Anonymous Coward #46411733 #conspiracy

Pizzagate "Kill Room" found
Ever since I heard about pizzagate, it's haunted me. The thought that children are being sacrificed, are in cages, and are being trafficked is horrific and disgusting. How in the hell have we as a society ignored the ridiculous proof we saw about James Alefantis and Comet Pizza? In the WikiLeaks email leak, one of the emails had the podesta brothers talking about how great the night was and that one of them was still in the torture chamber aka kill room. The YouTube video link I will give was uploaded 2 days ago and shows that the kill room was actually part of the Pegasus museum a few doors down. I watched another video about an hour ago where a YouTuber was getting close about Pegasus and contacted James Alefantis about it. James responded that if he posted the video about Pegasus, his mother wife and child would all be killed. I believe his name is Ryan O'Neal or close to that. Anyway, here is the link about the kill room.

These people should not be able to walk down the street anymore. What they are doing is not okay!



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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