By now we realize that satanists run the media. Right on cue, here is an Article from the New York Times bemoaning the fact that the 10 commandments and the Bible are making a return classrooms.
It isn’t Trump or conservatives they hate.
It’s Christ.
image 1:06 AM · Jul 6, 2024 · 557.5K Views
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It’s the either/or mentality of the right wing.
If you’re opposed to shoving Christianity in schools, you must be a Satanist.
If you want to teach about historical abuse of black people, you must hate white children.
Owens is a self-hating black person and believes both of the above.
By now we realize that Santa Claus runs the media. Right on cue, here is an Article from the Yes Mia Network bemoaning the fact that the 10 commandments and the Bible are making classrooms return.
It isn’t Trump or conservatives they hate.
It’s education.
<@KeithInc. > #201312
The NYT has run over 200 articles on how old Joe Biden is and how he HAS to drop out in favor of a “better” candidate. But Candace here claims they hate Trump… Which clearly explains how they’re flat out ignoring the SCOTUS decision naming him a king in all but name, Project 2025, his deranged statements at rallies…
Remember, knowing certain people even *exist* is shoving beliefs and “lifestyles” in the faces, down the throats, and up the orifices of everyone - literally everyone - in a plot to enslave their minds but hey presenting a somehow simultaneously extremely specific but highly varied system of beliefs whose various sects reject eachother on the regular in an inescapable setting where children have impressed upon them authority and knowledge they are not supposed to contest where doing so results in punishment and non-conformity is subject to sanctioned bullying using the tax dollars of people who hate paying taxes so fucking much they argue vehemently against those same kids having a guaranteed meal every day if their money goes towards it you know that’s just innocent and unobtrusive. What’s wrong with that?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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