Total Imbecile #sexist #crackpot

[Serious] Am I supposed to beleive that most guys wouldnt fuck their sisters?

I see it over and over again on this forum some users acting horrified when incest is brought up

Now dont get me wrong trying to get with your sister if shes not into it is stupid but with how much incest porn there is out there I simply cannot believe that most guys dont wanna fuck their sisters

I cant imagine if an attractive female shows interest in you that you wouldnt do it because of some artificial reason like that + youre already personalitymaxxed due to growing up together

Are your guyses sisters like ugly or something?

Or am I just too gone due to being incel that I would even consider it?

Hello, IT.

Westermarck effect. It is a biological malfunction to be attracted to your siblings.

Ngl I literally dont experience this at all

Could it be because were not close and they mostly act like yanderes towards me?

Would that effect still be present if youre separated at birth and then reunied at birth? How does one explain Louisiana?

I'm only child. I don't understand the feeling.

But I have this doubt.

Its brutal

Imagine a hot girl walking around in the shortest pair of shorts and a crop top that she sleeps in and youre somehow not supposed to find that attractive or stare


What does Louisiana refer to?

I'm just going to say that anecdotal evidence makes for a poor argument.

If a faggot wrote, "I am a man who is attracted to other men, am I supposed to believe that most guys wouldn't fuck another man?" would you believe his assertion?

Everyone in Louisiana more or less engages in incest

Also your example is different because faggotry is unnatural

The separation argument here is imo the most convincing one to consider

So not only is this a hypothesis but it says " people who live in close domestic proximity during the first few years of their lives become desensitized to sexual attraction"

But how can that be if you dont even feel sexual attraction until youre like almost a teenager

So is sex between siblings.

So a srs question now, when your sister dresses like a whore and she walks around you dont ever accidentally look at her and think "fuck she has a nice figure" (the thought being compeltely separate from the fact that youre siblings)?

3) Societal conditioning. Most guys would adamantly deny finding a 15yo attractive even if said 15yo had the body of a 22yo and looked 22. In a lot of studies males are shown pictures of females and asked to rate them attractive or unattractive. If the female is thought to be underage then the male, regardless of his physical response, will state that she is unattractive. No man will be caught dead saying that there are 15yos that can get some dick in 2020. Going by that token there is no man that would be caught dead saying he would enjoy fucking a family member or two.

I think this is legit it. All of you guys denying it are just massive copers who wanna maintain some sort of PC facade



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