grondilu #psycho #sexist

RE: Brutal The scariest post I’ve seen in my life. YOUNGCELS GTFIH from r/suicidewatch

Contemplating suicide due to being a 50 year old virgin.

"It's the feeling of being loved."

I'm glad I don't get this mindset, as I'm heading towards that age too.

What I especially don't get is how they don't want to even try prostitution. It seems to me that it's more about ego than anything. @BlkPillPres wrote about it already IIRC and I think he's right. I would also say that this " it's about being loved " mindset is just blue pill shit.

Me, when I decided to pay for sex, I had no doubt whatsoever that it was what I should do. I wanted to touch beautiful women and do lewd things with them. I didn't care at all whether or not they liked me, so long as they let me take them in my arms and put my dick in their holes.

That being said, I live in Europe. There was for me a possibility to do it legally and in decent conditions. In fact the main reason I didn't do it before was that I didn't know any way to do it that wouldn't be sordid and not appealing at all. Fortunately, I eventually remembered a TV documentary I saw once about prostitution in the Netherlands, so I could look it up.

I think this " it's about being loved " mindset is delusional and harmful. I don't think it's nearly as important as guys think.

I prefer also a relationship

I would be content with being a regular client to a beautiful whore.



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