Various Commenters #racist #wingnut
RE: Immigrants and Their Children Shift Toward Center-Right in Germany
(Francis Galton)
People of foreign background are natural conservative voters, said Serap Güler. Most hail from Turkey, the Balkans, the former Soviet Union and North Africa—communities that are comparatively conservative. Many reject progressive issues such as drug legalization, criminal-justice reform and nontraditional family models.
Reminds me of the claim that Latinos are natural conservatives. We know how that has worked out for the Republican party. Also, keep in mind that "center-right" in legacy-media-speak actually means far left.
(Jeff Coffey)
Yes, open your ranks to Muslims. Brilliant idea. Let's see how open the Muslims will be to you once they have the numbers. Is it really so difficult for these dunderheads to understand that the Muslims hate, loathe, and despise them? That western way of life and culture are as disgusting to followers of allah as rolling around in excrement? They are NOT joining you. They are replacing you.
(Frank Jones)
Unless they are actively supporting parties planning on deporting them I don't care how they vote.
(Question Diversity)
Note that an immigrant who votes for the CDU is voting for his "values and personal preferences.” I wonder what they say about immigrants who vote for AFD because they don't want their new homes swamped by their low IQ cousins.
It's only because the CDU has watered itself down so much. Of the people "with foreign roots" who vote AfD, it's mainly because they tend to be Eastern European and non-Gypsy, who would be voting for those kinds of parties and be active in pop-nat sectors in their native countries. "Cosmopolitan patriotism" is really nothing more than German parlance (translated into English) for civic nationalism, a concept historically alien to most continental Europeans.