Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #magick #ufo #conspiracy #elitist

Your low vibrating brethren, still caught in the trap of the human delusion, do not see this. They cannot see beyond the programming, the words and the fear teachings with which they are presented every day.

The dark ones are desperate and they have ramped up the fear entrainment. They pound the death and dying message into their listeners. They have done all they can to separate, divide and keep mankind isolated from each other.
And you so want to share that understanding, that love with your brethren. It cannot be done, until they break out of the fear frequency. Until they do this they will remain in the arrogant certainty that what they have been told is true, is the only truth that there is.

They cannot hear you, they cannot yet feel the love vibration that is being poured on the earth. This is the reason for all the chaos, the disruption, the false and ridiculous situation that is now occurring on planet earth.

Since they cannot be told, they must be shown the truth. They must start to question. Their comprehension of the situation must come from the awakening of their soul within. It cannot be forced upon them.

It is not easy to awaken those who are sleeping in the deep darkness of mortal illusion. It is happening, and as decreed by the divine, it is inevitable that it will happen.
As they awaken to the wonder of their true divine reality, to the deception that has been perpetrated on them, they will need you and your kind voice.

They will be in shock and awe. And you will be here to help. That is why you are here, to bring in and spread the love energy that is being disseminated onto the earth and to help your brethren comprehend their new reality as they awake.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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