Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Right now, it's stop engaging with the lower dimensions. Stop engaging 3D because if you do, they'll pull you back onto their low timeline and you will be seeing the shit show from an angle you may not appreciate. I've learned that I can only help people who take what I have to offer to help themselves. Everyone else will either ascend or they won't. I can't do anything about it.

After I left fb and turned the comments off on my entire website which now contains two blogs, 3D showed up in the form of my sister whose partner just passed away. And she promptly dumped all her problems in my face. You see how it happens, don't you? 3D will come calling again and again. The Matrix will find any way it can to make sure you can't escape it. Everything is a test to see what frequency you're holding, and an opportunity to increase your frequency and to give love and light to those in the lower dimensions. This is your daily bread, folks, the lessons of ascension.
Ivo: True power is constant. It is unwavering. It is the Light you carry inside of yourselves, and so many of you are very rich in this resource of creation. You need to learn to use it differently. Learn to use it to love those who are lower in frequency and lower in intelligence than you are. You have the intelligence of the universe at your disposal, and they use the intellect, an intellect that is dominated by a reptilian/draconian sense of ethics and morals.

Yes, with Light comes intelligence. It is no surprise that the IQ of the average Nordic is ten times higher than those upon earth. You have the cosmic intelligence inside of you and can draw on it more and more as your intuitive capacities increase.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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