
Mark #fundie #magick familyfriendlygaming.com

I will be completely transparent. Pumpkin Jack shocked me. We are playing as a servant of Satan. We are doing the bidding of the devil. The storyline is all about stopping peace and harmony because it is boring. Pumpkin Jack is pro evil, pro devil, pro rebellion, and more. Pumpkin Jack has references to gore, and lets the player use magic. We also have a crow that we can launch at enemies to attack them. As we progress in Pumpkin Jack we get more violent weapons.

Players save and restore their health at witches cauldrons in Pumpkin Jack. After we die Pumpkin Jack tells us we are resurrecting and lets us know how many times the player has died thus far in the game. The graphics in Pumpkin Jack are on the dark side. I ran into lag issues every single time I came to a cauldron or there was some story element loading in. The music in Pumpkin Jack is very creepy. Pumpkin Jack represents the Satanic holiday of Halloween quite well.

I can’t imagine Pumpkin Jack doing very well in America where the super majority of citizens self identify as Christian. Pumpkin Jack is the opposite of the Judeo-Christian values the super majority claim to hold. Maybe I am wrong. On paper Pumpkin Jack looks like a very bad idea in this market. I can see plenty of families being deeply offended by Pumpkin Jack. I was shocked that anyone would make a game like this.

I noticed the camera was jittery at times, the controls felt a bit loose, and collision detection was not always there. The running/escape levels were pretty neat. The boss patterns are rather predictable. Pumpkin Jack is on the shorter side in terms of length. Decent gamers can beat Pumpkin Jack in five hours. My research into Pumpkin Jack found no physical copy versions in the United States at this time. Pumpkin Jack was a spiritually draining game to play.

Working Man Gamer #fundie familyfriendlygaming.com

When Family Friendly Gaming was offered a copy of Battle Supremacy Evolution I expected another tank battle game. I know the last word in the name of this game is extremely controversial, highly divisive, and insanely offensive to a great many people. I personally would have preferred a less offensive word being chosen. We bring issues like that to the forefront of the video game journalism.

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist #senpai_noticed_us familyfriendlygaming.com

A lot of parents are trying to find ways to keep their kids safe from the radicalization that is coming from schools, comic books, television shows, movies, and more. Even if a kid jokes about their gender then the radical activists in the schools are brainwashing them to mutilate their bodies, take hormones they should never take, and more. These people are not being held accountable for the damages they are causing our youth.

The government is currently completely in support of encouraging mental illness instead of treating it. I know a lot of parents tell me they can't get away from it. They have to work to pay for the massive inflationary costs thanks to Joe Biden and the Democrats. There are too many taxes they have to pay because the government is too bloated. There is an entire class in America that relies on the government to survive. The rest of us can't afford to pay the costs of all those hand out programs. Illegal aliens are pouring in and getting free services as well. Does anyone care? Is anyone going to correct the bad direction of the government?

I am having trouble finding very much entertainment that is not actively trying to brainwash the youth into their radical ideas that are actually the same old rebellion against God. Isn't it interesting that we can see who is behind all this? Parents if you can find a way to home school your children then do it. If you can find a way to get some land, and grow as much of your own food then do it. If you can find a way to make your own clothing then do it. If you can find a way to support the good entertainment then do it. Satan and his supporters continue to attack Family Friendly Gaming for daring to speak out against the delusions they are encouraging.

Paul Bury #fundie #dunning-kruger familyfriendlygaming.com

rom time to time I like to expose fake, fraudulent and failed logic in my columns. Have you ever heard anyone say: "I gotta be me." Usually they are referencing some rebellion against God, their elders, parents, and/or some other authority figure. The interesting thing about the people saying they have to be who they are. Notice how they never say they are who God made them to be? Instead they want to attempt to make it look like their personal life style choices are set in stone. There is no changing this. There is no way they will change their minds. There is no way they will accept reality and embrace obedience to God.

The most fascinating thing to a free thinker like myself is what comes next. The rebellious that want everyone to accept who and their choices are demand others change for them. So they gotta be who they think they are. They refuse to accept anyone else being who they actually are. There is always a demand others change for them. Accept their rebellious behavior as if it is a wonderful thing. They are driving off a cliff and they demand you tell them that they are doing a good job driving. The rebellious refuse to accept the diversity of anyone that warns them of the dangers of their life style choices.

You know what this behavior reminds me of? Do you know what this behavior is a lot like? It is like a virus or a disease. It attempts to make everyone conform to their worldly standards. I did some research and found again and again many of these people decide they want nothing to do with the authority figures, elders, and family members that are set over them by God. The only way to spend time with them is give them their way one hundred percent on the topics of their choosing. If you do not then they will take their ball and go home. They will refuse to acknowledge any opinion divergent from their own. Pretty immature and childish if you ask me. It also makes me think some people never learned anything from 'The Emperor's New Clothes' story.

Paul Bury #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

For years I warned liberals about opening all of these different Pandora's boxes. Liberals starting calling media outlets they did not like - 'fake news.' Conservatives exposed the liberal media and their lies again and again and properly assigned them with the fake news mantra. Liberals did not really learn their lesson with that one though. I would think they would acknowledge they should not start something new that would come back to bite them.

Liberals starting being rude, mean, and hateful to people they did not like. Maybe there were people that liberals disagreed with on policy so they were vicious to them. Guess what? Conservatives followed your fine example of being rude, mean, and hateful and liberals acted like they were victims. Why did ya'll start the hateful discord? An intelligent person would realize what you send out in many cases comes right back to you. Be smart about it. Stop starting these things that make everything worse. You do not get special treatment.

Liberals decided to cancel and destroy anyone they disagreed with or deemed not worthy of being supported financially. Conservatives supported those the liberals were trying to cancel and kept those companies going. Now the conservatives have been going after these companies doing outrageous things they disagree with. From Disney to Anheuser Busch these companies are feeling the pain of conservatives refusing to buy their woke products. I expect this will only continue to grow and develop. Again liberals opened this Pandora's box.

I am asking the liberals out there to start thinking about these things before rolling them out. If you do not want it to ever happen to you, then don't do it. Please grow a brain cell and take a note of the history. Liberals complained about elections when Bush and Trump were elected. Conservatives have done the same thing when Biden was elected. Liberals seem to think they will get special treatment and no one will follow their example and apply it those they agree with.

Paul Bury #wingnut #fundie #senpai_noticed_us familyfriendlygaming.com

Some angry psycho haters attack Family Friendly Gaming, me, and or my mission or family. They probably have no idea how much that powers me up. It charges me up. I am so empowered when the angry psycho haters attack us for being obedient to God. They must think their threats, and hatred will make us cower and follow them in their disobedient to God ways. Instead it makes me feel wonderful. I know that I am getting under the devil's skin because he sent his minions to try and force us into disobedience against God. We struck a nerve, and hit a chord.

The Holy Bible is clear that when we faithfully obey God we will face persecution. Whether it is some radical activist or someone high up in a video game company, we accept the reality that we are storing up treasures in heaven while they are storing up pain and suffering in hell. I would prefer they do the right thing. I would prefer they repent and turn from their evil ways. I would prefer they freely choose to be obedient to God. Their threats, and discrimination do not stop us from being obedient to God. The opposite happens. We stand up even more for God. Their attacks backfire and only make them look bad.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. I am baffled by the thin skinned, petty, vindictive, small minded perspective by too many people working at video game companies. The hard work Family Friendly Gaming completed for decades made these companies all this money. Do they advertise? Nope. Do they sponsor? Nope. Do they carry on meaningful conversations? Nope. They demand we be their slave labor and make them more money. They offer nothing, and expect us to work for free to make them even more money.

Too many of this video game companies are rude, hateful, and abrasive. We all know they are self-centered and self-absorbed. They blame us whenever their products fail. They make threats if we do not give them review scores high enough in their warped minds. We have been black listed by multiple companies for being open, honest, transparent, and obedient to God. We have been punished for being Christian. We have been punished for being conservative. We refuse to disobey God to get a reviewable copy here or there. We would rather purchase the games and say what we are going to say anyway. You would be shocked at the venom and hatred we have faced again and again in the video game industry from those that claim to celebrate diversity. We are diverse from them, and they attack us.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

Christians and conservatives treated like third class citizens all over the place. President Biden and his people making inflation skyrocket while they dismantle our energy independence. The Democrats wielding the US Government against their political rivals. The swamp of corruption coming back in force and punishing anyone who believes in freedom. The FBI raiding an ex-president for the same thing Hillary Clinton got away with. Criminals being let back out on the streets to rape and murder even more people. The rule of law being ignored. Invasion at the southern border.


Remember the pendulum swings back. There will be investigations into the government corruption. The people doing horrible things will face punishment at some point in the future. If they get away with it on Earth they must face God's judgement. I believe in leaving it to God. God will take care of the evil, vile, and wicked. That does not mean we will sit here silently while they try and ruin the world. We will still speak up and speak out. We will do nothing to punish them for their choice to rebel against God. We will encourage them to repent and turn from their evil ways. We will pray for them. We will point them to God.


Our first citizenship is in the kingdom of Heaven. If God allows evil people to destroy America, and destroy the world then we have to acknowledge that this is not our eternal home. We have hope in Jesus Christ. We have hope in his return. Perspective is very important. Everything in human life is transient. This is just a way station we are in for a short time. Our eternal home is in the place Jesus is preparing for us. I applaud everyone who stands up to the corruption in the government. We have stood up multiple times. We continue to stand up. We face all kinds of hateful attacks for doing so. We will continue to obey God. We refuse to join in rebellion against God. We are on the winning side in the end.

Paul Bury #fundie #quack #conspiracy #dunning-kruger familyfriendlygaming.com

I was at a local hospital recently and they demanded every single person wear a mask. Even if you have been vaccinated and only have a 5% chance of receiving or transmitting the Chinese COVID-19 virus. Even if you get the Chinese COVID-19 virus you have a 99.98% chance of surviving it. I immediately railed against their ignorance of science. I had not worn a mask in many months. I got vaccinated even though I question if I really needed to that. Plus when you run the numbers I acknowledged I did not really need to get vaccinated. I did and know the numbers are seriously on my side. The science is on my side. There are people and places that ignore reality, numbers and science. Why are they so insistent on masks?

I think masks have become the new blanket for some people. You know Linus from Peanuts right? He had to carry his blanket with him. It was a comfort thing for him. It was a security thing for him. I believe masks are a security blanket for some people. They feel safe and they want to impose that on everyone else. They don’t care about your rights or liberty. They are controlled by fear and have a belief that the masks are keeping them safe. I am writing this article from a waiting room in this hospital wearing a mask because I will be arrested if I don’t. I thought this was the land of the free. I thought we had liberty. I guess I was completely and totally wrong in those thoughts. I promised Yolanda I would not cause trouble otherwise this is a hill I might be willing to die on. Would that finally open some eyes? Would that finally wake up some sheep?

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

It is appalling the collusion and racketeering going on at Big Tech these days. As a disabled war veteran who has pain every single day of his life I am disgusted at the attacks on freedom of speech (First Amendment) by Big Tech. I am writing this right after Parler got shut down thanks to the evil Amazon, Google, and Apple censorship, collusion and racketeering. I have full confidence that Parler will get back up (hopefully before this article even publishes). I believe Big Tech is breaking the law and should face the legal ramifications of their heinous deeds.

Ultimately we need real and genuine alternatives that embrace Judeo-Christian values. I am talking all the way up and down the technological spectrum and line. From server hosting to the phones we buy. From Internet Service Providers to phone plans. When I look at all the radical far leftist ideology being spewed from too many of these major companies I realize we can’t shop anywhere or buy much of anything without helping enrich those that hate us. I am tired of constantly giving money to companies that want to destroy me and my people. I want conservative alternatives for everything. We partner with a Christian company for our website services, and servers. All churches and Christian ministries should be doing the same thing.

I have written and talked about this topic in the past. I want more choices and I want to choose companies that reflect the morals, ethics, and values that made America great in the first place. I want to go to a grocery store that is not attacking our morals, ethics and values. I want to go to a department store that reflects our morals, ethics and values. As of right now I am denied that choice. I am pleased to see more people waking up to this reality and this truth. Twitter, Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Instagram are showing their true colors. They hate us, and don’t care what we think or say. Taking our business elsewhere is the only thing that will wake them up. Right now we don’t have that option. I hope we get it very soon.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. Do you know something that annoys me? There is something that really irritates me. This thing is so obnoxious that I had to write a FFG Original news story on it. It is people that believe fake news after evidence is presented that completely debunks it. I do not comprehend wanting to believe a false narrative in the first place. What irritates me is when some people are presented evidence that their news related belief is false, they hold onto the lie. How can they do that?

I believe in truth, honesty and integrity. It floors me when someone is presented with truth and they reject it for a lie. How does that even work? My brain is wired to believe truth and reject the lies. I cannot comprehend wanting to accept lies over truth. It does not compute to me and my brain. There are people committing heinous, evil, vile, and wicked acts all in the name of fake news. They are given a false narrative and they run with it. Then the facts come out and there are no apologies, going and repairing the damage they caused. Instead they move onto the next fake news story that pulls their puppet strings and tells them to be outraged. Whatever happened to thinking for yourself? Whatever happened to trust but verify?

I don’t get it. I know people that obtusely stick to a false narrative and false belief no matter what evidence is presented to them. I lay out the facts in an unbiased way, and they reject them holding onto their false narrative and false belief on the topic. I do not have an agenda beyond the truth. I am so confused by people who accept lies over truth. To me that is twisted like a pretzel. Is it really that difficult to accept the truth over lies? Is it really that hard to acknowledge truth and reality over fake and fantasy? It is my hope and prayer that this leads you to think for yourself and investigate for yourself.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut familyfriendlygaming.com

I noticed the political left just keeps marching forward lock, step and barrel with their radical agenda. They embrace rebellion against God. They embrace making more and more people miserable. They embrace tearing Americans apart. They embrace constantly moving the goal posts. They embrace hatred, venom, bile, evil, and wickedness. They embrace lies and deceit. They keep moving forward with their agenda.

It is time for those of us who obey God to keep moving forward with true morals, ethics, definitions, and history. It is time for those of us who comprehend that fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom to band together to help one another. It is time for those of who honor and revere God to shine even brighter in this darkening world. Satan is on the march. Satan is marshalling his forces to do as much damage and destruction as he can. We can’t just sit by and watch. We can’t do nothing while evil continues to move culture and society farther away from God. We need to stand up, speak up, and show that we believe in doing the right thing. We must band as one in doing what is holy, just, and loving.

I am not all words either. I have already been doing this myself. This goes from seeking out like minded companies and inviting them into our advertising family, to purchase products from fellow believers. I am constantly looking for ways to support brothers and sisters in Christ. My hope and prayer is they will have the same heart and same desire. The more ad revenue we bring in the more fellow Christian and conservative companies we can support. My goal is to grow this on a near daily basis. Those rebelling against God are united and working together. If we don’t unite under God’s flag we will find ourselves being picked off one at a time. This is exactly what the cancel culture has been doing. I strongly encourage every single Christian to support one another. Not just in word but in deed as well.

Paul Bury #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

I went shoe shopping with Noah recently. This is the first time I have gone shoe shopping with him for some time. He wanted to go to the mall. On the third of five stores we went to there was an interesting scene that played out for us. This shoe store was blasting some rap music. I have no clue who the rapper is or if he is even still alive. This rapper kept using the N-WORD over and over again in his song. There were all of these black people in this shoe store. Not one of them was bothered by the song, lyrics, or words. Yet if I started to sing along I would immediately be labelled a racist.

I did not sing along with this song. I noticed others in the store were. They were black and they are allowed to use that kind of language. The same language they tell us over and over again is so offensive to them. They are allowed to use words I am not allowed to us. They are given rights and privileges I am not given. Some of the people in that store were dancing to this song and that word. They were celebrating the word being used. Not one of them complained about hearing that word. Not one had an issue with that kind of language. I came away from the experience pretty confused. You are so offended by it that it makes you want to dance?

I had to ask for Noah to check on shoe sizes at this store. The workers were not very interested in helping us out. They wound up losing a sale. They are probably losing a lot of sales going forward. There were people using racial slurs against white people in a hate filled manner. It is not the kind of a place I want to go back to anytime soon. We finally did find Noah some shoes at a different store that let us self service. Meaning they had the sizes on the wall and we were able to try on the shoes. I left that whole experience pondering the question of those who claim they are so offended by a word they use, celebrate, and enjoying listening to. Is this another lie from the Democrat controlled media?

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

I almost threw up after watching the disingenuous Bruce Springsteen Super Bowl LV advertisement. After he spewed all of that divisive hate speech about President Trump he wants us to unify under President Biden. We do not unify because you get your way. We don’t forget all of the vitriol you regurgitated all of those years. We remember all of the hateful names you called us. Where are the apologies? Where are the promises you won’t do it to the next Republican administration? When will you condemn all of the riots that continue to happen thanks to left wing radicals?

If the political left really wants unity then they need to start with compromise. Reactivating the failed policies from the past is not making any concessions. Failing to get rid of the swamp of corruption is not compromise. Failing to listen to diverse voices is not compromise. Shoving radical far leftist policies that are destroying America is not compromise. Joe Biden is not sincere when he says he wants unity. To him unity means we all give him his way, and never say anything contrary to it. He sees no need to compromise as long as he can make America a third world country. His slogan should be MABA – Make America Bad Again. He continues his divisive hate speech day after day. He does not want unity, nor is he making any attempts at it.

All Joe Biden and the Democrats are doing right now is making a lot of patriotic Americans mad. Voter’s remorse is growing in America from independent voters. They did not listen when we tried to educate them to the reality they were being lied to by Joe Biden. They just wanted peace and harmony. Joe Biden and the Democrats want no unity. Their acts and deeds prove that statement to be completely true. Alligator politicians from the swamp of corruption always do this. They say one thing while campaigning and do the exact opposite when they get the power. And yet some of my fellow Americans continue to be fooled by this tactic. When will ya’ll wake up, grow up, and acknowledge reality? Thank you for increasing suffering in America. When will you vote to fix this?

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

The issues families can have with Alien Worlds Season 1 are violence, bad language, trusting aliens, and the controversial/highly divisive religious belief of evolution being taught. Technically all of Alien Worlds Season 1 is a sham. I felt like con artists were behind this show. The last episode shows a gentleman that believes there is alien life and we should contact it. He blames science fiction shows for people not wanting to invite aliens more advanced than ourselves here. He actually thinks they would fly all the way out here and want to help us. If he is wrong we get annihilated.

Alien Worlds Season 1 is not only really short but it constantly re-uses video clips over and over again in the same episodes. Netflix is really letting some garbage on their streaming service. Alien Worlds Season 1 is a great example of this. Where is the accountability for the radical brainwashing attempted in Alien Worlds Season 1? I guess that is what we are for. I did my part by watching and reviewing Alien Worlds Season 1.

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut familyfriendlygaming.com

Joe Biden showed his true self and his rebellion against God on his first day as President of the United States. He used hateful rhetoric in his inauguration speech proving he is not trying to unify us as Americans. He continues to divide us by admitting to treating some Americans as third class citizens or criminals for having a difference of opinion. It is obvious he will spit on the United States Constitution if he follows through with the words in his speech. The forked tongue devil claims to want unity while spewing hateful rhetoric and implementing divisive policies.

On day one Joe Biden acted like a king with divisive executive orders. He does not plan on healing us by throwing away the economy, increasing the swamp of DC corruption, and attacking millions of American workers. Joe Biden is obviously returning America to Barrack Obama’s attempts to make America a third world country. Joe Biden obviously hates America, our morals, and ethics. He enacted executive orders showing his true rebellion against God and his word. No wonder he is banned from Communion. America is starting to diminish under Joe Biden already. Why is Joe Biden implementing failed policies from the past? Didn't he learn from those past failures?

I expect a new terrorist attack on American soil in the next couple of years thanks to Joe Biden doing everything possible to make us less safe. I love how he hides behind guards and walls, but does not think the rest of us need the same protection. We will lose all kinds of good jobs thanks to that highly divisive and controversial albatross called the Paris Climate Accord. Discrimination will rise against Christians and white people under a Biden administration. The economy will tank, and there will be all kinds of suffering. Joe Biden plans on throwing all kinds of money at Americans which means our taxes will increase. We will lose more money in the long run and we will see even more government wasteful spending. Lord willing we will survive this as a country. We have survived rebellious leaders before.

Mark #fundie familyfriendlygaming.com

A reader request came in for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Our editor in chief purchased the game and I drew the shortest straw. Thus I am reviewing it. The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim is a role playing game told in the first person perspective. It is medieval times where magic and dragons are dangers. The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim has an ethical system to it. Criminals can be attacked on sight. Players can behave, or go around murdering as they see fit. Let us be honest, what sane person finds that fun?

The blood and gore in The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim are so over the top it hurts the image of the entire video game industry. The camera is a constant pain since the player is in control of it. The level design loves to give all kinds of U-turns in tunnels. Expect to get motion sickness from The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. Women are not very modest, and after killing them the player can undress them down to their underwear.

The language in The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim is just as nauseous as the grainy and dark graphics. It is like The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim does everything possible to be as offensive as possible. A wide array of false gods are worshiped in The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim. The music is generally moody and dark. This game feels more like a horror film than a role playing experience.

The glitches are what chops this bloody gore off at the knees. Players have to go back to a previous save, or start the game completely over because quests can’t be completed. Imagine getting an item for a character from bandits and that character does not recognize you did it. You also have no way of handing the key misc item over to them. There are visual glitches, and audio glitches. The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim tries to do a lot but fails way too often.

The combat in The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim is boring and unrealistic. A wide array of sexual deviancy is allowed. The best way to describe The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim is if someone imagined going down into hell and then they tried to portray it as a good thing. That sums up my painful experience with this game.

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut familyfriendlygaming.com

The angry toxic haters spewing all kinds of venom now want to make nice. They get their way and then they can behave. To me they are just emotional toddlers who seem to think they can tell us how to feel and react. Biden has even told us multiple times to heal like he can just command us to do whatever he says,. Half of America thinks the election was stolen by fraud in specific counties in specific states to change the results. There are too many reports of too many shenanigans that happened in the election. How will Joe Biden heal that? Will he step down and admit President Trump was robbed?

Liberals keep pushing their opposite morals and ethics. As they continue to redefine words, history, institutions, morals and ethics they expect everyone to accept their radical changes. Half of us refuse to accept their attempts to redefine everything. That means we continue to live by the original words, history, institutions, morals, and ethics definitions. At times we cannot even communicate because a positive and uplifting word like traditional means good things to us. That same word means ugly, nasty, and hateful things to those who embrace attempts to redefine words. We use it in a good context and they redefine it to be a bad context. Communication is not possible in this climate.

This is the real reason America will not heal. Those that accept redefinitions will not let us heal. They must get their way all the time or they threaten more and more evil things. If they continue on this path America will split into at least two. Every single time they opened a pandora’s box we stepped through and returned the favor. They won’t stop, and because of that neither will we. We have not been united states for a long time. Time to separate into two countries and let the left live their morals and let the right live theirs. Joe Biden may be the last American president, and the one that causes the split of the nation. He won’t come even close to healing us. He has no intention of healing us and we see it.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger #elitist familyfriendlygaming.com

The Game Awards has been a face palm embarrassment since it was created. The Game Awards continues to be out of touch yet again. The macabre and morbid video games dominate in their twisted hater view point. The arrogant snobbery of The Game Awards continues in a way that disgusts families to this day.

There are all kinds of great family friendly video games that deserved recognition and The Game Awards ignores them. No wonder so many families have no clue The Game Awards even exists. The ones that do have a negative viewpoint of yet another radical far leftist awards show. A horror game that offends a great many families won family game of the year. How is Luigi’s Mansion 3 more family friendly than Super Mario Maker 2? Why are the only family friendly titles all from Nintendo? Talk about laziness. Why were games like Fun Fun Animal Park, Steven Universe Save The Light and OK KO Lets Play Heroes, The Fisherman Fishing Planet excluded? How is Super Smash Bros considered family friendly?

It baffles me that the people making these decisions have no clue what the definition of family friendly actually is. I guess in their minds it is Nintendo. Whether the Nintendo game is family friendly or not. I do not even waste my time with The Game Awards anymore because I expect them to be completely backwards and messed up. I shake my head at what an embarrassment The Game Awards is to the entire video game industry. They glorify the macabre and morbid video games in a way that disgusts a great many families. They throw a few crumbs to families and cannot even do that right. It is such a head shaking moment in disgust.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger familyfriendlygaming.com

Some topics we are looking at exploring in FFG Politics right now are No Faith in the Election Process, Fake News Bias, Reactions to a President Biden, Why America Won’t Heal. We understand that there are people who are in support of Biden (or maybe they just hate President Trump). We understand there are people in support of President Trump. We know there are all kinds of investigations, and accusations of the election being stolen thanks to fraudulent votes. We have heard stories of lists being made to attack anyone who does not go along with the new dictator in chief, err commander in chief. The Fake News is doing a lot to make their wishes and dreams come true with manipulative reporting and many times outright lies.

There are Americans who believe in being obedient to God. There are Americans who believe in rebelling against God and attacking those that are obedient. The election of 2020 was a mess, a dumpster fire, and third world tactics were utilized. The reality is the election reflected how bad America has gotten. Poor leadership in certain areas of the country has led to the rise of those that hate this country. There are those that want to tear it all down and destroy those who are diverse from them. Fake News has thrown gasoline on those fires or lied about the violence again and again. Living and let live has become a phrase from history instead of a mantra how to behave. Anger and hatred have been on the rise from the political left for some time now. The Future Glimpses books explored this concept and showed that the inevitable outcome is America splitting up into multiple countries. Unless hearts change that is the path we are on.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

We are definitely in the minority when it comes to viewpoint, perspective and focus. There have been haters throughout the years that thought we must be a joke because we do not go with the radicals on the far left. Those haters had never been exposed to anyone who was diverse from them. We helped educate them, broaden their horizons, and expose their narrow views. There have been plenty within the PR and Marketing field that have embraced the diversity Family Friendly Gaming brings to the video game industry and video game media. On the opposite side of the coin there have been those in video game companies, video game media outlets, PR and Marketing that despise the diversity Family Friendly Gaming brings. They want us gone because we point people to God. They want us gone because we are not part of the bought off gaming media. They want to destroy us because we bring up concepts, thoughts, and ideas that they want to hide or gloss over. I expect this. There have even been readers expressing venomous hatred over the years. The death threats went a bit too far in my opinion. I disagree with a plethora of people in the industry. I don't threaten them because they have a different viewpoint. Live and let live is a concept some people need to embrace going forward. It is astounding how many in the video game industry and video game media are proud of being rebellious, disrespectful, hateful, and mean toward God and His people.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #homophobia #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

I remember the backlash and disgust over DC Comics redefining Batwoman as a homosexual when they brought her back into the comics. I also did some research and noticed Batwoman The Complete First Season was disliked by a super majority of the people. The radicals on the far left claimed it was people being hateful to sexual deviants. The truth of the matter is Batwoman The Complete First Season sucks.

Batwoman The Complete First Season takes a C, D, E, or F grade heroine and gives her C, D, E, or F grade villians to fight. Its like a movie that revolves around the Blue Beettle or something. Only niche super hardcore comic book fans will ever be interested. Batwoman does not have broad appeal when she is constantly putting her homosexuality in the face of others and demanding preferential treatment.

The liberal media, Holly Weird, liberal comic books, and other far left institutions all give Batwoman The Complete First Season preferential treatment. The rest of us are going to be real about this show and point out its horrible. The acting and writing make my eyes roll back into my head like I am doing some old school Undertaker shtick. The special effects are barely existant.

The issues families will have with Batwoman The Complete First Season is lack of attire, enticement to lust, blood, violence, bad language, promotes sexual deviancy, anti-male, anti-police, anti-military, anti-football, anti-wealth, multiverse beliefs, and more. Batwoman The Complete First Season hates on Christians and conservatives while lying way too often. One of the lies in Batwoman The Complete First Season is someone gay can't go straight. Reality disagrees with you Batwoman The Complete First Season.

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

It astounds me that the more we talk about pointing people to God the more the forces of Satan attack us. We have been upgrading a plethora of things here at Family Friendly Gaming as we have been attacked from a variety of angles. Hackers trying to destroy our YouTube channel, email, and more. Haters falsely accusing us of things to authority areas to get us blocked and banned. Do they get joy out of being so evil? How do they sleep at night knowing they are openly serving Satan? Does it make them feel good to try and destroy what others have created and built up?

My reaction to these attacks might surprise you. I feel bad for the people doing these evil, vile, and wicked things. I feel pity and sympathy for those who are not capable of creating anything. I cannot comprehend their desire to destroy and ruin. We fix the damage these evil people create, we shake off the dust from our cloaks as a testament against them and we go right back to doing God’s will for our lives. I am not angry at them. I do not hate them. I want them to turn from their evil, vile, and wicked ways. I want them to embrace the light we are shining. I want them to repent of their evil ways and turn to God. I want them to embrace obedience to God out of their own free will.

If they are expecting some rant and rave about them they failed. This article is the one public response they are receiving. This is more about letting you know the vicious hate filled attacks we experience from those who claim to celebrate and tolerate diversity. They instead lie, steal, and destroy. I set the record straight and expose their evil deeds to the entire world. God will judge them. God will punish them. I will do nothing against them. I am way too busy doing God’s will and making this a better world to live in. I comprehend they fear that. I comprehend these haters are cowards. I understand that their hateful attacks are an attempt to silence us. I understand that these criminals are self-centered, and self-absorbed. I also understand they are openly serving Satan. They hate us because we choose to obey God. Their attacks will not stop us from obeying God.

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

We have to have a thick skin dealing with troublemakers, trolls, haters, and cancel culture psychos. There are too many that like to pretzel twist thing in some of the most vile, and wicked ways. I suppose since they are evil in their hearts they want to attempt to make everyone else in the world just like them. This is obviously why they attack Family Friendly Gaming. We are a beacon of light in a very dark industry. We stand up for truth, justice and the American way. The haters don’t want any of that to even exist in our world.

I noticed recently a lack of logic from the troublemaking trolls. Their comments get deleted, and they get put in timeout or blocked on the channels they attempt to cause trouble. Why even do it? What is the point of wasting their time? Don’t they have better things to do? If they are trying to illicit an angry response they fail there as well. What is the point of their attacks? Are they trying to get others to rise up against us? They fail at that as well. Are they attempting to waste our and everyone else’s time so they can have the spotlight on them? They get that for a few seconds and then it’s gone forever. Ultimately I see no logic from their deeds. They are just being wasteful while being hateful and disrespectful.

Do they find it funny trying to spread their ugliness and venom? Ultimately they fail at that, so why do it in the first place? Are they trying to find the barriers that are clearly written down? Are they seeing if they can get preferential treatment and get away with breaking the rules? I ask all these questions because as I analyze it I find no logic behind it. The only conclusion I can come to is they are so filled with hatred that they want to attempt to destroy anything good, honourable, and just. They are in such misery that they want to force everyone into the mud with them. They can’t handle others being happy, and want to destroy that. Yet again if that is their goal they fail at that as well.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

We had one angry hater loud mouthed activist demand we never talk about politics. With some research it was discovered this same complainer supported others making radical political statements on the political left. So they could not even be honest with their true request. They were in essence saying: "only radical highly divisive political speak from the left is allowed. Everything else must be silenced." Isn't that nice of them? What is next put us in concentration camps because we don't want to join them in rebellion against God? What is odd is people like that always claim to celebrate diversity. Yet when they are faced with real and true diversity they viciously attack it.

We kept as much politics out as often as possible. In fact the 2020 Presidential Election is the first time we ever endorsed a candidate running for office. Family Friendly Gaming started in 2005 in case you wondered. We did not do that for fifteen years. So I can see where some might want us to keep it that way. The problem is the political left is not leaving anyone alone. They are invading video games, sports, and more. They have been in entertainment for a long time. When video game developers are promoting radical far left political ideas we can't keep silent on it when we discuss those products. They opened the door. They put the content out there. We can't hide our lights in this dark world because too many are used to being in darkness and the light shocks them.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

I understand we are in dark times right now in America. There are so many problems and issues we are facing. From a failing swamp of corruption leadership in the White House to liars in the Democrat controlled media outlets. From the Chinese virus pandemic to seeing the White House implement failed policies from the past. From wasteful government spending and pork to people not being allowed to work. Racism, sexism, and breeder phobia are on the rise and marching proudly in the streets. Discrimination and persecution against Christians is at an all time high in America.

This world is not our permanent home. We belong to the Kingdom of Heaven. We belong to God. Our focus should always be on Him. We should acknowledge that the Prince of Lies runs rampant on this planet. Satan is causing as much division, destruction, and rebellion that he can. When our focus becomes on God and not all of the evils of this world then all of the problems feel lighter. God is where our hope lies. God is where I joy comes from. You can see all kinds of miserable people who do not have God with them. The closer we draw to God the happier we are. That is my personal experience, and I know plenty of others that share the same experience.

I know there are good times ahead for us. America is in dark times right now. The dawn will come and things will get better. Hold on a little bit longer. Have faith and hope that tomorrow will come and it will get better. There are many horrible things that happen to us in life. There are so many blessings that come out of bad things that happen to us. At times we may not realize or recognize how things can get better. Then before you know it there you are surrounded by blessings. Please keep your chin up. Please find time to smile, and be pleasant to others. The hope we have in Jesus Christ is contagious. Others want what we have more than ever before.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #dunning-kruger familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. Something rather profound came to me recently while studying history. The way the political left is acting is just like the totalitarian state in 1984. The whole OK BOOMER insult attempt when we the free thinkers of America decide to exercise our freedoms instead of join them in oppression. I now have a response to everyone who says: “OK BOOMER!” My response is: “OKAY 1984!” It actually fits their radical extremism as well as how they are acting. They are thought police demanding everyone go along with their destructive behaviour. Ultimately it is about freedom versus oppression.

I am sure the supporters of the corrupt swamp of the totalitarian state won’t appreciate being told: “OKAY 1984!” It is in my mind at least one of the funniest responses to their oppressive demands. It shows what they are really about. It shows what they are actually trying to do. I expect plenty of ignorance when I start using this response. How many of the young uns have actually read that book? Their education may actually be lacking in that department and reference. If it is then it might be a good opportunity to allow them to expand their horizons and learn for a change. No more coddling them as they are offensive to others. Let them get a taste of their own medicine along with a rather prophetic and interesting book.

How do you think: “OKAY 1984!” will work? Is this something you are willing to say to those accusing you of being a science denier? Will you use it when they come up with the racist, sexist, homophobic false accusations? Will you respond when they use the offensive: “OKAY BOOMER!” completely inaccurate jab after they lost a debate? Do you think: “OKAY 1984!” could catch on and go viral? Do you think the political left might try to silence and censor it because it is accurate, true, and part of reality?

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. For years I have received reports of corruption in the courts. There is plenty of documented corruption in Memphis, TN so it did not surprise me. Just recently I was blessed enough to experience the corruption in the courts personally. I warn you that this historical accounting may make your blood boil. This relaying of facts might make you lose all faith in the judicial system in the United States of America. It might affirm your beliefs on how messed up Memphis, TN actually is. I write nothing out of malice, anger, or revenge. I waited over a week to write about this topic.

Back in February of 2020 I received a summons to the court because a law firm in Collierville, TN was suing me for Baptist Women’s Health. How could this be? I am a man. I have never been to Baptist Women’s Health. I called the law firm and was told they had a signed contract with my signature on it. They claimed I owed their client $1800.00 after they had manufactured money with late fees. They sent me the official records which was Hodgepodge forms put together in a highly suspect fashion. I also noticed immediately that I did not sign that form. Supposedly Yolanda did, however that signature looked faked to me. There were billing errors on the form. The wrong insurance company was listed and they billed it as out of state instead of in state which costs less. I pointed out all these errors and the law office told me it was my responsibility to make the Baptist Women’s Health Billing Office file correctly with the insurance company. How can it be my responsibility to fix their incompetence? Why am I supposed to do their jobs for them?

Went to court and was treated like I was guilty and had to prove my innocence which was a Constitutional violation. Showed up every single time I was told to and the judge and lawyers did not show up. I was told if I did not show up they would rule against me. Yet I showed up and they did not and nothing was ruled in my favor. Finally got the court case and the lawyer viciously attacking me and trying to cancel me was given special privileges. My status as a disable war veteran who gave them all freedom was spit on. I pointed out the facts and the judge did not care. He kept interrupting me because he did not want to have to work more than one hour in the morning session. I pointed out my First Amendment Rights were violated, my Sixth Amendment Rights were violated. I pointed out the giant gaping holes in their case. I pointed out they had no chain of custody on their documentation and anything could have changed in it. I pointed out the death threats and attacks from the evil cancel culture people. None of the facts mattered. The judge rules in favor of his friend the lawyer. The only logical thing I can see is corruption in the courts.

While I was waiting for my case to be tried I had to sit through all these other cases flying by. The judge was short with real people and pleasant to the lawyers. In fact special favors and privileges were referenced as lawyers and judge were obvious way too familiar with one another. The judge talked down to every real person who was there being attacked by mega large corporations. The standards were obviously different for real people and lawyers. We are obviously seen as a lower class by these arrogant clowns. We will never have anything to do with Baptist Women’s Health ever again. We are encouraging everyone we know to avoid that place. I would also recommend avoiding Memphis, and courts as much as possible.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing our requested series on the DARK SIDE OF GAMING. This article is on the extremely radical slant in the majority of video game media. We are also seeing this slant spread like a disease in more and more video game companies. What is that about? Why do they want to alienate half or more of their audiences? Why do they have such venom and hatred for those that think differently from them? When will they start to be tolerant of diversity? When will they start to celebrate diversity? Something needs to happen for their eyes to be opened. I really have no idea what that is.

For anyone with an open mind it is very easy to see how the gaming media and too many video game companies have been radicalized. Take the scandal Nintendo had with Tomodachi Life. Don’t remember that one? Please click here for a refresher course. Nintendo exposed themselves as being radical on the far left. Any honest journalist would make the points Family Friendly Gaming did. The super majority of radicalized far leftist gaming media outlets demanded Nintendo include sexual deviancy in the games as soon as possible. They took a side in a hot button issue, and their side was on the radical far left. No fair and balanced coverage. No inclusion of anyone from the super majority that do not want that shoved down our throats. Nintendo black listed Family Friendly Gaming for exposing their lies and hypocrisy.

That is one scandal among many in the video game industry where the extreme radical far left slant is exposed. Remember the corruption unearthed by Gamers Gate? How did the radicalized far leftist gaming media outlets respond to their own readers who were unhappy with the corruption? They attacked them. They did not listen, or tolerate views that demanded honesty. They were downright hostile to their own readers. Their promotion of rebellion against God is disgusting. The imbalance in the video game industry is horrible. Family Friendly Gaming is speaking out on this important issue because it needs to be said. The problem cannot be fixed until we all openly acknowledge it. What can you do to spread the word?

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

We are seeing more crack down from the political left controlled and run tech sites against what they define as misinformation. In many cases the information being presented is accurate and true. It just goes against the radical far left narratives. The political left controlled and run tech sites are bragging about blocking and banning voices they disagree with. This is leading to more growth on the new tech sites that support free speech, and honest discourse. At the same time it is really scary because none of us knows when they will be next.

The redefiners are going full tilt to redefine anything and everything to go after people they disagree with. The redefiners will redefine anything said and try and get rid of everyone they do not like. If you have any success they will try and have you removed. We have been lied about before on these sites. We have been attacked and had massive success deleted before. The angry, psycho haters who are constantly trying to tear down and destroy do not stop lying, and redefining. They want to destroy just like their father Satan. We continue to stand up and stand firm for what is right. We continue to point people to God and obedience. They will come for us as they have come for others.

Paul Bury #conspiracy #fundie familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is sharing an interesting and diverse perspective from the majority of the radicalized extreme far leftists in the gaming media. This could also apply to the media mobsters across news and politics. Where are the people constantly demanding separation of church and state? Why have I not heard from one of them? There are all these states that told churches to close down. Not much of a separation there. How could any third rate dictator, err governor tell any church to shut down due to the fear of COVID-19? They seem to have forgotten this thing called THE FIRST AMENDMENT! Let me remind me of that:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Pretty clear to me. I was talking about this recently and someone told me, well the governors did not pass any laws. That is actually even worse. These governors are acting like they are kings themselves. They are making law and expecting the people to follow them. That is not how the government in the United States works. No governor can tell any business to shut down. No governor can tell any religious organization to shut down. The governors doing that are criminals breaking the First Amendment. These governors trying to shut down protests by people peacably assembling have broken it twice. What kind of punishment will these criminal drunk with power governors receive?

Any church that shut down because some criminal governor told them to set a very bad precedent. All of the people screaming: “SEPARATION of CHURCH and STATE,” whenever a Christian prays at a government function should have been just as loud in this instance. Where were they? Why do they think it is okay for the state to tell a church what to do? I am personally offended that any governor even attempted to tell churches what to do. In my opinion the people screaming about separation of church and state worship the state and hate the church. They have no problem with the state telling churches what to do. They are one sided, and extremely prejudice.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

Hatred and discrimination against Christians in the video game industry runs deep. Why should your family financially support those trying to destroy you? When close to eighty percent of Americans self identify as Christian then close to eighty percent of the video game industry should be Christian. It is probably somewhere between one and five percent. We need equal representation in the industry. Family Friendly Gaming continues to fight for that. We continue to stand up for those being oppressed in the video game industry. We will not stop just because we face venom, hatred, discrimination and black listing for our hope and faith in Jesus Christ.

Sony has been worse than Microsoft as of late. Sony changed their press site and did not tell us. We reported the errors on the old press site every week for a month before finding out there was a new one. We have registered every week for two months on the new press site and reached out to every single Sony contact we have. No response at all. A professional would respond. If they have some legitimate reason for not wanting to give Family Friendly Gaming access to press materials they should say what it is. Not hide their heads in the sand as we keep coming by week after week. Their cowardice is showing through. They hope we will give up and go away. We won’t. We will go public with their disgraceful behaviour and tell you that we interpret it as they want no sales from Family Friendly Gaming Universe ever again. As their bottom line takes a hit they might decide to move toward the direction of being honorable.

Paul Bury #fundie #elitist familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. We have long supported obedience to God versus all of the variety of ways some people find ways to rebel against God. Which is why I am dismayed to hear such horrible, evil, vile, and wicked rebellion against God in some circles. I hear some people say: “we must boast and be proud. It is loving to be proud.” I strongly disagree with that. Are you familiar with the Love Chapter in the Holy Bible?

1 Corinthians 13:4-7

4Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
5 It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
7 It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love does not boast and love is not proud. Those out there claiming it is loving to be proud, and boastful are rebelling against what God set in place for us humans. They are preaching the exact opposite of what the Holy Bible teaches. We are to stand up against pride since it is evil. We should work on being humble in our lives. That is why Family Friendly Gaming supports humility. We do not support pride. We do not support boasting. Boasting and pride are not loving. They have no part of love whatsoever.

It dismays me deeply that some people have twisted words and definitions so badly that they now have the exact opposite meaning when those redefiners speak or write them. This is another reason why Family Friendly Gaming continues to stand up against those trying to redefine words, institutions, morals and ethics. The Holy Bible is clear on what love actually is, and what it is not.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing our requested series on the DARK SIDE OF GAMING. This article is on the reality that Nintendo DOES NOT WANT YOUR MONEY. Does that reality confuse you? Do you immediately disagree with that statement? I personally cannot believe this is the truth. Sadly it is my experience. Back in May of 2014 Family Friendly Gaming exposed Nintendo’s ugly side in Nintendo Attacks Marriage. Right after that award winning article shined the light of truth on the nastiness of Nintendo black listed Family Friendly Gaming. They showed how petty and small minded they are.

This should not really surprise anyone in the video game industry. Nintendo has always been corrupt demanding positive reviews, and articles to make them money. They discriminate against real journalists and are only nice to those that kiss their behinds. Nintendo wants to control the narrative hence the Nintendo Directs. I remembering gaming magazines like EGM having issues with Nintendo decades ago. Their swamp of corruption attitudes have been around for a long time. This inability to get along with diverse cultures is a black eye on Nintendo. One that continues to this day. I find it sad because I am willing to work with them knowing they are openly embracing rebellion against God. I can be the bigger person and have open and honest dialogue. Their arrogance and fat heads show the kind of closed minded bigots they really are. Their long history of discriminating against Christians has been well documented over the decades. Family Friendly Gaming is just another example.

I continue to reach out to Nintendo. It continues to be a one sided dialogue. They ignore emails, letters, and phone calls. The last time I tried to call they would not even let me talk to anyone there. The person I talked to admitted Nintendo wants no sales from our 9.1 million readers. They actually acknowledged they want all ya’ll to stop buying their products and to never buy them ever again. I was shocked that they agreed they want none of your money ever again. Will you respect their wishes? I am shocked they are so hateful of Christians that they want no sales from us ever again. Being petty and small minded is one thing. Being this hateful for six years is a completely different story. I find their hate to be so disgusting.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #wingnut familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing to be the voice of diversity in the gaming media, and media at large. What is wrong with some of ya’ll? Why is there this attempt to destroy the lives of those you disagree with? I understand snowflakes cannot handle hearing any thoughts, words, or opinions diverse from their own. This is getting out of hand. Things have gotten so backwards in America with the liberal culture trying to redefine everything. I recently read some lady constantly attacked a well known dictionary house to redefine racism to fit the extremely radical far left’s out of touch with reality opinion. The dictionary house had no backbone and gave in. They were tired of being bothered. Now we can’t even trust dictionary places to be accurate, genuine, real, honest, and honorable.

I learned something very important as a teenager. That lesson was – AGREE TO DISAGREE. That means I came across complete whack jobs who had radical far leftist opinions that were completely out of touch with reality. I would calmly discuss facts with them, and they would freak out with their emotions. Obviously they were unhinged. I learned a long tried and true concept from my parents. It was the phrase: “AGREE TO DISAGREE.” A simple phrase. I went about my life, they went about their life and we both agreed to disagree. They were not going to convince me of their fantasy and attempts to redefine; and I was not going to convince them to join me in reality and deal with facts. We both went about our business and it worked beautifully.

Nowadays the liberal culture is trying to destroy everyone that disagrees with them. How far off are they from abusing their power and throwing us into concentration camps? All because we do not march lock, step, and barrel with them and their fanaticism. How far off are they from wanting to exterminate anyone who does not say what they want, where they want, and when they want? Why must they try to destroy the lives of those they disagree with? Why are they being so evil, vile, and wicked? Why are they spreading so much hatred, misery, and pain? What is their problem? Why are they are so arrogant? When will the majority of Americans reject their evil?

It is obvious that I disagree with what the snowflakes and liberal culture is doing to those they disagree with. I am appalled at their hatred, and evil deeds. I am repulsed at how they try and ruin the lives of those they disagree with. I have spoken out to wake up America and turn from that evil practice. Ultimately I practice what I preach. I agree to disagree. I hope they are mature enough to follow my example, but I doubt it.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Paul Bury #fundie #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

Family Friendly Gaming, the industry leader in covering the family friendly video games is continuing our transparency. I am feeling a mixture of exhaustion and disgust all at the same time. Peter was live streaming a sponsored video on Youtube which he correctly identified as a sponsored video. Youtube suspended and deleted our channel right in the middle of that (February 14, 2020). There were no warnings. There were no strikes against us. Our account was clean and clear. Our account had fought off the Reused Content false accusation, and multiple false copyright strike accusations. We have fought for what is right over a year now. Youtube comes up with some new scam to punish us for being Christian and conservative.

At this point I am fed up with Youtube. I am sick and tired of always having to fight them as they continue to abuse their power. I am sick of the swamp of corruption that is Youtube. We just got the 100K plaque celebrating how Family Friendly Gaming passed one hundred thousand subscribers. We were actually almost to 104K subscribers when this happened. Someone at Youtube obviously hates us. Someone at Youtube is obviously trying to cancel and destroy us. We worked hard these last six and half years making good quality videos that are many times educational, and sometimes entertaining. We do not scam or spam with our channel. We are not misleading anyone in anything.

At this point I am sick and tired of this garbage. Youtube can change the rules whenever they want to. Youtube can redefine words to discriminate against people they hate. Youtube can lie, and falsely accuse without any punishment. I quickly appealed their bad decision, and then started researching it. I know I did that backwards. I was freaking out. Here again Youtube was adding stress and anxiety to my life. I think they are trying to kill me with their venom and hatred. I tried to go back and add to my appeal. I found out at that point that Youtube allows one appeal only, and then whatever they decide stands. They have zero transparency into their process. The appeal was denied. We have reached out to Youtube contacts and we have trying to get some assistance.

I have had enough of their constant discrimination against Christians, conservatives, men, traditional, and white people. This has gone on for too long. Youtube has gotten worse and worse. Their behavior should be boycotted by anyone with common sense, civility, and decency. Even if they reinstate our channel, what is to stop them from doing this again? They are so abusive, obtuse, and arrogant that they will allow this horrible behavior to continue within their company. For a year Youtube has cost us tens of thousands of dollars we earned. We project the lifespan of our channel could reach 100 million dollars. That is money Youtube is stealing from us based on a false accusation. Why go back to a place that treats me like a slave, and worse?

What does the future hold for our videos then? At this point in time I do not know. I am sick of Youtube. I am tired of their discrimination. I am tired of their harassment. I am tired of experiencing their hatred. I really do not know of any viable alternatives. I may look into additional server space to house videos on our website. There are of course potential problems with that. I may be completely done with videos. We can still stream on Twitch so that is something. I have looked before and not found good alternatives to Youtube for our videos. The other sites are even worse on the copyrighted music. I do not know if there are any good solutions going forward. Evil is obviously flourishing because good men and women are doing nothing. We have brought this issue to your attention. Can you help?

CALL TO ACTION: Please go to Youtube, on the bottom left of the screen is a leave feedback button. Please click that button and leave this feedback: "Please restore/reinstate the FamilyFriendlyGaming YT channel." If enough people leave this feedback Youtube just might reverse the decision.

I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.

God bless,
Paul Bury
Family Friendly Gaming

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

I find it sad that the political left is constantly trying to silence any voice of diversity. They push their cancel culture to any voice of diversity. Why can’t they have spirited debate? Why can’t they celebrate voices of diversity? Why do they want to ruin anyone and everyone who disagrees with them? Whatever happened to science and logic? Whatever happened to civil debate in a polite and professional manner?

I noticed an interesting pattern recently. When something starts trending on social media sites the political left tries to drown it out by hijacking the trending hash tag. I want to see what real and genuine accounts have to say about a topic that is trending. I don’t want to see KPOP people that have nothing to do with the topic. I don’t want to see toxic haters attacking it because they want to silence what they disagree with. The political right does not act this immature. Instead of trying to silencing out something they disagree with the political left should start their own different and/or opposite hash tag and try to make it popular. Why hijack and shout over what they disagree with?

I also noticed the same thing happening with attacks on our Discord server. Every single time we were attacked the same tactics were used. They would try and drown out anything and everything else with their rule breaking (which is on the top of the #introductions board). The exact same tactic of repeating the same thing over and over again drowning out anything and everything else. Even when they were getting warned by the bots there was clean up that had to be done to remove all of the rule breaking. Family Friendly Gaming enforces the rules equally for everyone. Too bad social media sites do not follow the same ideology.

Paul Bury #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy familyfriendlygaming.com

I am always analyzing things and trying to comprehend how certain aspects of the future will play out. I often wondered how the Anti-Christ will retain power. From what we know in the Holy Bible the Anti-Christ will rule the entire world. How could that happen with a media full of investigative journalists? What about opposition party media like talk radio, YouTubers and other social media websites?

What we saw with the lying liberal fake news media fawning over President Obama, and now fawning over Joe Biden really shows us how it will work with the Anti-Christ. The media is in the bag for those people, and will be for the Anti-Christ. They will hide any negative news and only report on things that make their guy look good. What we saw with Amazon illegally dumping Parler from the servers shows us what will happen with any place that allows any voice of diversity. Twitter banning President Trump shows the abuse by Big Tech when he clearly called for peaceful only protests. CEO’s are making sure to fire anyone who was at the mostly peaceful Trump speech in DC. The poor lady attacked and hit in the face was fired for no legal or reasonable reason.

It is blatantly obvious that these same tactics will be used to protect and safe guard the Anti-Christ when he rises to power. The lying liberal fake news media hid the reality of violence at the BLM riots. Big Tech followed their lead and faithfully followed. Anyone who tried to get the truth out was banned, blocked, and removed. The exact same tactic will be used in support of the Anti-Christ. I never thought I would see the day where the media would be so corrupted that they no longer allow voices of diversity. Yet that is right where we are. They will ruin anyone who does not regurgitate their lies. We are now one step closer to the Anti-Christ rising to power.

Paul Bury #fundie #pratt #dunning-kruger familyfriendlygaming.com

Recently there was a humorous exchange where I exposed someone emailing me as a complete and total liar. They claimed to be mad at Family Friendly Gaming based on lies from some toxic hater website and that they were a Christian. I quoted multiple verses and their vain attempt to twist the truth was truly astounding. One of their premises is you must respond to the lies or you acknowledge them as truth. How messed up is that?


To even want to respond to a site spewing venom, lies, and hatred about Family Friendly Gaming I would first need to find them credible. I would need to have some respect for them and what they are doing. We continue to build up and improve the lives of millions here at Family Friendly Gaming. This hater website is trying to tear down because they are not capable of building up. We show our tolerance of diversity by ignoring them. We are not sending them law suits for their slanderous libel. We are not attacking them on a routine basis. We are living and let live. Maybe those cancel culture moral guardians will learn from our adult example. Mic Drop.