Brian Niemeier #fundie

[Amazon removes two books by right-wing authors from pre-order]

Having worked with Russell Newquist before, I can affirm that Amazon blaming this debacle on his negligence is textbook DARVO behavior. Russell says he uploaded the files weeks ago.

Assuming the publisher of a best selling series inexplicably forgot to upload the third installment after books 1 and 2 launched without a hitch, the ones with the most to lose--the authors--would be crawling down his throat.

But they're not. They're looking right at Amazon.

And it's not as if the accused megacorp doesn't have a history of such censorious behavior.

'While Amazon claims the pre-order for the books were cancelled because of missing a deadline, Newquist believes it’s suspicious that Amazon “canceled two controversial Christian Fiction books at once.”'

It's mind-boggling how much of our elites' seemingly random behavior makes perfect sense once you realize they hate the Christ.


Whenever you see Leftoid ritual cant showing up in a smug denial of what everyone can see with their own two eyes, it's a good bet you're dealing with someone who is, at minimum, demonically obsessed.

Still, we can't pin this job on Satan alone. The question now is who did his dirty work?

I'll put the question to my readers. Who do you think got Jon and Declan's books banned from Amazon?

1. Rogue bluehair in an Amazon wage cage
2. Degenerate centurion LARPnig #ComicsGate spinoff
3. People in high places took notice of Cruci-Ficton; shut it down!

You decide!


We know that the CHORFs have enough idle pensioners and Chinese bots to hate mob Amazon. The question is, why now?

They may just have noticed the clear and present threat posed to them by muscular Christian fiction.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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