Sesostris , sojourner_truth_ & sapphicafemme #sexist #transphobia

Teacher has a 'transition closet' for kids to change in

He has a closet so that kids can come to school in 'parent-approved' clothes and then get changed into their 'true self' clothes at school.

Twitter link:

This is pretty freaking unbelievable, and if I were a parent, I'd be furious.

(sojourner_truth_ )
There's no way this teacher hasn't hidden a camera in that changing booth. The school bathrooms are right there, and he could even make a big show of sending TIM students to the girl's bathroom for even more woke points. But he has a booth instead so he can plant like 6 cameras in there.

( sapphicafemme )
They just need to stop letting men teach or be around children. They don’t know how to act. When I was a kid and went to a uniform school, I’d change to wear something else I liked. I went to that bathroom to change. I can’t even fathom what’s going through this man’s head that made him think putting up a “transition closet” was a better choice than just changing in the bathroom. Either there’s a camera in there or he desperately wants to be in the same room as a child changing their clothes. There’s no way. There’s no way there isn’t something weird going on here. If men don’t want to figure it out and fix it, they need to be taken out of the classroom



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