CTON #racist amren.com

RE: U.S.-Bound Caravan Thwarted in Guatemala as Pressure Against Migrants Continues

Experts say Central American governments no longer have much "appetite" for the caravans.

It's almost like with Eastern Europe. While the 'migrants' from the 3rd world were storming onto Western Europe, they were trampling on Eastern Europe along the way. That's why Eastern Europe put up barriers and beefed up border security. I imagine various Latin nations along the way to America--who aren't cucked and full of racial guilt and scared of being seen as 'racists' as many White Americans are--will do for their respective nation what many in Eastern Europe did a few years ago.

Oh the horrorimage

Nothing angers white liberals more than seeing a large, white traditional family. "Oh, why do they have so many kids!" When I hear liberals say this, I would say "Hispanics and Muslims have large families, too. Why aren't you criticizing them for it? Why is it when whites have large families you lecture them about overpopulation and being a burden on the environment?"



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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