Apparently, that's her day job. Being an escort is her side gig, so to speak. She likes money.
I wonder how many of her patients are incels. You never know.
Holy shit that's hilarious. Imagine her clients, coming to her in time of need, revealing to her all their darkest secrets, thinking she could solve their depression and other life problems, give them the right counsell.
Only to find out she fucked motherfucking PPEcell that very night absorbing his chink cum in all her holes
Interesting. I fucked an escort that was lawyer at day long time ago.
Is incredible how the escort you fucked helps more incels by offering her body than being a psichologist.
I made a post about this exactly. I'm talking to doctors, therapists and psychiatrists weekly. All of them are blonde/brunette women and quite pretty. I imagine them living up to mountain levels of hedon once they leave work.
Never trust anybody.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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