various commenters #transphobia

( DonnaMme )
Pink Turns Red
Pink Magazine published a brief article expressing their outrage that JK Rowling would dare to write "seemingly sarcaastically" about the rules of transgender grammar. There is a thread on Ovarit which includes what JK Rowling wrote and it is hilarious. But how dare CIS people crack a joke or smile. There is nothing funny about anything according to the article:

Broadcaster Narinder Kaur, who also appeared on the reality TV show Big Brother, wrote it was “sad” that Rowling “chose to pick on” an “already very demonised group of people”.

( realityismykink )

( crodish )
They are demonized for a reason and they can go fuck themselves.

JKR tweets "Birthing Person" as tongue in cheek and gets death threats to be skinned and flayed alive from a moid with a TRA flag in his handle. But she's the hateful one.

Fucking WAKE UP to the cannibalism within your ranks.

( pennygadget )

They are demonized for a reason and they can go fuck themselves.

THIS! Women have every reason to demonize these men. They have actively stripped away DECADES of women's rights activism and have allowed women to be raped in places like bathrooms and prisons. They have colonized and destroyed legacy women's organizations like Planned Parenthood and NARAL and NOW. They have taken Title IX from us.

And these men and their emotional support handmaidens have the fucking nerve to act as if THEY are the marginalized ones!? They can fuck right off!

( pennygadget )

Broadcaster Narinder Kaur, who also appeared on the reality TV show Big Brother, wrote it was “sad” that Rowling “chose to pick on” an “already very demonised group of people”.

Ah yes. The most oppressed group of people: whiney White men. 🤣



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