Steve Kim/The Supreme Beings #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy

0. UFO? Soul? Purpose? Human? Farm?
1. Meet correct answers from our aliens.
2. Get enlightened to be a better person.
3. This book shall teach you everything.
4. It is about time to live in a new world.
5. He is, they are, and this book is real.
6. Aliens are coming out of their closet.

a. Earth = Alien Soul Farm
b. This Book = Their Book
c. We Are Theirs = Yes
d. We Are Slaves = No
e. They Are Friends = Yes
f. They Will Kill Us = No

Have you seen a book published practically by so-called aliens or extraterrestrials? I have. In fact, I hold one in my hand. You are invited to read all 24 chapters with about 58,000 words in 216 pages of this narrative nonfiction based on facts beyond truths.
This book goes far beyond whether UFOs are real or not. It shows us logically how to be a better person from instant enlightenment upon internalizing the whole big picture on how the universal life system works under earth-shattering core concepts.

Yes, this incredible extraterrestrial book is meticulously planned and designed by the supreme beings in charge of the current book project in order to induce mass instant enlightenment among virtually all the human beings on the Earth Soul Farm.

Over the age of Aquarius for the next 2,160 years, all the factual content in this unique extraterrestrial book shall provide a right guidance in terms of almost every aspect of diverse life experience given to the human beings on the Earth Soul Farm.

Whether we like it or not, a gigantic change in human consciousness will occur through dawnvolution solidly based on the new philosophy of dawnvolism. For reasons unknown to me, I am just being a conveyor of this extraterrestrial content. Yes, I have been contacted.

Going forward, my personal resolve is to gladly serve as a human consciousness coordinator duly appointed by extraterrestrials in 2017. I would perform whatever is required to publicize this extraordinary book designed to upgrade our humanity. Yes, we are not alone.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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