Congressman Paul Gosar & various commenters #wingnut #racist

( Congressman Paul Gosar )
The Radical Left and the Biden Regime put America Last.

The MAGA agenda puts America First.

The choice is easy.

( @toxicmask )
@DrPaulGosar The MAGA agenda ties Israel at the hip with American interests. MAGA is a start, but it's not the finished masterpiece.

( @MichaelHudson )
@DrPaulGosar Fucking Israeli Communist.

( @_johnnyx )
@DrPaulGosar how about America ONLY?

( @Alle_Juden_deportieren )
@DrPaulGosar True. National Socialism's the way to go. Anything less than nationalism along racial lines simply will not work and it's open to jewish influence.

It's no more complicated than that.

( @FatBastard212 )
@DrPaulGosar Put Jews last. All our problems would go away just like that. Until of course, they decide to invade or burn everything down.

( @GunTanTrapDaddy )
@DrPaulGosar What is this "MAGA agenda" you speak of???

( @JakeKruger )
@DrPaulGosar It All Depends on Who You Consider to be "America"...

( @TheRealN8errific1 )
@DrPaulGosar If we want America to survive we need to put the well-being of White people first. Otherwise America will become Mexico, or China, or South Africa, etc. but it will never again be America.

( @Sticky25 )
@DrPaulGosar no the fuck they don't... Hey Paul say end white replacement, white genocide, and Jewish oppression..



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