
Fschmidt #dunning-kruger #god-complex saidit.net

I was incel long ago. When incels started posting on the internet, I supported them. This was before humanity became completely retarded, so these incels were reasonable. There were some insightful posts, particularly by Caamib. But as humanity decayed, incels also decayed. About 4 years ago I developed a complete solution to incel. It was a dating service that used Facebook to advertise men to foreign women. It was 100% successful for the incels who tried it. But when I advertised my service in incel subs on Reddit, there was no interest. Incels had become totally useless scum with no interest in solving anything. All they wanted to do is complain.

Of course it is true that most women everywhere are worthless thanks to exposure to modern culture. But unlike in the West, there are at least a few decent women in non-western countries. There are no decent women in the West. And as far as I can tell, there are basically no decent men left anywhere by now. We live in a world of moronic scum.

At this point I feel like Noah from the Bible. Humanity has become completely worthless, deserving almost total extermination. My only job is to build an ark in case anyone wants to escape the flood of dysgenics. Here is my ark. Of course I would make sure that anyone who boards my ark finds a spouse, otherwise boarding the ark is pointless. But the rest of humanity, those outside the ark, can go to hell.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger #god-complex saidit.net

Reject modern culture. Hate modern scum and screw them over as much as possible.
Support religions that reject modern culture.
Make good things. You will know that something is good if modern culture hates it.
Protect your children from modern culture. No internet, no government schools.
Develop critical thinking in your children. The game of Go is a good start.
Avoid politics. It is a waste of time.
When single, use prostitutes. Look for a wife outside the West. Avoid sluts.
Don't debate with people on the internet. They are hopeless morons, so debating them is a waste of time.
Don't eat things that weren't eaten 100 years ago.
Become Arkian.

oorgias #sexist saidit.net

A woman is a satanic beast, the embodiment of why you yourself have to be as cruel as possible in a dog-eat-dog world.

She can't be allowed anything. I would love a clip of someone being handshook by a woman, then she hugs another guy, and the guy who got the handshake immediately turns into Jon Jones when he was shoved during a staredown.

If she isn't perfect towards you, she is an enemy. Not even someone to be punished, downright an enemy.

Fschmidt #elitist #psycho #god-complex saidit.net

I am a reactionary. As a reactionary, I voted for gay marriage in California in the 1990s when it lost the vote because I believe that the government has no business regulating marriage which was historically a religious institution and should be that way again. As a reactionary, I strongly support abortion which is eugenic and kills unborn liberals and is supported in the Old Testament and not opposed in the New Testament. Christians who claim that the Bible is against abortion are ignorant morons. As a reactionary, I hate conservatives and liberals equally.

Fschmidt #elitist saidit.net

I just watched the Putin interview. I wonder who Putin thought he was speaking to. Putin doesn't seem to realize that the American people are retarded. All of the American elite, Tucker included, speak publicly with a clear understanding that they are speaking to retards. So the interview was just very strange with Tucker asking questions appropriate for retards and Putin giving intelligent answers. It is a reminder that Putin is truly human while all modern Americans are subhuman

https://saidit.net/user/MVP0 #sexist #psycho saidit.net

This isn't about heterosexuality.

Just think about the fact that women, who you have known nothing but cruelty from

Are you considering women's cruelty right now, while reading this thread, only on a shallow level? Think about their validation of monsters, their groupthink, how they discriminate more than nazis, how they worship their female friends as infallible gods who will get to abuse you through them, how they constantly put barriers between themselves and sex with the men they sexually harass but never do anything but effortlessly validate actual winners. What is a human if their free will is stomped to death by winner and loser categories?

Now think about these same demons... literally engaging in sexual acts. Literally sucking dick. Literally being penetrated.

Fschmidt #god-complex #psycho #racist #transphobia #conspiracy saidit.net

While shooting modern scum (members of modern culture) has an undeniable emotional appeal, I do not recommend it because of the legal repercussions. But what if I told you that there is a legal means to kill modern scum that is far more effective than shooting them?

By far the most effective way to kill modern scum is to support the Democratic Party. Let's give credit where credit is due. No one else has come close to killing as many modern scum as the Democratic Party has. Just with the covid vaccines, they have killed millions of modern scum and this number is sure to rise significantly. By defunding the police and effectively legalizing crime, they have killed many ghetto modern scum. By allowing fentanyl and other drugs freely into this country, they have killed many more modern scum through drug overdoses. By promoting trans ideology in school, they will prevent many modern scum from reproducing. And thanks to sanctions on Russia, we can expect many modern scum to freeze to death in Europe and millions to starve in poor countries all over the world. So God bless the Democratic Party who are likely to kill more modern scum than I dreamed possible.

Fschmidt #sexist saidit.net

Could you seduce a hyena? Unless a man is the type of scum that appeals to depraved western women, he has as much chance with the women as with hyenas. Incels should use prostitutes and eventually marry abroad.

alexstein #sexist #psycho #racist saidit.net

I read about people's experiences getting bitches and I seethe away in my cuck shed. If my worthless pajeet father had not placed his pajeet nigger kike genetics into my worthless mother I would probably be able to get a girlfriend. Maybe not a 9/10 but at least a 6 which I would be happy with. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa

I just read a thread on r/redscarepod about this Indian nigga who got a white bitch to suck his dick at college and all I could do is wish for my worthless humiliating existence to end. WHYYYYY GODDDDDDD WHY COULDN'T IT HAVE BEEN MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. WHY DID YOU CURSE ME WITH THIS PAJEEEEEEEEEEEET AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.

That nigger is so worthless that he couldn't even hook me up with a virgin indian qt arrange marriage village whore. The fucker thought he was some intellectual liberal and cut his ties to his community as soon as he arrived off the boat that cocksucker.

I'm not saying I would have gotten a bitch 100% because as an Indian it is harder but the fact that a lot of curries do get laid proves it's possible if you don't have shit tier nigger tier genetics.

I see the life I want in front of me and as I reach towards it the image vaporizes and drifts away. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkk. Instead of getting laid with a qt gf I get to spend my life rotting away on these forums with you assholes. I know there isn't one but if by some miracle there is I hope that nigger burns in hell forever for cursing me to this fate.

Fuck man. Life is unfair.

Religion is the opiate of the masses

...and I wanna be their dealer!

Fschmidt #dunning-kruger #god-complex saidit.net

Someone with the intelligence to have a philosophical basis of morality should also have the intelligence to recognize that it is preferable to attribute this morality to deities as Machiavelli explained so clearly. In my case I was atheist and studied history, anthropology, primate behavior, and evolutionary psychology in order to determine the ideal morality. Then I found this morality in the Old Testament, and I recognized the benefit to attributing morality to the god of the Old Testament. Atheists who want to know how to do this can read this.

Fschmidt #god-complex #psycho saidit.net

You deserve the ban for being stupid enough to argue with moronic modern scum. The only thing one should do with modern scum is to encourage them to get as many covid vaccines as possible, and then hope that it kills them. Modern scum cannot be saved, so one should just hope for their deaths.

fschmidt #sexist saidit.net

What are you talking about? While I couldn't get a date with the most disgusting fat pig in America, I had no problem dating models outside the depraved West. Why? I was in top physical shape, physically attractive, intelligent, successful, etc. Women in modern culture absolutely hate intelligent moral men, that is why they hated me. But outside of the West, I didn't have this issue.

Cornfed #psycho saidit.net

(CNN witnesses 9-year-old being sold for marriage to 55-year-old man)

It would be good if CNN explained their problem with the situation and their preferred alternative. Perhaps according to them it would have been better if the child had been butchered in the womb so as not to interrupt mom's avocation as a bar-hopping slut, or perhaps she could have been gang-banged by crackheads and raised the resulting bastard thug offspring on welfare just like everyone else.

Nayenezgani #crackpot #moonbat #psycho #sexist saidit.net

I'm extremely pro-micropenis because of bestiality. We can't convince scrotes to abstain from raping children and animals, but we can lessen the damage by actively spreading chemicals that cause scrotes to have micropenises, e.g. phthalates. If all animal rapists and child rapists had micropenises, at least it would not be so physically traumatic for their victims. Pick-mes can cry about not finding any dominant HVM with a big schlong but I don't care. (Cry all you f@cking want, your tears mean d!ck to me.)

If we really want to escape the vice of male oppression, we have a few options:

Miraculously find a way to propagate the species without scrotes, and somehow manage to delete scrotes or let the existing ones live out their lives in humane captivity.

Planet-wide murder-suicide, because inter-sex oppression exists among thousands of species. Basically no one contemplates this besides efilists or pro-mortalists.

Deleting the human species. Involuntary infertility of the masses would be the most humane, and would not rely on volition. People will try to find ways to solve this, so it would be even better if most smart people died off first.

Lower the sex ratio. There is no endgame to this, and the human species will continue regardless. I am just hoping our lives would be slightly less influenced by scrotes. We know that late fatherhood is correlated with a higher likelihood of daughters, and in general this is can also be caused by heavy exposure to dioxins.

When it comes to the Western lifestyle, my family was too poor to afford meat or indulge in excessive power consumption so I learnt to live without those things. It made me happier and healthier than I would have been if I was some pampered middle-class kid.

fschmidt #dunning-kruger saidit.net

Imagine if some tyrant took control of Canada, made an alliance with China, and then China installed missiles in Canada on the American border. America wouldn't tolerate this and would take military action to prevent it. This is basically the scenario that Russia was facing with Ukraine where the leader clearly wants to join NATO and the America has refused to promise that this won't happen. This forced Putin to preemptively act to prevent this from happening. I personally see Russia as the last refuge of western civilization. The West has become an evil satanic globalist cesspool that threatens all decency in the world. So I am extremely grateful to Putin for taking decisive action to defend Russia.

tallowcandle & storyendingnever #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Moids constantly lie about abuse from females. They make up fake rape stories lifted straight from moid-made porn, which is a reversal of what moids do to females as is (my mom wanted to fuck me! I was gang-banged by busty 16yo cheerleaders at 13!). I know of moids who pretended shitty sex was rape to STFU feminists, like a guy who fucked a teacher in high school and only remembered her being ugly as a negative, but pretended he was horribly raped by her on reddit.

Able-bodied adult moids can't be fucking abused by partners because they have the power in any relationship. I know a guy who gets pommeled by his gf of 3 years, she nearly broke his ribs by surprise a couple of times, calls him names and shit and he couldn't care less. He won't break up because he gets laid and free meals. She's like that because she knows she's being used by a fucking insectoid but is a dummy with low self-esteem and won't let him die in his own shit. I know a bunch of fun, smiley old men with arrogant, bitchy, nasty wives and I know that these moids are to blame for their wives fucking hollowness because they sucked them out. Fucking eternal parasites.

So yeah, hope they all boost up the male suicide stats, these maggots.

The really sad thing about male suicide (besides it not happening nearly enough) is that they often take people (women and girls) with them. Now, why can't a suicidal male decide to kill another 5 males first before turning the weapon on himself??? That would be a good day.

_Moon_ #crackpot #moonbat #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

RE: I don't care if male children take estrogen because it'll lower the male fertility rate and make them weaker

Stole from PinkPillBeta 'I know the common argument is that it's gay children being prescribed (or obtaining illegally) hormones, and it's disgusting, but there's also tons of hetero, cumbrained, weeb teenagers that have been obtaining estrogen too. I've seen them all over twitter, reddit and discord, posting photos of the estrogen injections they've bought from Brazil. Honestly, let them take it."

I have often thought that the only issue with the male suicide rate is that it isn't high enough. Sadly, all these incel MRAs and tranny activists whining about how suicidal they and their fellow travelers are are all talk, no action. So while I totally support incels, trannies, wokeys, trad caths, /pol/acks, mgtows, etc. killing themselves, I don't really see any advantage in them taking estrogen.

I mean, it doesn't really weaken them up to a point where they are so helpless that any woman can simply beat them up. Consider ANTIFA: full of trannies, still violent and dangerous. I just don't see where trannies are better / less shitty than other men. It's a bit like the idea that rapists should be castrated. Not that I oppose rapists being castrated, but it's not like they are less dangerous once you cut off their dicks.

Then there are the various other issues already mentioned: normalizing transgenderism, medical experimentation on children, "transitioning" of girls(!), etc. It's all just a slippery slope.

I kinda agree with fckoffmale, though. RadFems always say that feminism is about female liberation from male oppression, and that the goal isn't to cuddle sadboi males ...... but then they often seem to make an exception for trannies. If you'd make a video entitled "How feminism would be good for men", many RadFems would call you out, but even RadFems sometimes make videos about how Radical Feminism would be good for trannies.

fschmidt #psycho saidit.net

I will leave genocide to God. My only contribution will be to pray for the extermination of most of humanity.

There is much good in this world.

Then show me some. I can't find any.

Nayenezgani #fundie #psycho #sexist saidit.net

The major theological difference between Therâvada Buddhism and Mahâyâna Buddhism, and its implications for antinatalist praxis.

In the more conservative tradition, the emphasis is on personal enlightenment. It is rather individualistic in that the texts and traditions are oriented towards liberating oneself from the cycle of dukkha. But if one were to attain enlightenment, would it not be more helpful to spread it?

Mahâyâna Buddhism elaborates on this by focusing on universal compassion. Though I am extremely conservative when it comes to Hindu theology, I cannot dispute the pragmatic superiority of Mahâyâna over Theravâda Buddhism.

And I cannot help but draw parallels between this theological distinction and the distinction between antinatalism and efilism. (Though efilism is more elegant because it is contained in the rationale for antinatalism.) Antinatalism will not only fail because it is less philosophically rigid than efilism and devoid of practicality, but because its adherents are individualistic. They only care about their personal choice to not reproduce and approach the problem from an anthropocentric perspective. Frankly, being a pregnant woman pales in comparison to being a pregnant kiwi bird.

Now I think that Mahâyâna Buddhism doesn't go far enough. Why not cease the suffering of all living beings, sentient or not? That is the crux of efilism. We better spread those xenoestrogens (via oral/dermal/inhalation means) and contrive other ways of inducing involuntary infertility. If DDT can show up in Antarctic wildlife despite being banned in the USA for decades, it wouldn't take much additional effort to chemically spay rural populations as well as urban ones.

hellonearth #crackpot #moonbat #sexist saidit.net

RE: Feminism is a kink for antifeminist men

Feminists do a good job to help them with that. There is this radfem in my country that posted a pic in a shirt that says "i suck dick" lol imagine calling youself a radfem then using the most opressing misogynistic words that also can be fucking triggering and mentally terorrising to some women and even cause someone to have a panic attack bc of trauma etc.

Imagine what her 30 yo boyfriend is really thinking while fucking her lmao (she is 19 btw lol) i bet he is a fetishist

Maybe i don't even wanna know what he is really thinking cause knowing some of the things men say about women it would be traumatizing. I don't belive he is a 'feminist' lol he prolly gets off so good and its so satisfying to him to have a girl who calls herself a radfem and then submits to his dick that he prolly jacked of millions times before to some humiliating degrading opressing porn or maybe even raped someone before(lots of women are raped so msot men are rapist he could be one too just hides it) men are primitve af he probably loves it that she is a feminist and sees sex as revange or something degrading done to her. He must love it. Moids are like that, stupid pigs

radicalhell #sexist saidit.net

RE: Male Humor...


The sad part is even 60+ old men are like that... like if you meet them closely they are almost all like fucking 14 year old boys. They privately laugh at stupid and inane shit, still watch porn, don't have anything interesting to say like you would expect from older person. They often just wear a public mask that they are "adult humans". Especially extrovered males seem to be very immature regardless of age. Like they have ADHD or some kind of focus dysfunction. Actually I have become more and more disgusted by extroverted behaviour. Extroverted males have to be the most pathetic and privileged subcategory of humans. Of course introverted males are also misogynistic as fuck but at least they are not that vocal and loud about this also less irritating overall.

Randompoll #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

Female Solidarity

I thought that I was sufficiently blackpilled that no new info on male sadism and female submissiveness would surprise me. I was wrong. I went through a link posted here about a scientific paper on female allies and adversaries. The summary is stated in the comments, if you wanna check.

Well, that read was depressing. Most women hate each other and have no interest in sisterhood/solidarity, not because of social influence, but because of human biology, reproductive styles and evolutionary forces. While it benefits men in forming same sex alliances from a purely biological viewpoint, it appears to be the opposite for women. This means most women are born submissives who spend entire lives fighting each other for male validation and resources for continuing male genetic lines.

How very unfair. How very unfortunate. So, my question is, is female solidarity possible?

I believe an en masse blackpilling of women is the only way. Women have to accept that the oppression we face is driven mostly by biology and our own actions in facilitating male dominance. The conservative myth of submission being good for women and the liberal myth of oppression being a social construct won't help women.

But then again, my hope for most women being blackpilled will remain an utopian dream. Most will either gravitate towards conservatism or liberal feminism, hoping to be blissfully ignorant.

I wish I could meet blackpilled women in real life. Swallowing the blackpill seems the only way to form strong female bonds sans jealousy and men.

Various Femcels #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

I don't know but I hope some women will wake up after this pandemic. Many people are working from home so women are with husbands almost 24/7 and they probably realized that men are gross, not helpful and they are constantly watching porn. Blackpilled women are and will be minority of women but I think women will be more sceptical of men and not full-time pick-me. I am not suprised that female solidarity is a myth. I can't even find loyal not stupid women like basically most women are slaves to men. They also can stop contact you after marriage or only pretend to be your friend (?) so yeah women are fucked-up

Yes, I believe its pretence. The paper I mentioned also says that women keep female allies to ensure that their moid's kids are well looked after. Even when women do form allies, thats for servicing male interests. The irony.

(intothetrees )

I hope some women will wake up after this pandemic.

nah, most likely gender roles will be as strong as ever lol although i could see porn use diminishing as result of a certain kind of conservatism

Yes, Exactly. There is a strong tendency towards conservatism now. Abortion bans are raging and trad-wifery is being glorified. I am afraid we are going back to the 'good ol' days'.

Nayenezgani #moonbat #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Many people here are not realistic about things like the Greater Male Variability Hypothesis or the necessity of stereotypical masculine traits like mathematical aptitude. If we were as talented as scrotes, why would they even continue to exist?

Even blackpilled women let their ego get in the way of acknowledging this. I am willing to recognize every uncomfortable truth about my own gender if I can use that knowledge to figure out my next moves. Because they seem to be more heterogeneous, we should prioritize targeting the most inimical ones:

Scrotes with an IQ above 100, or maybe even any scrote with an IQ above 85. Obviously some unintelligent scrotes can be surprisingly efficient in their carnage, but they are at least predictable. I find most female serial killers to be a snoozefest. I'm more of a mass killer than a serial killer person.

Scrotes born after 1980, with increasing emphasis on the youngest. Old scrotes will die sooner and require less attention to manage.

Rich scrotes. There are an estimated 10-20 million USD millionaires in the world, and scrotes are the majority of these.

Physically fit scrotes, especially martial artists. Laws don't matter when you are alone with those creatures.

Women here downplay the importance of stereotypical male talents and pretend they only have value enforced by androcentrism. I LOL at women thinking we need to avoid the tech industry because it is infested by nYggers. We act like we are so scared, but we sure don't act desperate. I would spend 16 hours a day digging trenches and doing construction work if it meant we could be truly independent. Feminists don't even think about hardware. Who among us can operate a semiconductor fab?

We need to be more desperate.

Basghetti #crackpot #homophobia #sexist saidit.net

RE: Gay man calls men abusive, misogynistic rapists and claims that male sexuality is degenerate and obsessive by default

Ok, I skimmed because honestly male on male sex makes me feel physically ill and I feel like a voyeur or something reading about it, so it looks like he touched on this a bit.

I'm gonna sound bigoted as fuck here, but I'd say for gay men it's on turbo. I'm not the master of knowledge here or anything, so just kinda keep that in mind, but with the history of pederasty-- that leads me to think there's a massive domination thing at play mentally, even more so than with straight men because they're dominating other men. I don't know where the bottoms fall with all of this, but I thought they were supposed to have prostates that make the process at least somewhat worth it. If it's just pain, what's the actual fucking point? You're just gonna have a fucked up asshole and the sphincters there are going to be all ruined like old shitty (lel) hair rubber bands and your butthole is going to leak. There are some nice enough gay fellas out there, but I'm not gonna lie-- I'm looking in the direction of King James VI/I for all of the fanatical witch burning/woman torture shit.

_Moon_ #moonbat #psycho #racist #sexist #transphobia saidit.net

Muslim migrant males need to start being shot on sight. I don't care anymore. I immediately clocked them. They're all the same.

I fucking hate them. My experiences with them have been terrible. They're savages who need to die.

When it comes to street harassment and violence, black and brown men are the fucking worst. I don't think this is the fault of Islam. "Westernized" black and brown men are pretty much the same. Even their vernacular is increasingly woke and American. I saw some Arabs use the woke American term "cultural appropriation" to describe a regional supermarket selling kebab ingredients, lol!

Sometimes Islam feels less like a religion to me and more like some sort of ethnocultural bubblegum, keeping 1001 ethnicities (Chechens, Turks, Tunisians, Algerians, Morrocons, etc.) together.

And they all have this weird relationship with white women: on the one hand, they are sexually obsessed with us, on the other hand, they hate us. And non-white women have the same relationship with white men, this love/hate Daddy-issue relationship with white men where they spend all day on Twitter shitting on white men and all night fantasizing about being ravaged by one: https://i.imgur.com/BLtBuGJ.png PNG

Of course, this doesn't mean that white and Asian men are necessarily "better." Usually, they just have more impulse control and higher IQs than black and brown men, so the more complex systems and structures of misogyny (e.g. the international porn industry, transgenderism, economic systems resulting in black and brown men being imported to the West to drive down wages for the working-class, etc.) are filled with more white and Asian men.

tallowcandle #sexist saidit.net

None of those 'giving birth is superpower' types would say no to never having period again, or to sidestepping pregnancy. But I still wouldn't want to be male, they are crazy evil fucks and strength and lack of pain are wasted on them.

Human reproduction is such a fucking torture of females the fact that our species survived to this point is the proof male violence has always been a critical factor for humans, and that it is biological. Truly liberated females would just fucking not.

If we lived in not a clown world, a bulk of scientific resources would go towards freeing females from our biological drawbacks, not to moids trying to play with them. Genetic modification to improve strength, intelligence and impulse control, longevity, etc. But none of that will fucking happen, of course. We don't have to have bloody periods, in fact, it's an 'evolutionary spandrel' to make up for the fact that human fetus sucks out so much mother's blood through chorionic villi we had to have an epithelium so thick to shield ourselves it can't be fully reabsorbed when shed. But nothing bad happens if it's not happening. The reason birth control has empty end of months pills is that males can't imagine our existence without suffering and would not approve birth control otherwise.

Various Femcels #dunning-kruger #racist #sexist saidit.net

Is This Peak #BoyMom?


Are they really mother and son? I sometimes think these fucked-up stories are just made up bullshit by journalists.

It’s true, she also has an IG account: https://www.instagram.com/luceneduarte/?hl=en

I have more faith in the yellow press reporting on fucked-up OF stories than in NYT reporting on racism and Russia. Reminds me of the meme where you have an IQ bell curve with the retard on the lower end and the genius on the higher end agreeing while the Reddit normie in the middle disagrees with both of them, lol. While the Reddit normies think that articles such as these are fake, both the retards and the geniuses just roll their eyes and think, "Oh yeah, that IS the clown world we are living in these days..."

(The same could apply to evobio, with the retards and geniuses acknowledging the significance of human nature and biology, while the Reddit normies in the middle believe in >muh socialization only.)

Just imagine people in the decaying Rome hearing about some loony Emperor having orgies with infants and farm animals and being like "yup, just normal day in the greatest civilization on earth".

This is pretty much where we are again...

(LaQueSabe_ )
The moid looks so dead inside in the right pic, i'm crying laughing

Meanwhile in his head "makin coin from mumsy cowtits. gotta buy game. must game. umga bumga"

Also 0 surprise she is Brazilian.

This will be this lad's least exploitative endeavor in life. Noticed in 'sex worker interviews' they always ask if the male owner of the cunt is ok with other males using it, that they're asking her son here instead of the usual bf/husband just reinforces incest overtones.

NeverendingNight & _Moon_ #crackpot #racist #sexist saidit.net

Lindsay Ellis was mocked for making a comparison between Avatar: The Last Airbender and Raya and the Last Dragon. People on Twitter were pissed, calling her a "dumb and whiny white bitch" and all sorts of misogynistic slurs. She is pro trans and your stereotypical nerdy/geeky feminist. And what did that get Ellis? Nothing. I'm not trying to say that it's on the same level or as worse as police brutality, of course it isn't. Nevertheless, it's obvious to me that feminists are more willing to forgive criminal men of color over "problematic" white women. Men of color can assault, harass, loot, kill, and rape, and there will be a crowd of women, white and WOC, ready to make excuses for them. The same forgiveness is not extended to white women who speak out of turn. Annoying "Karens" are worse than violent male criminals. Fully agree with the rest of your comment.

I didn't know Lindsay Ellis until now, but I already had a suspicion I found confirmed after looking her up: that she is between 35-40 years old. The only thing men - of all colors - value in women is the beauty of their teenage bodies, ideally matched with an equally childlike personality: soft, agreeable, willing to let men correct her, etc. Many of these anti-Karen BLM type wokeys are pretty young women who still have the approval of men. But as they age and lose certain childlike traits - both personality-wise and in regards to their looks - men treat them more and more brutally and might almost hope that they get "canceled" and replaced with a 20-year-old again.

The anti-Karen meme almost seems to be a bit of a generational conflict because young women feel like it is their turn now to get male head pats. But sooner or later, these young women will be closer to 40 than to 20 themselves. And then it's just a matter of time until they, too, will be the Karens whose hard opinions men don't want to hear. So young white women engaging in these woke witchhunts will be in for a rude awakening rather sooner than later...

LaQueSabe_ #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net

RE: Do you think liberal feminism will be able to survive with extreme climate change, and other disasters?

I think once climate change reaches the extreme breaking point where even rich countries can't hide from it. I feel like liberal feminism charade will be over, and governments will get more like handmaid's tale style.

Nah, let me tell you what's about to happen. Massive migration to the North. The "1st world" is gonna be festered with 3rd world people, aka conservationism on the rise (Earthkistan). With so many moids around women are going to be killed and raped daily by the millions, even in developed countries. Our reproductive rights will be entirely revoked. The Chinese dominate Africa and Make Slavery Great Again, also create a new mixed Sino-African race with a whole new set of problems. At that point the whites will be gone, so liberal feminism is going to have little acceptance with New generation of women slaves.

So, feminism days are numbered. Liberal or not. Separatism is the only option.

Stupid question but do you oppose immigration for everyone, including women? I mean, they're not going to reject their religion/conservatism simply bc it's another country. And I get not wanting to see your race dying out.

I'm opposed to immigration when it comes to moids, see what happens in Norway when they have to be educated to not rape women.

Only female immigrants should be accepted in any country and as a 3rd world habitant myself, I wanna immigrate.

Lmao, I care about the white race dying out as much as they cared about my native ancestors being wiped out. I was just stating that they'll be in fewer numbers in the nexr decades.

Various Femcels #dunning-kruger #psycho #sexist saidit.net

Being a woman sucks. There is biology that oppresses us. There's society and men. And to top it all off, women oppress themselves. I am not at all proud to be a woman. There, I said it. Feminism can go fuck itself. If most women atleast realised that serving men and suffering aren't gonna help us, I wouldn't be this dejected at being a woman. But nope. Most women are full on deluded. Men must be laughing at how ready women are to be their womb maids and sex toys. And lastly, glad BPF exists. This is the only place where I don't have to be proud to belong to a sex that is ready to slave at the drop of a hat.

That's the most coherent and succinct rant I've ever heard! I'm impressed. (And I'm not being sarcastic.)

The biological cage has always pissed me off. I don't want to be a man - Testicles? Need I say more? But I could do without the tits and the uterus (completely useless hindrance) and the concerns I have over bone density. I've always dreamt of being part cyborg or something more evolved than human. Do away with males and biological reproduction, and keep whatever good exists in females mixed with some bionic whatevers. You could have a productive, satisfying life free of male violence and their death drive, of female mommy-worship and the IQ-lowering that always accompanies breeding. Sounds pretty good. Jeez, did I just have a fantasy that didn't have anything to do with torturing or gang-raping women? Anyhow, any human evolution has to involve the permanent removal of the Y-chromosome and the plasma attached to it (which also includes female hangers-on).

I want more conversations like this, even in ovarit and fds they still have this fake hope for feminism while posting rant after rant about male depravity like it's fresh news. Like okay, and the sky is blue.

Various Commenters #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

Moids are the most evolutionary optimized parasites in the universe, I swear. Really, in most tribes/societies ever females always do most of the necessary work, males focus on what increases that male's status. It's metalwork and woodwork to make weapons and walls. It's big game hunting and war to divide meat and spoils for ally making and wife-capture. It's shamanism and witch-hunting - that it, male shamans do rituals that help them gain personal power, make wars happen and get people killed based on male gossip. In what is obvious to the most hopeful hippy to be a male dominated tribe it is certainly so, in "egalitarian" tribes males can't be assed to do childcare - they end up on top simply because they get to keep more time and resources - and the here's this.

Men have power but in every country on the fucking earth men live shorter than women. Women are so abused and raped but they still managed to live 80 years old or more. I don't get it. Men are so fucking horrible parasites that they have to do dangerous shit (drug abuse, alcohol, driving too fast etc) and they die due to this or women don't really find rape and abuse terrible and they can get through it like the most normal thing on earth. Normally women should live shorter due to fucked-up life circumstances.

We live longer because we're the standard of our species. We have two sets of chromosomes that allow us to survive on adverse scenarios and sustain the survival of humans. The male is just a bulkier female on steroids and 38% less genetic material. That renders them defective to the core, no matter how much privilege and resources they obtain.

Various Femcels #moonbat #racist #sexist saidit.net


Belgian police are teaching men not to harass women on the street. Not a word about the fact that the majority of street harassers aren't white. Let's not stigmatize!

I hate the "teaching" argument. Men know what they do is wrong, they do it because they like harming women. Feminists don't want to discuss biology, but they sure want to encourage others to waste their time, energy, and effort into "teaching" men how to be decent human beings.

MOC, especially Middle Eastern men, harassing white women on the street is an open secret at this point. But white women aren't allowed to talk about any issues they face anymore because they're all blonde, blue-eyed white supremacist Karens who should grovel at the feet of POC and apologize for every microaggression, or something along those lines.

The attention white women get from non-white men is so disgusting and degrading the majority of the time. But according to stupid libfems, white women being "more desirable" is a privilege. No, it's fetishization and objectification, just like when it happens to every other woman.

Don't forget all the intersectionalist bs. Happy Women's Day - except for the evil white cis bitches, fuck them! And lol at the Belgium thing, that is TOTALLY about brown muslim men who do that shit. 100%. Let's see all the women in those communities speak up against their men... yeah, didn't think so.

One bonus of living in a backwards country is you can shit on nonwhite dudes openly, for harassment too. Several young women i know went full alt-right from working/studying near brown exchange students, but that just made them worship White Dude more, which is fucking hilarious if you apply it to local 60IQ drunks and fat incompetent nepotists. If there were a way to peak them about moids in general...

tallowcandle #moonbat #sexist saidit.net

The paradox is real in STEM: In patriarchal countries like, women are ~40% of STEM grad classes, whereas in the Nordic countries, women are ~10% of STEM classes. I've posted a comment asking for people to explain it further. I don't know if it's true outside of STEM.

In patriarchal countries like russia and other shitholes STEM are a worthless unfunded waste of fucking time with equipment older than the demented old profs, no money and prestige involved, except government-related shit which, surprise, has mostly male staff.

In patriarchal countries like emirates and other rich ones most researchers aren't from the local, actually small, employee pool, they are migrant/temp emloyees from everywhere else, and those live in their own world.

Nordic countries aren't in fact fucking close to feminist heavens. Most people aren't critical of STEM or Glorious North and can't fucking see it.

In India at least I've seen with my own eyes that it's true. Indian parents are crazy for STEM.

Nice to get a confirmation. Russia part is based on russia, emirates part - on stories I've heard from post-ussr postdocs who went there. One was a blue-haired rainbow-tatooed lesbian and in her lab like nobody was a local and they mostly didn't interact with locals.

Also, mega-patriarchal japan does have about 15% and declining women in stem, again, their science pays, but they don't import brains a lot, so doods get to gate-keep.

Russian parents too, at least pre-zoomer ones. Because stem was a legit social lift back in ussr.

Various Femcels #crackpot #sexist saidit.net

RE: We are screwed according to wikipedia untrained men are stronger than female athletes

Biology fucked women in so many ways, it's insane how many women worship nature. Women are physically weaker, suffer from menstruation, have to endure painful and humiliating rape with males, feel like crap during pregnancy, tear from the vagina to the anus during childbirth (perineal tears affect about 80% of women!), die in childbirth, more prone to all diseases (except for contagious ones -- your average woman loves to brag about it so much!) and live so long, they don't even remember their own bloody name while shitting in an adult diaper. But hey, being a woman is so worth it!!!

Exactly something that boggles my mind. Most of the 'go back to nature and lets slave like primitive' types are women. Conservatives and nature worshipping radical feminists both vouch for the same thing- trap women within the confines of biology. The only difference is that the latter group has deluded themselves into believing tearing from vagina to anus or from vagina to clit makes women powerful. Its like saying torture victims are goddesses.

It must be denial, cope etc some psychological tactic women use to avoid pain, you have to be insane to worship biology when you are literally screwed by this in almost every way. Maybe that's why most women are also more emotional, empathetic than men because truth about biology and male nature is so painful that you have to be some kind of bubbly emotional bimbo living in denial and disregard facts and logic to live happy.