Christopher Parks #sexist

Schopenhauer was extreme but he was right about a lot of things. Women behaving like adult children is one. Whether it’s wining and complaining, the inherent solipsism, the shirking of responsibility for their actions, or the overall lack of an ability to control emotions, women IN GENERAL have a childish mindset which makes sense because women are babied by our society. Obviously not all women but enough to be important enough to bring up in a discussion. Everyone these days are afraid to say anything that can been seen as negative about women because they think they’ll be labeled as misogynist, women haters, and for women “pick me’s”. The truth is women have a tendency to certain flaws just like men have a tendency to certain flaws and as free willed humans we can and I’d even venture to say should work to fix. Schopenhauer does a decent job at pointing them out. Does he seem to have some annimus towards women? Yes. Was he right about a lot of things? Also yes. Both can be true.



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