John Pfeifer, johny smith, Dana Postil, and Ed- Ster #conspiracy #wingnut

(John Pfeifer)
Biden will go where the money is. He doesn't care about people. The Big Banks pull Bidens strings and they are tired of the war they started. The big banks started this war and found out they bit off more than they can chew. The big banks needed a war to make money off of the war machines they are invested in. The big banks under estimated the World. They made a big mistake.
(johny smith)
Zelensky issues direct waning are you kidding me. He shows up every other week with his hand out like a teenager and then he lays out a demand just like a teenager. Ground him and send him to his room. Time, he gets done with this endless war he so much wants. As long as it goes on, hi pockets get lined more and more each month with our money. Might just want to hand the keys to your country and we will take care of the problem.
(Dana Postil)
The dictator is warning our president. so now do you mo-rons who wanted to give money to the Ukraine still think we should?
(Ed- Ster)
um yea biden, um yea, we need more money to line my pockets. yea more money needed, um like now. in order for me to be successful, um yea, i need more money. and comrade biden, thank you, um yea thanks a lot, for, um putting out your own tax payers, um yea, to, um, line my pockets.



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