Rampojo #sexist reddit.com

I am pretty sure my mother would get wet if my bully killed me.

Every incel loves his mother, sure.

But your mother IS a female.

We KNOW that women love violent, criminal, HANDSOME men.

Bullying exists to show that a man is superior to another man, so he can impress females in the area.

Bullying an inferior male makes women hot and wet. You're showing her that you are ending the life of an ugly male. By killing him, you make sure that the female will NEVER have to be close to an ugly male and risk being impregnated by him.

Also, the bully is showing her that he is physically superior to another male. In the animal world, the strongest win the females. The bully is the strongest. He dominates you, so he can have all females in his territory.

The female wants to be impregnated by him and have his strong, dominant children. She wants his genes deep inside of her.

I think that my tall, chad bully would make my female family members wet. Imagine the genes you carried inside of you being dominated by another female's creation. You would be jealous of the bully's mother AND you would hate your son for being this weak, inferior male.

My mother would probably, without actively doing it, feel attracted to my bully.

I know my mother loves me but she IS a female.

Females are biologically made to fel attracted to the highest possible genetic male.

Your genes being humiliated, dominated and killed makes your mother wet.

She sleeps with the bully chad who kills you.

Think about it. I know everyone likes copin when it is about their loved ones and their mothers. It's a natural cope. No one on earth wants to know that his mother doesn't love him and hates him.

Your mother is a ROASTBEEF FOID. NEVER forget that.



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