Luis Miguel #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From "The Theory of Evolution: A False Religion Bringing the West to Destruction"]

Modern society is awash with idolatry and false religions designed to lead the nation astray from its Christian foundation. Many of these false faiths are deceptive because they are not openly sold as religion, yet they have all the hallmarks of it

Of the many corrosive beliefs that have been propagated in Western society, one of the contenders for most heinous[…]is the “Theory of Evolution”

It is more apt to call it “Darwinism,” which, like Marxism, is an idolatrous false religion whose aim is to destroy and replace Christianity. If we wish to restore Christendom and Western civilization to the grandeur they once held, it is imperative that we cease promoting Darwinism[…]
One of the most abominable and astute things the Left achieved was to introduce Darwinism in the schools[…]This pernicious fable of evolution has been greatly responsible for pulling people away from religious faith[…]
The whole of Western civilization has been built on a certain concept of man[…]while man is fallen and sins, he is nevertheless made in God’s image[…]Man alone, among all beasts, enjoys the privilege of being able to be a joint heir with Christ in God’s kingdom[…]
By boiling man down to nothing more than another animal[…]Darwinism degrades the human soul, making the adherent of this faith believe that there is nothing special or unique about humanity. It cheapens human life, minimizes our accomplishments, and limits our capacity for greatness

The influence of Darwinism can be seen in many of the Left’s agenda items[…]According to Darwinist logic, of course abortion is acceptable, since we’re all just animals and euthanasia is a perfectly legitimate response to the presence of inconvenient humans

Marxism and tyrannical government are also justified by Darwinism, for if we were not created by God, we have no inherent natural rights and there is no objective good or evil



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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