Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene & various commenters #wingnut #racist
( Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene )
What are Democrats even running on?
Defending democracy?
Democrat policies are destroying democracy.
Calling Republicans MAGA extremists?
You caught us, we extremely love America & want it to be great for everyone.
In reality, WE are defending democracy from Democrats.
( @brextremist )
@repmtg Democrats are running on flooding America with niggers and shitskins at the behest of the jews. Republicucks are doing the exact same thing, but they want it to be done LEGALLY.
( @ricpic9 )
@brextremist @repmtg Trump supporter here and you suck you fucken racist.
( @BillyBurns )
@ricpic9 @brextremist @repmtg no one cares shitskin
( @brextremist )
@ricpic9 @repmtg Good work exposing yourself as a nigger-loving libtard. Eat shit!
( @Kese )
@repmtg They don't care. They're gonna steal it again. And you guys are gonna do nothing about it again.
( @HonorDuty )
@Kese - don't supress or discourage voters - Americans are resillient and will never give up until the Radicals are removed. Voting is absolutely one way to address issues.
( @Dinduvius_Shekelstein )
@HonorDuty Voting is a bi-annual kosher humiliation ritual you fucking dolt. Fucking voting for Dr 'Turkroach Sandnigger' Oz or Herschel 'Rape Ape' Walker or whoever the fuck else they allow to run isn't fixing shit. Stfu and head back to Faceberg.
@Kese @repmtg
( @SubtleEnergyOver9000 )
@repmtg They're running on what jews allow them to run on, just like you. traitor.
( @14W )
@repmtg Hating white people, white erasing the country, supporting white illbeing, destroying everything.
( @AyranSenna )
@repmtg didn’t you cuck to the Jews?
( @BimboBaggins )
@AyranSenna @repmtg
She sure did cuck out, backpedalled so fast after comparing the horrible treatment of the unvakzed to the lead up of the holocaust.
( @RWIS )
@repmtg The only thing the GOP defends is israel while jews undermine and destroy our entire country. You didn't even defend yourselves when GOP senators were attacked by the jewish milita BLM outside of The White House. You would rather surrender America and die than have a communist jew call you racist.
( @TJOB1955 )
@RWIS @repmtg Shallow minded imbecile, it's all the Jews fault? As if there were no wicked gentiles? Reason, blocked by contempt...for an entire race of human beings.