Shawn Botts #wingnut #transphobia

I'm gay, but we used to make fun of insane confused things like that threy or whatever it calls itself. It's so frustrating that the asylum inmates took over the gay community. I used to be proud and supportive, but now, it's so insane and destructive that I want nothing to do with the community, and haven't for quite a few years. It's not just me, lots of my gay friends are like this. We hate it and feel shame and embarrassment. It's also pisses me off that the left has weaponized my sexuality and are actively using it to confuse and destroy the younger generations. I was born this way, but so many of them aren't. They're undoing all that my generation and the older ones fought for.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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