Ben Shapiro #wingnut #conspiracy #pratt

Ben Shapiro on Tuesday called for President Donald Trump to pardon Derek Chauvin — the former Minneapolis police officer responsible for the death of George Floyd[…]
In a video posted online, he said:

If we are issuing pardons, however, there is one person that President Trump should pardon from federal charges forthwith. It would be incredibly controversial, but I think that it’s absolutely necessary. That person is Derek Chauvin. President Trump should, in fact, pardon Derek Chauvin. He should. He should pardon him his federal charges

If we are talking about reversing the evils of the last several years in American life, obviously Covid and its handling was a massive evil — destroyed the economy, set us on a path to fiscal insanity, destroyed children, led to massive health-related cover-ups. Just horrifying all the way around. And President Trump has taken on a lot of those things; but when it came to BLM, the inciting event for the BLM riots that caused $2 billion in property damage in the United States — and set America’s race relations on their worst footing in my lifetime — was, in fact, the railroading of Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd

The evidence demonstrates that Derek Chauvin did not in fact commit murder of George Floyd. George Floyd was high on fentanyl. He had a significant pre-existing heart condition. George Floyd was saying he could not breathe before he was even out of the car. He was in the car saying he could not breathe. Derek Chauvin, for large segments of even the tape that was shown, had his knee on George Floyd’s shoulder or back — not on his neck. The autopsy of George Floyd showed that he had no damage to his trachea, that probably George Floyd died of excited delirium. There were no accusations, even at trial, that Derek Chauvin had committed a hate crime against George Floyd, or that he targeted George Floyd because of his race



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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