Pale Dawn #homophobia

I think the answer is the same for both sides of the coin. We work against those who do not maintain the social values and expectations that we want them too as you do. Pride and lust are not societal values that I want to see perpetuated and celebrated in public as positive virtues(example, example 2). We are all actively shaping the world constantly and I intend to do what I can to make it a better society than we have. The LGBTQ movement celebrates Pride and often portrays people's sexual orientations as equating to their identities. In this way I hold the lgbtq community in the same regard that i hold "players" male or female who are judged similarly for equating their vices to be their identities.

Other side of the coin you decry anyone who does not embrace and accept your equating of identity to sexual preferences.
No I don't accept or embrace that. That doesn't make my dislike for your values special or different than then others that are detracting from a well ordered and positive society.
Rejecting these things in public and shared spaces strengthens our society by embracing a society with positive values and holds people accountable for their actions. Vice is not virtuous.



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