timjoebob #wingnut #ufo #conspiracy operationdisclosureofficial.com

Marxism, the godfather of the death of nations and peoples and principles is the driving force and philosophy behind the dastardly and sinister Socialist-Commie-Fascist-Authoritarian-Totalitarian-Orwellian-Satanic/Luciferian Agenda. Evil is in control. Period. And, it’s being allowed to expand by, get this, the supposed Alliance/White Hats and the order followers just ‘doing their job’. How nice.

What seems to be the problem? Isn’t this the only way to take down the most diabolical, out of control, in your face, ‘screw you and the horse you rode in on’, regime to ever grace this planet?

“There’s no other way.”

However, as a collective, the minds of the world are brainwashed to believe a certain way. Thought processes are funneled into this mindset by the controllers, be it the bad guys or the good guys.

The Supreme Court Luciferians are ignoring all truths.
Overwhelming evidence of voter fraud and stolen elections is out in the open and still zero is being done…zero. If this isn’t the most obvious in your face truth, then I don’t know what is. The 2020 election still has not been corrected and neither has 2022. The general public is still in the dark. MSM is still in control of the masses. That is a fact. FACT NOT FICTION. This fiasco of an Alliance/White Hats counter resistance is going smoothly according to them. Just ask Juan. Ask any White Hat. Ask any Galactic brother or sister and you’ll get the same answer—–everything is going to plan. What they’re saying is that millions upon millions are going to die, and likely a billion or thereabouts. To be sure, that’s just the way it is. I believe that…and it’s painful. But, in the end, good will triumph over evil.

But, many have to die first. It’s all part of the plan.

May I remind you, however, the enemy has literally killed our country without firing a single shot.

Thank you, Karl Marx. Well done.

Thank you MSM. Well done.

Thank you, political parasites. Well done.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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