( LilOvaries )
Just like how men love to blame male-on-male devastation on women, trans-identified individuals love to misplace blame as well. Despite men being the vast majority of people who go out and murder transgenders, the TRA movement still finds a way to mental gymnastics the fault somehow landing on women who identify as radical feminists. Goes to show how much they hate women. When attacked, transgenderism activists leave the male perpetrators alone to yell at women and girls instead.
We know damn well who murders us, thank you very much. Yes, it’s typically cis men. No one blames you for being the direct murderers; we however do blame you for massive incitement against us and for being the key creators of an atmosphere of utter demonization of trans people, particularly trans women. A mission in which you are prepared to — and indeed do — strategically ally with conservatives and the far right in your fight against us.
( pennygadget )
I highly doubt this shooter was reading Dworken, posting on Ovarit, or reading Rowling's essays in the days before he shot up a queer club. This is yet another bullshit MRA tactic to make women responsible for the bad behavior of men.
Not women. TERFs and gender critters. That goes regardless of gender; while, yes, most of you are women, there are also TERF men, like that immensely creepy individual known as Glinner, real name Graham Linehan.
You are not the sole ones responsible for inciting the violence, but you do your part, even an outsized part given the relatively small size of your hate cult. And you know damn well that fascists and conservatives borrow your arguments, nod to your claims about us, call your thought leaders to their shows and lionize them when we try to fight back by, say, having them deplatformed.
And for any TRA lurkers, this is NOT the same as us blaming the trans community for their bad apples. It IS your fault when a TIM impregnates women in a women's prison because Y'ALL ADVOCATED FOR THAT SHIT!!! Nobody here has ever called for a mass shooting against the TQs (and if they did, they'd be swiftly banned)
So, “We don’t blame you all for your ‘bad apples’,” followed in the very next sentence by “Actually we DO blame you for all of them!”
According to you, the very fact that we want to be able to go in the same spaces as you makes all of us responsible for the crimes of any person who abuses that (and I’m being generous here by assuming that they wouldn’t have just done so regardless of any bans that may exist).
That is a standard no other group is held to, and indeed a ridiculous one.
And the reason that, to my knowledge, the vast majority of you haven’t yet called for mass shootings is twofold:
One, because you’re generally smart enough to avoid obviously incriminating yourself, so you tend to limit yourselves to stochastic terrorism.
The second reason is one I merely suspect from my years of exposure to your toxic waste of an ideology. It has to do with the fact that TERFs are, ironically, some of the greatest true believers of patriarchal tropes. Even as you profess yourselves to be the only true feminists and that you want to demolish the patriarchy, you can’t help but fall back on sexist tropes about women, because you see them as your protector from a far greater threat: trans people.
This comes through in numerous ways:
- your ever more comfy alliance with conservatives on the trans issue, whom you see as pretty much the only other ‘sane’ people when it comes to “fighting gender insanity”
- your uncritical and enthusiastic embrace of Blanchard’s autogynephilia theory and the ‘rapid onset gender dysphoria’ theory, which have clear stereotypical implications: most trans women being seen as aggressive, violent, predatory men, while trans men are seen as poor, defenseless, confused victims trying to flee sexism, or as people jumping aboard the newest fashion trend — so, not just classic damsels in distress, but outright children, even when they’re well above the age of maturity. And you apply those views faithfully and extremely. Patriarchal stereotypization on steroids!
- your abandonment of the initial approval you had expressed for gender-nonconforming behavior (including the wearing of ‘opposite-sex’ clothes) among people assigned male at birth. You replaced that with an embrace of traditional gender norms, seeing them as a dam against the trans menace, with the explanation that only a perverted and deeply misogynist ‘man’ is likely to want to wear women’s clothes and such anyway.
- your gleeful usage and weaponization of misogynist standards of women’s beauty, for instance when you mock the supposedly irreparably masculine bodies of trans women, when you mock their inexperience with ‘properly’ applying makeup (soooo feminist of you), or when you criticize their fashion sense. Basically, the idea is that trans women not properly adhering to sexist norms is a sign of them not being true women.
If that’s not utterly anti-feminist, then I am a rhinoceros.
…and other things.
But the one I particularly wanted to mention, the reason why I suspect you’re usually not eager to call for outright violence but rather limit yourself to incitement, snide comments, doxxing and of course legal & institutional campaigns against trans people, is a reason very much related to the things I listed previously as manifestations of you being patriarchal.
So, being broken individuals who internalized patriarchal sexist stereotypes to a very unhealthy degree, you see yourselves as weak, defenseless victims, but also as inherently good and as doomed moral victors. Among the very core beliefs you hold is that of physical violence and aggression being an almost exclusively male domain, something that women are not just biologically primed against, but also too kind and moral by nature to engage in themselves.
In other words, to deliberately and intentionally use violence in a context you can’t justify to yourselves as self-defense would not be womanly; it would mean that you demean and reduce yourselves to the level of men. And you are not men; you see yourselves as far more civilized and pure than those slavering, primitive, brutish animals.
So, your ideology, which you have an absolutely fanatical devotion to, requires a more sophisticated approach. In order to ‘defend’ yourself from trans people, you incite others to do your bidding without you having to pull the trigger yourself. That also helps you sleep at night, since you can keep telling yourselves that you did nothing wrong. After all, you never shot anybody or called openly for someone’s death! So clearly you’re not in any way responsible for what someone else did to those you daily call filthy, monstrous perverts that think only of raping women and children! Besides, surely no man would ever listen to you and be influenced by your words!
( cupcakes_and_shiraz )
This. GC women don't hate trans people for existing, we detest gender ideology and the damage it's done to women and girls. I don't expect TRAs to be bright enough to make the distinction though because they'd have to recognize that they're not victims.
Yeah, sure. You don’t hate us… you just basically declare who we are to be an ideology, an extremely dangerous and vile ideology to boot, demonize us in ways that have historically inspired genocides (and I do not say that lightly)… and then you not only deny your role in the demonization as the primary instigators; you even have the gall to deny we are the victims of the violence resulting from the massive targets on our backs that you religiously paint day after day.
( worried19 )
It's really galling that TRAs equate not wanting children to be medically transitioned or exposed to inappropriate adult sexuality with hating LGBT people and wanting them to be killed.
…says the person from the very website where people have numerous times openly and gleefully admitted to hating, yes hating, trans people.
…say the people whose ideological stormtroopers have doxxed and mercilessly harassed numerous trans people, engaged in the kind of blood libel that would make honest-to-god Nazis proud, and done their best to make our lives unbearable, strip away our rights, and bring about discriminatory laws.
No one on Ovarit wants innocent people to die.
Oh, I believe you. Yes, I do, I’m serious.
But the key word there is ‘innocent’. Because to a TERF, there is no such thing as an innocent trans woman, certainly so if she’s not what you call “HSTS”. We are guilty by the very fact that we exist; if we haven’t committed a crime against women and children yet, that’s only because we haven’t yet had enough of an opportunity. To you, we are thought criminals, evil and perverted in our very nature, absolutely irredeemable because even conversion therapy can not rid us of the stain of being a dangerous, perverted “male,” and thus a permanent dire threat to your kind.
The logical conclusion of your ideology and the way you see us is that the threat can only be removed — and you can only be safe — when we are physically removed from existence. Your security requires our death and nothing less than that, but your deep inculcation in and internalization of patriarchal sexist norms makes you too squeamish and too proud to do what needs to be done. So you’d rather create the atmosphere that inspires others to do the bloody work for you, as you wash your hands and maintain the illusion of female moral purity and peacefulness.
You are utterly revolting, and I despise you at least as much as you despise people like me.