Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy

The issues families can have with That Christmas are violence, evolution, language, and more. There are attacks on Christians, the family, racism, traditions, and more in That Christmas. The Three Wise Men are redefined into the Three Wise Women. The climate change lie is regurgitated again and again in That Christmas. Parents are shown as dumb, and the kids really smart in That Christmas.

There is a new kid in town who is very shy. He happens to like this one girl and she does not know he exists. His mother recently got divorced and he rarely sees his father. This young man steps up and helps his mother again and again in That Christmas. Santa Claus comes and gives the good kids presents in That Christmas. There is an older lady who is a teacher that helps a variety of characters in this movie.

I would put That Christmas down as one of the woke radical far leftist movies. Parents have an accident and these kids get to have whatever Christmas they want. They have pizza and candy and play games. The youngest child goes out in the blizzard during hide and seek. She goes after the turkeys that were released because it is cruel for us to eat turkey on Christmas. The radical far left teachings are all over That Christmas.

From almost start to finish I did not like That Christmas. The attacks on families, traditions, morals, Christians, Jesus Christ, and more are something that can make your blood boil. I doubt I will ever watch this movie again. I know I will never look for a physical copy of That Christmas. After I am done with this review I hope I never hear about this movie unless it is to be told what a flop it was.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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