MoggedManlet #sexist #psycho

[Blackpill] OJ did it, cuz he was enraged by the blackpill realization

For us, the blackpilled, is obvious why OJ did it.

The day he found out his wife having sex with this Chad, was the moment he came to the bitter blackpill realization and killed them.

He was Tyrone, moneymaxed, statusmaxed, athletemaxed, family guy, betabuxing his whore. It was not enough for her, she still cheats with Chad.

That moment was a bitter and painful realization for him, it didn't matter how hard he tried, he'll never be a the level of a lazy Chad, that's why he couldn't control his rage.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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