Skywatch Editor #ufo #fundie #conspiracy

Perhaps one of the most stunning revelations of the Great Pyramid is its many relations to the Bible.

For example, each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value. It is interesting to note that when you add up all of the letter values for Isaiah 19:19–20, you get 5,449—the Great Pyramid’s exact height.

There is but one piece of furniture in the structure. It’s a box the same size as the Ark of the Covenant and is located in the King’s Chamber, a room with the same cubic volume as the bronze laver in Solomon’s Temple. Interestingly, it’s a little too large to fit through the only passageway leading to the chamber, so it could have only been placed there at the time of the Great Pyramid’s construction—more than a thousand years before God gave Moses the dimensions for the Ark of the Covenant.

The 144,000 polished limestones that originally adorned the surface of the pyramid were sealed with a material so strong they would break anywhere but at the seams. This corresponds astonishingly with the144,000 from all the tribes of Israel who are sealed with the seal of God in their foreheads (Revelation 7).

The symbolism of God’s purposes and plan for His people are evident throughout the interior of the Great Pyramid. This monument that has stood the test of time is a testimony to the glory of a God who lives outside of time and space. Moreover, its supernatural construction is a witness throughout the ages that it wasn’t early humans who could have established such an edifice. Its story, construction, and purpose are, in fact, supernatural and specifically, angelic.

But more to the point, the Great Pyramid is only one structure of many that spans the globe on a network of ley lines that modern man has yet to understand—until now. If we are to believe the evidence, this vast ancient grid was used in pre-Adamic times for two purposes: global energy distribution and travel—to the stars.



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