815o #wingnut #racist gab.com

(Actual bio of their account…)
I am a real National Socialist nigga who is a proud supporter of: My Nigga The President Führer Donald Trump, My Nigga The Future President Führer Kanye West 2024, and Führer Adolf Hitler. DEUTSCHES REICH SIEG HEIL! HEIL HITLER! I also proudly support my nigga The Filipino President Führer Roderigo Duterte, my nigga The Syrian President Führer Bashar Al-Assad, my nigga The Korean Führer Kim Jong-un, and my nigga The Russian President Führer Vladimir Putin! I do not block users, I am not a pussy.
Blocked by @LauraLoomer, @a Andrew Torba, @realNICKjFUENTES, zionists,& pussys 4 hurting feelings w/facts😜. Have been kicked, KIKEd, & JEW'd so far THIRTEEN¹³ groups on Gab for exercising Free Speech🤷 by posting the truth backed up with proof,statistics



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