Lisa Renee #crackpot #ufo #magick #conspiracy #elitist

There are many very positive activations happening throughout the dimensional fields that will generate rapid 3D Breakdown and Enlightened Contact that greatly support collective humanity to be spiritually initiated towards choosing heart-based freedom, loving kindness and planetary liberation via the disclosure timeline. Simultaneously, the mainstream media distraction beats the war drums and transmits mind control signals to dampen this massive inpouring of solar plasma light, benevolent goodness and humanitarian support moving us rapidly towards a collective planetary event. The factions currently infighting within the Controller groups are desperate and using every resource at their disposal, in forcefully redirecting the collective consciousness to focus on the agents of chaos by provoking war and misdirection that further encourages compliance to tyranny, violence, separation and fear narratives. Sadly, the heavy burden most awakening people carry is the difficult realization that the majority of intelligent people around them will only glance superficially at some enormous disclosure event of great importance, disregarding any semblance of critical thinking, common sense and reason.
During this cycle, the extreme outer pressure caused by the planetary Emerald Cosmic Clock Initiation and the result of shifting timelines may cause an estrangement from certain social circles, including friends and family members that are deeply entrenched in the 3D narrative. Thus, many stuck in the mind control narrative are still harboring emotional conflicts of persecution and traumas that contribute to unresolved subconscious fears of facing the unknown.
Some people may double down by digging their heels even deeper into the controlled narrative by staunchly denying any evidence that is contrary to their 3D belief system doctrine, which are usually based in similar thoughtforms being reinforced by their immediate social circle.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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