RE: I’m starting a private discussion group for biological essentialist, intersectional, antinatalist female separatist radical feminists who have studied & are continuing to study rf theory. There will be a screening process in order to join. If you are interested, please DM me.
Platform will be off Saidit and will require nothing more than any throwaway email address in order to participate.
Thank you
Edit: this is not a space for mothers of sons (“boymoms”). sorry not sorry 🤣
The term biological essentialism does not mean what you think it means. I think what you are referring to is just biology. Biological essentialism is the idea that women are nurturing and should only occupy nurturing professions like nursing and teaching, etc. Trans advocates misuse the term all the time but I don't think feminists should adopt the trans terminology. They've conflated biological essentialism and biology because the term biological essentalism has become a no no, what they are talking about is just simple biology.
Actually, I am indeed familiar with the usage of the term in the way that you are describing, but radical feminists who are biological essentialists in the sense that I mean will understand my post, so I do not need to clarify. We understand each other.
If you continue to use the term as the trans activists do you are simply helping them. Why do this?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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