various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @Nature_and_Race )
There is an overwhelming correlation between the amount of treason and the number of Jews in the US government.

@Nature_and_Race I don't care if Chuck Schumer is Jewish. Mt concern with him is that he is a treasonous, DNC criminal that should be executed for his crimes.

( @Voicemle )
@Nature_and_Race explaining this to people who have been conned into believing that Jews are wonderful creatures is the hardest part

( @Theosine )
@Nature_and_Race would he care if all these kikes were dual citizen chinks?

( @JTLiuzza )
@Nature_and_Race The single most important fact about Schumer is the one he doesn't care about.

( @Thesmokinglaptop )
Lowell your so virtuous man,enlightened.
Until you identify an enemy you cannot target them.fine,get rid of schumer.spend two years running surveillance,dig through his fucking trash for got him on murder of whoever!
Great work!
Other jews in congress 3 minutes later elect another jew 10 times worse.
You have to target the actual threat which is JEWS.Not one man.

( @DanielCTMU )
@Nature_and_Race Jews should be removed from banking, government, media, and education.

( @Maneo_Invictus )
@DanielCTMU @Nature_and_Race from White countries.
Otherwise in a century they'll get back into those same positions as soon as the sentiment against them is relaxed.

( @dave192254 )
@Maneo_Invictus @DanielCTMU @Nature_and_Race

See Spain, and the Jewish traitors that let the moorish invaders in.

Same shit from these scum today.
Do not let them escape, or they will be back in a couple of years subverting and murdering whites again.

( @Atl1980 )
@Nature_and_Race he also doesn't realize the treason is coordinated by the global zonist Jews. You have to treated the underlying disease, not the symptom.

( @WhiskeyBeer )
@Nature_and_Race Like having an enemy army create a plot to overthrow you by pretending to be leaders in power. Who all have one goal to bring you down. You know they come from your enemy but don’t connect the dots.

( @Maneo_Invictus )
@Nature_and_Race You see, they still pretend to ignore how for a jew treason and subversion are not simply acts or deeds, but their natural impulse.
We're well aware of this problem, but many are still walking with their heads on the clouds when it comes to the jewish problem.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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