@MrMennoTweets #transphobia twitter.com

1 / “What is a woman?” is the WRONG question.

We all know what a woman is. It’s just a diversion tactic.

The real question is “What is trans?”

#whatisawoman #whatistrans

2 / One of the only consistent things about the term ‘trans’ is that it keeps changing and expanding, to the point where it’s now common to see it mentioned as ‘trans+’ or ‘trans*’. Normally if there’s an ‘*’ behind a word there’ll be a footnote with an explanation. Not so with

3 / ‘trans’. There are no clear, coherent, meaningful definitions and yet ‘trans’ is the basis on which other well-defined groups are expected to hand in their rights and freedoms.

At the same time we’re told that any attempts at clarifying #whatistrans are ‘transphobic’

4 / I used to think ‘trans’ referred to a person who suffers from deep psychological distress at being the sex they are (first known as ‘gender identity disorder’ then ‘gender dysphoria’ now ‘gender incongruence’… another thing that keeps changing). But that’s ‘transphobic’.

5 / I used to think ‘trans’ referred to someone taking steps to ‘transition’. But that apparently is also ‘transphobic’. ‘Non-transitioning trans people’ are just as valid as those who do ‘transition’! Yesterday I went to a gallery and while checking my online booking the guy at

6 / the desk said “I’m trans” and I asked “What does that mean?” He said “I’m non-binary. Today I’m a boy.”

He was just a bloke with long hair, an earring, and not particularly masculine. Pretty much like me.

I opened my mouth to say “Mate you’re just a bloke” but my friend

7 / quickly dragged me into the exhibition we were there to see.

But this guy shows what ‘trans’ has become: an absolute free for all with no basis. Yet somehow all of society has to be reconfigured to accommodate, or rather PRIORITISE ‘trans’. It’s all completely bonkers.

8 / “Trans is trans because trans now give us trans rights or transphobic!”

Does this really sound like a reasonable and fair basis on which to campaign for ‘rights’?

No, of course not. So they shout “Trans rights are human rights!” because that puts the focus on them being

9 / human (like… duh) and takes the focus away from the ‘trans’ bit.

We may lack clear, coherent definitions, but we do know what ‘trans’ looks like in practice.

Let’s have a look at a small selection of examples…




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