish a renewed Roman Empire for the Vatican Jesuits who are the instigators behind the smoke screen.

Their attacks on the populace through Food Poisoning, Chemtrails, Electromagnetic injury, Sugar Diseases, GMO’s, Wheat Modification, Vaccines, Morgellons disease, Nanotech, Aids, the Fluoridation and further poisoning of our water and the murder of Doctors by Big Pharma mercenaries, are all part of a “Soft Kill” scheme to reduce and control the world population.
The demise of the Deep State cabal is already a fact.

In our new positive world that is dawning; only awake people into the 5th Dimension of consciousness will be allowed. There will be no rulers; all of us together will manage our own living and business.

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Already about 120 years ago, the world could have been lit up for free, by the advancements of genius Nikola Tesla, if he was not obstructed by the Deep State-cabal with his invention of free energy generated from the magnetic fields around planet Earth, there wouldn’t have been any carbon emission tax or global warming hoax at all!

Most of today’s technology originates from the knowledge inspired inside of Tesla, as he feverishly has laid out for the world. Important improvements for humanity, only to be stolen by the Cabal and used devilishly for their own evil devices. Donald Trump’s uncle John Trump knew how to interpret Tesla’s genius patents, and strange drawings. When Donald Trump run for his first election in 2016, he told during his campaign for President; his uncle told him everything about Tesla’s work and patents.

Tesla also understood God’s limitless energy, complex system of creation and the creation of man’s energy in relationship with God. The Cabal knew and feared this could awaken humanity and consequently hid his inventions along with other knowledge that secretly was buried away from public view. In other words, plain criminal Censorship!
What we see in the brilliance of Tesla, is the roadmap hidden from the public that the Cabal has taken and devised to do all the opposites to destroy God’s mass. The arrows are aimed at destroying the family unit, destroying the minds of youth through education that serves a lowering of intellect, a mass movement of memorising what exists, and specifically removing creative thinking and intelligence outside of the box where all of the masses have been placed within. For to open it, it exposes all the lies, the deceit, thefts, and evil manoeuvres to enslave mankind in the vilest and wickedest ways ever imagined. So what can be done? Open it – open it wide and expose the deceit that it contains. Follow the money to the evil cabal and the desires of their utopia that only exists if the box is kept shut tight.

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The Arranger of the Kennedy Murder was Cardinal Spellman of New York

A document from the Vatican secret archives being held by the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels stated that it was mandatory that the Pope and Cardinals participated in Satanic rites.

A Ninth Circle Satanic cult child sacrifice led by Pope Francis Jorge Mario Bergoglio was planned for June 21, 2018 held and performed, as it is the date of the Summer Solstice. Children for this Satanic rite will be supplied by an international child exploitation ring funded by the global elite, enforced by the mafia and organised by the Vatican.

This is not the first time Pope Francis has been accused of raping, or planned rape and murder of children. In July 2014 two adolescent women testified in the ICLCJ-Court, claiming that Pope Francis had raped them during child sacrifice ceremonies in the spring of 2009 and 2010. According to a former employee of the Curie in Rome, the rapes and murders took place at the Carnarvon Castle in Wales and an undisclosed French Chateau. A Prosecutor introduced notarised affidavits from eight others claiming to have witnessed similar crimes.
The hundreds of publications covering Kennedy’s assassination can be reduced to a few simple facts. These lead to the “Lion” in his “Den of Iniquity” who had the power to execute Kennedy’s murder and successfully cover it up. The Lion was Cardinal Spellman of New York and his Den of Iniquity was St. Patricks’ Cathedral, “the Little Vatican”, and home base of the American Branch of the Knights of Malta.
It is known, there were several Knights of Columbus involved in the Kennedy assassination. They were working for the FBI in particular. But the only notable Knight who was involved was Senator Edward Kennedy in that, through his silence, he was consenting to his brother’s murder. Maybe this is what has driven the perpetual Senator from Massachusetts to his destructive alcoholic life?

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The birth of the New World Order is said to have already been fulfilled by the Invisible Master called Yahweh, also called the bad God who contrasts with the Good God, who can only be attained through “gnosis” as concluded by the Gnostic bloodline members present on Earth.

However, the original Gnostics refrained from assuming any role in government, as it was not their intention to change or control our society through social engineering and mental control. But instead to produce a balanced and capable enlightened person, who will eventually be able to create a truly enlightened society, which should be perfect enough not to be led by external alien management.
The true Hidden Masters, contrary to what is said in popular culture, are the good aliens, not the ones from the dark side. The good ones have no need to rule or control our lives. This goes against the universal occult laws.

However, the dark elite try to rise above these laws, they act as the guardians of the material world, that is, they are the Archons, who parasitise the most dangerous intrapsychic mind, just like most of their Islamic counterparts, used by the occult Elite and the intelligence services to deceive and manipulate us humans.
The satanic Vatican created over 6000 false religions to control peoples through fear of death and hell among other things, which are pertinent lies. There is no hell, except the one we are living in now.

Extraterrestrials are hyper-dimensional beings. They hide behind the veil of our perception and can project themselves into our visible reality at will. They are not recent visitors to Earth, they have been here for hundreds of thousands of years, protected by their interdimensional reality that we cannot see because of their DNA manipulation in us.

The veil that keeps our souls imprisoned on this planet, through the reincarnation process, will be lifted in order to set humanity free, and to develop as the Creator has always intended for us.

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Who controls the world?

People will be astonished when the truth is revealed in the time to come. The Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church changed history and hid the rest of it by making up fairy tales about the true history of the earth.

One such lie was about Mary Magdalene, who was in reality Jesus’ wife, giving him two sons named Jesus II Justus and Joseph, along with a daughter named Tamar. This knowledge was suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church.
Major changes are now taking place, to restore our status, and teach people what has been done to us by the Crime Cabal, which includes Draco Reptiles, Greys, and other entities from the universe, which have been deliberately hidden from us by these dark powers.

Pope Francis is a Jesuit and preaches that his god is Lucifer, implying that the pope worships Satan.

Lightworkers have since restored much of the truth, rectifying the 300 AD Treaty of Sangreal, which proclaims that all people on earth are sovereign, and should be treated as such. This will mark the end of the Phony El-ites and their Slave-Scam, which they have conducted for many centuries to the detriment of people on Earth.
The Roman Catholic Pope and all his war criminals, some of whom pretend to be Jews, who in reality are Khazarian mafioso, as well as all European royalty, are Nazis and paedophiles. They are real Satanists, holding positions in the Vatican, the City of London, Washington DC – the United Nations. This information was received from an insider, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons:

All those in positions of absolute power such as the Queen now King of England, the entire royal family of Queen Beatrix in the Netherlands, the Rothschilds, Bushes, Clintons, Rockefellers, Pope Francis, belong to the hidden Jesuit Hierarchy. They are all one big happy Archon bloodline family. I.e. cousins, nieces, uncles and cousins of each other. Some of these people are personally known to this insider, so don’t be fooled!

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When these Nefilim, the collective name for exterrestrials, first wanted to come to Earth about 600,000 years ago, the Earth was in the middle of the first ice age. The first warm period, the interglacial period, was about 550,000 years ago. The second ice age lasted from 480,000 to 430,000 years ago. When the Nefilim first landed on Earth about 450,000 years ago, one third of the Earth’s surface was still covered with ice and glaciers.
These humanoid aliens are Satanists, originating from planet Saturn. They are abusing Earth’s human beings as their slaves to mine the gold that they use for reasons of long levity. As they did also in the more recent past with the Great Flood, when only Noach with his Arc and animals, became survivor thanks to the for knowledge and warning given to Noach by Enki, who had genetically transformed Earth’s standing beings into today’s humans, named homo sapiens.
A major timeline trigger event began with the Celtic invasions 9,500 years ago, when the Negative Alien Agenda was established to create a super-race of genetic elites for the ruling on planet Earth, as an extension for the Anunnaki rulers, with the help of Luciferian Knights Templars. This process evolved into the Jesuits, Freemasonry, Knights Templar, Rosicrucians, and other secret societies that still continues today. These secret societies were originally formed by the Luciferian Knights Templar and are ultimately designed to hide the ancient sacred knowledge of humanity’s true origins from the common people, in order to route them into the stream of falsehoods, ignorance and organised religion, in particular the Church of Rome and Islam.

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Control of the planet, finance, health, weather and politics, by thirteen Archon bloodline families, is exercised in an unimaginable, profound and clandestine manner. This control began in Europe and has a continuity that can be traced back to the time when bankers discovered it was more profitable to lend to governments than to needy individuals. These banking families and their subordinate beneficiaries have, over the course of two centuries, become owners of most large corporations and have organised themselves secretly and increasingly globally as controllers of governments and arbiters of war and peace.
Disclosures about weather manipulation through HAARP, false global warming, climate change, chemtrails poisoning the air we breathe, and other neo-scientific ideas, such as the catastrophic effects of EMFs from any source, GMO food manipulation, electronic RTF surveillance, are designed to initiate militarisation of society worldwide.

Negative Polarisation Controls Planet Earth

In short, the negative polarisation of planet Earth is one of their greatest sources of power. The MSM saturates the human mind with unhealthy cocktails served up on televisions and published in newspapers and magazines to addict humanity to violence, corruption, pornography, greed, hatred, selfishness. Supported by ‘bad news’ to instil fear and protection.
Cabal wants the complete annihilation of the Earth, without a single bomb, if the people do it themselves; they will destroy the planet until the last bit of salvation is gone.

With the change of the timeline in 2010, this process has been stopped. Gaia, is reorientating herself, and has started to transform all negative energy into positive love and light. With this energy, she is repairing every part of her earthly body for ascension. The soul of Gaia, as well as the soul of the Earth, is orientated towards the 5th Dimension.

Peter B. Meyer #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon finalwakeupcall.info

Today, we live in a time that does not reflect reality. Don’t be confused by it. Underlying basic patterns are gaining necessary strength at a divinely determined pace.

The Deep Stators are now in total panic, trying to hold on to any semblance of control they think they still have. They did not think of awakening the population, nor did they think of us freedom fighters. We are taking back our control on many levels because they are no match for all of us together, awakened and united against them. Together we are able to rid planet Earth of the evil that has preyed on us for thousands of centuries.

In 1868, Vatican Jesuits, with help from the British Monarchy, created a global system of debt money based on a central banking system that printed fiat notes; IOUs.

To legitimise themselves in non-Catholic areas, they invented capitalism, communism and Nazism with the help of secret societies like the Freemasons, Ur-Loges, Knights Templar, Roundtable, Rotary and Lions service clubs.
The dark cabal still believes that the Light must accept the existence of USA Inc. as a true sign that the illegal deal forced on America in 1871 can continue. What the cabal does not know is that this reality was only a temporary condition. In fact, the noose has already been placed around their necks by having gone too far.

Now a trigger has been set to collapse the debt money system in the hands of the cabal in order to introduce the new global financial QFS system, which gives value stability to all currencies by hedging with gold and silver. This trigger is set to go off the moment the Cabal is fully neutralised.

The coming new era will be ushered in by an infusion of great abundance. This prosperity is largely due to the endurance of our Earth allies and the brilliant strategies initiated many centuries ago by the Ascended Masters. They were able to bring a new financial and monetary plan called QFS to this planet with the aim of bringing great abundance for all.

Vital Frosi #crackpot #ufo #magick finalwakeupcall.info

Light is the creative Source of all that exists in the infinity of the Cosmos. From the SOURCE itself, which is the Cosmic Central Sun, this creative energy spreads through every Central Solar System of the Multiverse. Through again mirroring each Central Sun in each Universe, and then through the Central Sun of the entire Galaxy.

Thus, the origin of life arose in the movement of each Star, which in turn also represents a Sun called the Local Solar System. The Local Solar System has a series of Planets and Moons. And this is easier to understand because we are in one of them.

We are actually on this Planet Earth, where life, as known to mankind, was introduced by the Light reaching us here. The Light not only produces life as we know it; it also created all the minerals, gas, water, air and everything else that exists on this Planet.
All creation within this infinity, not yet understood by the limited mind of man, depends on the frequency and vibrations of Light received in each sidereal sphere – period when the Earth makes a complete rotation. As, if within each Sun is a device that filters and regulates the intensity and composition of this energy according to the needs of each Planetary House.
According to the information coming in via transmission from our Arcturian Brothers, the next Portals will already activate the fifth helix, or the fifth ribbon, as they say. In short, it is immeasurable progress within this Transition.

Our physical bodies are now going through extraordinary changes in terms of frequency and vibration. And in the near future, even biological changes will be noticed and recognised by Human Science.

The main Portals of this year 2023 will open, which was already foreseen as the year of great changes, because it has number 7. It follows the Cosmic scheme for worlds, and nothing and no one can change or stop it.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #crackpot #racist finalwakeupcall.info

The Rothschilds, Morgans, and Rockefellers do the bidding of the murderous criminal Jesuit Order due to Jesuit infiltration in their organisations. They do whatever is necessary to destroy people’s constitutional liberty in the world, as nowadays is shown with the face mask protocol, to bring the pope to world domination.

There were 400 very rich and powerful men who made it abundantly clear that they were not in favour of the Federal Reserve System. J.P. Morgan was ordered by the Jesuits to build the Titanic. This ‘unsinkable’ ship would serve as the death squad for those who opposed the Jesuit central bank plan more specific the Federal Reserve system. These rich and powerful men would have been able to block the establishment of the Federal Reserve, and subsequently their power and fortunes. So at all cost these men should be taken out of the equation.

They had to be destroyed by a means of an ingenuous natural disaster, no one would suspect that they were murdered, and no one would suspect the Jesuits were involved. The Titanic was the vehicle of their destruction choice. In order to further shield the papacy and the Jesuits from suspicion, many Irish, French, and Italian Roman Catholics immigrating to the New World were aboard. They were people who were expendable. Protestants from Belfast who wanted to immigrate to the United States were also invited on board the Titanic. Those, with the 400 rich men opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, should perish in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, and were eliminated by the Jesuits when the Titanic sank.

Peter B. Meyer #conspiracy #wingnut #racist finalwakeupcall.info

The amazing economic and military growth of the Illuminati’s Triad of Evil means that we may be approaching the final phase of our prophetic history.
The “Cold War” was created to apply worldwide the Hegelian Dialectic of the Jesuits. That as the thesis and antithesis; that is to pit “the Free World in the West” against “the Communist Bloc in the East”. The American Empire was to lead the West, and the Russian Empire the East. Both sides were to be financed by the Jesuit international banking cartel, centred in London and New York, specifically by the Federal Reserve and the Chase-Manhattan Banks, both owned by the Rothschilds.

This synthesis was to destroy the US Empire through the so-called “end of the Cold War”. The illusion of the end of the Cold War would legally enable the Roman corporate monopolies, united in New York City under the leadership of the Council on Foreign Relations, to give Russia and China high technology and financial support, as was eventually illegally realised by Hillary Clinton. This perfected the war machines of both economic communist and political fascist giants, with the aim of invading North America.

It is important to know the following consistency: The Knights financed Lenin and Hitler from Wall Street, also with the help of their Federal Reserve Bank led by Masonic Zionist Jews, including Warburg in particular. The Knights negotiated the Concordat – a papal treaty – between the Pope and Hitler in the person of Franz von Papen.
Red China was created by the Rothschilds and chosen as a poster-child and role model for the Illuminati’s Hegelian synthesis of communism versus capitalism.

Meanwhile, the United States was deliberately downtrodden and suppressed. Extraterrestrial philosophies and a wave of immorality are being used to destroy man’s spirit, while Wall Street managers continue with their Ponzi scheme of manipulation.