various commenters #transphobia #dunning-kruger

Trust the science!

( emissch )
What I find so exhausting when it comes to confronting TRAs about the reality of sex is that they act like they are well aware of sex the entire time but act like it's a completely inconsequential thing on our daily lives.

( pennygadget )
This shit is the reason so many people are skeptical of things like COVID and climate change. Why should we "trust the experts" when they're claiming that magical internal gender souls exist?

( Kriegerin )
Hands down, i don't fault anti maskers and anti vaxxers anymore. And i wonder every day about what else they're lying ...

( asmahan )
Eh, most people are skeptical of COVID because of the evidence.

( randomlygenerated )
Lol, I see Ovarit brought the down votes.

My first two degrees were in STEM and I'm quite leery of the COVID science. It's too politicized and there were some issues with journals publishing rapidly and then retracting bad studies, but the retractions were not as widely circulated as the initial papers. The other issue is that some of the study designs were overtly stupid (I'm talking like, Jack Turban-level stupid), but no one's allowed to talk about that, either. Granted, I stopped keeping up with the research because there was too much of it and I just don't have the time or bandwidth anymore, but I can understand why people are skeptical.

As a note, there are definitely nuts on both sides, lol.



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